Chris Hayes Skewers CNN

 Posted by at 12:01 am  Politics
Nov 282011

As I said after the last Republican debate I did not watch as I was sleeping, and by the time I learned enough about what happened to be chagrined, it was no longer breaking news.  Many of the questioners were Bush Regime neocons, including the unindicted war criminal, David Addington, Chicken Hawk Cheney’s alter ego.  Over the weekend, Chris Hayes tore into CNN for such blatant disregard for decency.

28addingtonApparently I wasn’t the only one completely disgusted by CNN allowing a host of Bush neocon war mongers to ask questions at their "national security" Republican debate, including torture advocate, Cheney’s Cheney, David Addington

…As Hayes noted, no one associated with the Bush administration that lied us into war has had to pay any kind of social cost for their actions while serving in the Bush administration and Hayes found it a “remarkable moment” to watch them being allowed to ask questions during that debate.

His guest, Eli Lake, from The Daily Beast claimed that they paid the ultimate cost by being out of power and the fact that they were “roundly criticized in almost all corners of the press, with the exception of the conservative media” and he noted that the justification for holding prisoners without a right to a trial has only been scaled back somewhat and is still being used today by the Obama administration when it comes to not releasing some of these terrorist suspects.

As Hayes replied, that just makes what Addington did “even more egregious” and that the ultimate cost would have been some of these Bush neocons being prosecuted and landing in jail and not just being shunned socially or in the media… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Crooks and Liars>

Here’s the video.

Some claim that Obama’s failure to prosecute Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, Tenet, Gonzales, Addington, Yoo and more was a betrayal.  It was not.  He said during his campaign that he had no desire to stir up the past on that issue, and I knew that when I voted for him.  Nevertheless, he was wrong then, and he still is, because not to investigate torture violates US law.  In 1994, the US Senate ratified the 1985 United Nations Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. That treaty defines and forbids torture.  I will be calling for bringing these Republicans to justice, until they nail the lid on me.

Hayes is certainly correct that CNN stepped over the line in presenting war criminals as experts in a national debate.  Of course they have the right to do so, but I have the right to reply that doing so brings them down to the level of the Republican Ministry of Propaganda, Faux Noise.


Can You Pass a Citizenship Test?

 Posted by at 12:01 am  Plus
Nov 282011



Because it’s a slow-news holiday weekend, I can bring you another plus that would normally fall through the cracks, due to more pressing news.  To pass the test to become a US citizen, applicants must answer at least six of ten questions, chosen at random from a base of 96 questions.  I’m, confident that few, if any, of the Republican candidates for President could pass. Here are the 64 questions.  Taking the test will take a while, because it explains the correct answer after each question.  I took it and answered 95 correctly.  Have fun!!

You can take the test at Christian Science Monitor.

On that 96th question, I actually knew the answer, but chose that Canadians, not Africans, were the group enslaved prior to the Civil War.  I couldn’t help myself.  I’ve always wanted to own a Canadian. 😉

Nov 282011

Yesterday I stayed mostly down and mediated on the Ellipsoid Orb.  I’m current with replies.  Either today or Wednesday I have to go out to run errands, depending on the weather and how I feel.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 5:03 (average 5:33).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Religious Ecstasy:


Short Takes:

From Elizabeth Warren debunks health care myths.


This stuff we need to know. We need single-payer, outcome based health care.

From AP/Google: Republican presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich landed the endorsement of New Hampshire’s largest newspaper on Sunday while rival Mitt Romney earned a dismissive wave, potentially resetting the race in the state with the first-in-the-nation primary.

A while back, I said Newter’s campaign was over, when his campaign staff flew the coop.  When I’m wrong, I say so.  I underestimated the desperation of the Republican base for a non-Romney, coupled with the self destruction of everyone else.

From Think Progress: The Arab League today approved financial sanctions on Syria after the Bashar al-Assad regime’s failure to end the violent crackdown on pro-democracy activists there. Nineteen of the organization’s 22 members voted to support the sanctions, which “include a travel ban on senior Syrian officials and a halt to commercial flights to the country.

Given Israel’s opposition to Assad, and their justifiable anger at Israel’s current government, I’m gratified that the Arab League is acing responsibly here.




Good Shopping on Black Friday

 Posted by at 12:01 am  Politics
Nov 272011

In solidarity with the 99%, I did not spend a penny on Black Friday, in spite of some very attractive bargains, but yesterday I learned of the kind of Black Friday shopping that I can heartily endorse.  In the Plutocratic Corporate Dictatorship of Fitzwalkerstan, formerly Wisconsin, patriots headed out to the malls to collect signatures to recall Scott Walker.

WalkerShameBlack Friday is a big day for the American economy, with businesses starting off the holiday shopping season with big deals. And in Wisconsin, another bargain is on offer: Signing petitions to recall Gov. Scott Walker!

On Wednesday, the state Democratic Party announced that volunteers would be collecting signatures near shopping centers during Black Friday, in their effort to recall Walker.

"Volunteers in every corner of the state have been working very long hours over the past week to get the signatures needed to take Wisconsin back from the corporations and cronies Scott Walker serves, and this weekend, they’ll continue that grassroots effort," state Dem chair Mike Tate said in a statement on Wednesday. "While this means that some of them will miss out on time they’d normally spend with their families, they know the work they’re doing will ultimately benefit their families and the state far more."… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Alternet>

Just in case you’ve forgotten how important recalling Walker is, lets look back to one of Walker’s most defining moments, the time that Ian Murphy from the Daily Beast called Walker pretending to be David Koch.  Note how little Murphy has to say, as Walker, completely fooled, rambles on and on, exposing himself as a Koch sucking, corporate whore.

Part 2:

Thank you to the Democrats in Wisconsin for sacrificing their holiday weekend to reclaim their state for its citizens.

Nov 272011

Yesterday I spent most of the day resting and napping, because I’m still well short of 100%.  I’m current with replies.  Today is a holy day for the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb.  Sadly, the service between the Broncos and Chargers won’t be televised here.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 3:49 (average 4:38).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Robert Reich: The real public nuisance!

Amen! Occupy our Democracy!

From CNN: Rep. Charlie Gonzalez of Texas and chair of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus will forgo seeking an eighth term in the U.S. House of Representatives.

That’s a sad thing for Texas, because Charlie has been a champion for voting rights.

From Common Dreams: Turkey sees no possibility of resuming full diplomatic relations with Israel unless Israel apologizes and pays damages for the deaths its commandos caused last year aboard a Turkish ship that was trying to run Israel’s blockade of the Gaza Strip, Turkey’s foreign minister said Friday.

“Israel buried our friendship in the deep waters of the Mediterranean,” Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said in response to a question on whether Turkish-Israeli relations would recover in the near future.

I commend our NATO ally for taking a stand that this country should be supporting.



Nov 262011

One of the constant memes we hear from the Republican Party is that they are the ones who support and defend our Constitutional rights.  To see how valid this claim is, lets examine am example of how they practice what they peach in real life, in this case, the right to free speech.

26BrownbackHatIn a blatant violation of the First Amendment, a public high school in Prairie Village, Kansas disciplined a student for speaking out against Gov. Sam Brownback (R-KS):

Emma Sullivan, a senior at Shawnee Mission East High School in Prairie Village, was in Topeka on Monday as part of Kansas Youth in Government, a program for students interested in politics and government.

During the session, in which Brownback addressed the group, Sullivan posted on her personal Twitter page: “Just made mean comments at gov brownback and told him he sucked, in person #heblowsalot”

On Tuesday, Sullivan was called to her principal’s office and told that the tweet had been flagged by someone on Brownback’s staff and reported to organizers of the Youth in Government program. . . .

Sullivan said the principal ordered her to write letters of apology to Brownback, the school’s Youth in Government sponsor, the district’s social studies coordinator and others.

It’s troubling that Brownback’s staff is so thin skinned that the felt the need to call down the government’s wrath on a simple high school student who had the audacity to criticize the governor. If nothing else, one would think a state governor’s office has better things to do than troll the internet looking for young dissenting voices they can intimidate.

Moreover, there’s no question that the high school principal violated Sullivan’s First Amendment rights… [emphasis original]

Inserted from <Think Progress>

Do you remember Joe Wilson (R-SC)?  He the Republican who called out “YOU LIE!” during President Obama’s State of the Union Address on the floor of Congress.  Republicans on the House Ethics Committee blocked a call for Wilson’s censure, claiming that they were protecting his right to free speech.  Such an act far and away outweighs the severity of Sullivan’s Twittering. But Republicans believe in the right to free speech only in so far as it protects what they want to say.  For the rest of us, they think the First Amendment does not apply.

Nov 262011


Although Lynn is a relative newcomer to Politics Plus, she become the most active commenter over the past few months, and I’m surprised that this is her very first Big Mouth Award.  She is a denizen of Care2 and a Canadian.  If 10% of US citizens had half the knowledge of and insight into US politics that this Canadian gal regularly displays, our country would be far better off.  Congrats Lynn!


Charlie Brown ala GOP

 Posted by at 12:03 am  Plus, Politics
Nov 262011

One of the good things about slow news holiday weekends is that I get an opportunity to share some humor that would normally be crowded out by more important matters, like this clip from Jimmy Kimmel.


…So finding a clip that simultaneously hits notes of spirited political discourse and Thanksgiving cheer (basted with a healthy dose of pastiche nostalgia) is something of a holiday miracle…

Inserted from <Mediaite>


It’s amazing how much like cartoon characters they really are.
