Nov 092011

Yesterday I caught up some paperwork and got some extra rest.  I’m current on replies.  Tomorrow I have errands to run.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 3:49 (average 5:01).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Fantasy Football Report:

Here’s the latest from our fantasy football league, Lefty Blog Friends.


TomCat Teabag Trashers




hugos renegades

Texans Will Rise Again



Playing without a helmet

Progressive Underdogs













Team Name







1 (1)

Progressive Underdogs







2 (2)

TomCat Teabag Trashers







3 (3)

hugos renegades







4 (4)








5 (5)

Playing without a helmet







6 (6)

Texans Will Rise Again







That’s three in a row for me, but Rob will ne hard to catch.

Short Takes:

From Boston Globe: A conservative-leaning appeals court panel on Tuesday upheld the constitutionality of President Barack Obama’s health care law, as the Supreme Court prepares to consider this week whether to resolve conflicting rulings over the law’s requirement that all Americans buy health care insurance.

A panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia issued a split opinion upholding the lower court’s ruling that found Congress did not overstep its authority in requiring people to have insurance or pay a penalty on their taxes, beginning in 2014.

I think that the appeals court made the correct decision.

From Reuters: Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has told President Giorgio Napolitano that he will resign after the new budget law currently making its way through parliament is approved, the head of state’s office said in a statement on Tuesday.

The budget law is expected to be passed by the end of this month, but its passage might now be accelerated.

Napolitano said Berlusconi was aware of the consequences of a vote in parliament on Tuesday in which his center-right coalition failed to secure a majority in the lower house.

Good riddance to bad rubbish.

From The Nation: At a White House staff meeting yesterday, chief of staff Bill Daley made a surprising announcement [Murdoch delinked]: his role in the administration going forward will be reduced, and veteran aide Pete Rouse will take over day-to-day management of the West Wing. The Wall Street Journal notes [Murdoch delinked] “It is unusual for a White House chief of staff to relinquish part of the job.”

It’s unusual, but it is good news for progressives. There is no doubt that Daley’s hiring represented a tack to the right, and towards a more corporate-friendly approach, and this demotion could reflect at least a partial retreat by the White House from that approach.

This is a start, but the solution to Daley is a complete flush.




Election Day Issues with Rachel

 Posted by at 12:02 am  Politics
Nov 082011


Today is election day.  It may not seem like it, but voters will be going to the polls to decide important issues all over the nation.  I looked for an article that provides an overview of these races, and found none.  However, Rachel Maddow did a wonderful segment that does, so here it is.

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Falling under Rachel’s radar is the primary election for Oregon’s 1st Congressional District.  Because Oregon has the wisdom to have vote by mail with paper ballots for all elections, I cast my vote for Brad Avakian over a week ago, but I will have no problem supporting the winner, because even the least progressive among them is more progressive than most of Congress.  That’s what happens when progressives get behind progressive Democrats and work for them at the grass roots level instead of sniveling that the parties are the same.

Wherever you are, if there is an election in your area tomorrow, please vote.  Voting is both your privilege and your duty.  Were voting not critically important, Republicans would not put so much effort into taking people’s right to vote away.

People who do not vote deserve Republican rule.


New Keystone XL Investigation

 Posted by at 12:01 am  Politics
Nov 082011

Like so many of you, I have fully supported the demonstrators who have opposed the Keystone XL Pipeline.  Their efforts have won a reprieve for the earth, as they have publicized the corruption in the review process and corporate lies about the jobs the project will create.

8keystoneThe State Department’s inspector general has agreed to do a “special review” of whether the department’s analysis of TransCanada’s Keystone XL pipeline project has been done properly.

Deputy IG Harold Geisel — the highest-ranking official in the department’s IG office — will look into the matter amid allegations of bias, influence peddling and conflicts of interest raised by environmental activists and more than a dozen congressional Democrats.

In a memo Friday to Deputy Secretary of State William Burns, Geisel said he will grant a request from 14 members of Congress to conduct a review.

One of those members, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), said in a statement Monday that he appreciates Geisel’s “willingness to treat this important matter, and the allegations of conflicts of interest, with the seriousness it deserves.”

“This is a critically important issue for our environment and the energy future of our country,” added Sanders, who caucuses with Democrats. “At a time when all credible scientific evidence and opinion indicate that we are losing the battle against global warming, it is imperative that we have objective environmental assessments of major carbon-dependent energy projects.”

Geisel’s memo, which was obtained by POLITICO, said the “special review” will aim “to determine to what extent the Department and all other parties involved complied with Federal laws and regulations relating to the Keystone XL pipeline permit process.”… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Politico>

Keith Olbermann covers the investigation, the corruption, and the lies about jobs with Bill McKibben on Countdown.

We all owe thanks to the demonstrators and the Democrats who stood for the earth.


Cain Accused Again!

 Posted by at 12:01 am  Politics
Nov 082011

Herman Cain has been granted his wish.  Repeatedly he has referred to the accusations against him as a high tech lynching based on claims by women who accused from the shadows.  How he wished he could confront their accusations.  Yesterday a fourth woman did come forward.  If anything, this may be benefiting Cain, because the cacophony surrounding it has drown out all the other stories revealing that Cain is nothing but a shill for corporate criminals.

CainSharon Bialek alleged at a news conference today that Herman Cain reached under her skirt in 1997 as she sought help in finding a job.

The Chicago-area mother, described by her lawyer as a registered Republican, urged the GOP presidential candidate to "come clean" and admit how he was "inappropriate" with her and other women.

Bialek’s story was immediately denied by the Cain campaign, which sent out a news release as the woman spoke publicly at a New York City news conference with her lawyer, noted defense attorney Gloria Allred, by her side.

The stories of three other women have been reported by Politico and the Associated Press… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <USA Today>

Rachel Maddow goes above and beyond the call with this report on not only Bialek’s accusations, but also, the other scandalous issues surrounding Cain and his campaign.


Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Could it be any more obvious that Cain is nothing but a hired snake oil salesman for criminals?


Open Thread–11/8/2011

 Posted by at 12:00 am  Open Thread, Personal
Nov 082011

Yesterday I did not feel well.  There was no specific complaint.  I just felt lethargic all day.  Sleeping most of the day has not helped.  I’m current on replies.  Today I have everything scheduled for yesterday to get done.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 3:41 (average 4:31).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From AFP/Google: The number of Americans living in poverty grew Monday to 49.1 million, or 16 percent of the total population, under a new US Census Bureau methodology that gave more weight to day-to-day expenses.

Officially, some 46.6 million people in the United States, or 15.2 percent, live under the poverty line, but that figure is rooted in statistical methods dating back to the 1950s and based on pre-tax income.

Thanks RepubliCorp!

From Irish Central: Israeli commandos have been accused of abusing 14 Irish citizens, after they stormed a boat attempting to deliver humanitarian aid to Gaza.

Two of the 14 Irish citizens awaiting court cases and deportation have revealed the full extent of the horrors they suffered at the hands of the Israeli military.

I understand they turned high pressure water hoses on defenseless unarmed people in their control.

From MSNBC: Obama continues to run ahead of the Republican presidential front-runners in hypothetical general-election match ups — leading former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney by six points and former businessman Herman Cain by 15 points.

While polls so far out from election day are virtually meaningless, the oft repeated claim from the right that that the Republican contenders are outpacing Obama are hogwash.




GOP Blocks Ohio Labor Vote

 Posted by at 12:05 am  Politics
Nov 072011

Governor John Kasich has fully followed the Republican meme of attacking labor at the state level.  But Ohioans fought back and put the Republicans’ draconian anti-union measure on the ballot as Issue 2, scheduled for a vote Tuesday.  Saturday, Sunday and today were the to be the last three days of early voting.  Union members and other working people traditionally use early voting to avoid conflicts between voting and their work schedule.  To block the labor vote Republicans have seized on an obscure provision of a just-passed bill to cancel the last three days of early voting, probably illegally.  John Nichols brought this to light.

labor…In Ohio this fall, the party faces a serious challenge. Republican Governor John Kasich, a GOP "star" for the better part of three decades, has staked his political fortunes on an attempt to eliminate collective bargaining rights for public employees while undermining the ability of their unions to function.

The move has proven to be massively unpopular. More than 1.3 million Ohioans signed petitions that forced a referendum on whether to implement the anti-labor law. Polls show that Ohioans are ready to do just that when they weigh in on referendum Issue 2.

But Ohio’s Republican Secretary of State is trying to make it a whole lot harder for Ohioans to cast those votes.

On Friday, across Ohio, county boards of elections shut down early voting for next Tuesday’s election. They did so on orders from Secretary of State Jon Husted. A Republican stalwart,

Husted served as the party’s legislative pointman (rising to the rank of Ohio House Speaker), co-chaired GOP campaigns (including that of 2008 presidential candidate John McCain) and has been closely tied to national conservative groups [Husted delinked] working on issues such as school choice and privatization. While serving in the legislature, Husted was allied with the corporate-funded American Legislative Exchange Council, which has promoting Voter ID laws and other rule changes designed to suppress turnout.

Husted claimed a hastily-passed and deliberately vague new state law, which took effect just last week, that early voting was prohibited in the three days before the election. That’s a dramatic change from traditional practice in Ohio, where early voting on the Saturday, Sunday and Monday before high-profile elections has been allowed for years — and has permitted tens of thousands of citizens to participate in the process.

The law in question, Ohio House Bill 224, was written primarily to deal with military ballots. Yet, Husted is interpreting it as a bar on early voting. State Rep. Kathleen Clyde, a Democrat who represents Kent, says Hustad is essentially creating his own rules.

"When you take out major chunks (of the legislation, as Husted has)," explains Clyde, "the bill is now unreadable and incomprehensible."

But the confusion has worked for Husted and the GOP. County election officials have, at his behest, shut down early voting across Ohio… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <The Nation>

This Republican assault on voting was done without notice or warning of any kind.  Millions of Ohioans have made commitments to work on Tuesday, based on plans to vote over the weekend.  Now they are in a bind.  I hope they and their employers realize that it is imperative that they take time off work to vote so that that the Republican party does not get away with this foul scheme to suppress Ohioans’ voting rights.  I also hope that there is some law under which Jon Husted can be charged for his crime against the voters of Ohio.


Agent Orange Tells Obvious Lie

 Posted by at 12:04 am  Politics
Nov 072011

Republicans have a political problem that won’t go away.  Since Democrats have adopted the strategy of giving them everything they ask for, if only they will agree to small tax increases on millionaires and billionaires or close loopholes that benefit giant criminal corporations.  Democrats could safely make such offers, because they knew Republicans would refuse.  At the same time, this has put Republicans on Front Street, because their pandering to the super-rich has been so extreme.  As they are confronted for this stance, their lies become more and more absurd.  Consider  John Boehner, aka Agent Orange.

7BoehnerHouse Speaker John Boehner was asked this morning about the perception that Republicans are “servants of the rich.” Not surprisingly, he disagrees.

“That’s very unfair,” Boehner said in an interview aired Sunday on ABC’s “This Week.” “Listen, I come from a family of 12. My dad owned a bar. I’ve got brothers and sisters on every rung of the economic ladder.”

I’m tempted to respond that this argument is foolish, but in reality, it’s not even an argument. The charge, backed by years of unyielding evidence, is that he and his caucus fight for policies that almost exclusively benefit the wealthy. The Speaker’s response is, well, that he has an economically diverse immediate family. That’s about as compelling as a bigot who says some of his best friends are members of minority group.

“What our job here in Congress is to do — and the reason I came here 21 years ago — was to make sure that the American dream that was available to us is available for our kids and our grandkids. That — most people don’t believe that’s the case today. And, frankly, I’ve got concerns that it may not be the case,” the Ohio Republican went on. “We can’t have government debt that’s snuffing out the future for our kids and grandkids….”

Oh good, Boehner’s imitating a deficit hawk again.

Look, it’s a simple matter of credibility. Boehner voted for the Bush tax cuts, and added the costs to the national debt. Boehner then voted to finance the war in Afghanistan by adding the costs to the national debt. He then voted to put the costs of the war in Iraq onto the national debt. Boehner supported a massive expansion of the government’s role in health care, Medicare Part D, and voted to pile all of its costs right onto the national debt. He then backed the financial industry bailout, and added the bill to the national debt… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Washington Monthly>

For deficit hawks, Boehner and his chorus of liars certainly have loved growing the national debt!  He shows his true colors more when he defends the 1%.

Boehner loves to accuse us of class warfare, and to be sure, class warfare does exist, but Boehner won’t admit that he is a General for the aggressor in that war.  Whenever these Republicans claim to be deficit hawks, let’s not forget where the debt originated.


Nov 072011

Racism is a minor problem, if any problem at all, within the Democratic Party.  That was not always so, but when Democrats passed the Voting Rights Act, the racist Dixiecrats deserted the Democratic Party.  The Republican party adopted the Southern Strategy and welcomed the racists with open arms.  They have become a key component of the Republican base.  In contrast, The Democratic Party has identified with civil rights to the extent of nominating and electing a black President.  So now that the left has seized on how Herman Cain’s behavior has come home to roost, you can be sure that the reason is anything but his race.  The reaction would it be identical were it, Romney, Perry, or any other nominee.

7CainRaceCardIf you’re Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Brent Bozell, Sean Hannity, and yes, even Herman Cain, you must feel pretty stupid for trying to fool the American people by blaming the reporting on sexual harassment complaints against the GOP presidential candidate on his race.

Cain has tried to make his surprising presidential run to be about anything but race. He has chided other African-Americans for blaming their circumstances on race, has blasted black voters for being "brainwashed" for voting for Democrat, and he has garnered applause from his mostly white audiences by lighting into identity politics.

Yet when faced with the most serious dilemma of his campaign, Cain looked like the boy crying wolf by saying there was a racial element in the reporting of sexual harassment allegations against him while heading the National Restaurant Association. He even tried to invoke the "high-tech lynching" comment made famous by Justice Clarence Thomas when he was going through his Senate confirmation hearings for the U.S. Supreme Court.

But we shouldn’t be surprised. Cain has shown such a racial knee-jerk reaction before. He tried to nail Comedy Central’s Jon Stewart with the racist tag after a comedic bit on The Daily Show. Even other Republicans found his comments to be confusing… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <CNN>

Considering the extent to which the Republican Party opposes virtually every issue important to the African American community, it’s almost surprising that the Republican Party is able to black people, who have so little sense of community that they sell their community out, as Cain and Thomas have.  However, it is not at all surprising that Republicans have to scrape the bottom of the barrel to find them.
