Perry Commits Political Suicide

 Posted by at 12:22 am  Politics
Nov 012011

Do you remember the Dean scream?  When I saw it in context, there was nothing wrong with it.  But later, the broadcast media took it out of context and used it as propaganda against Dean, who I believe would have won by a wide enough margin in 2004 that Republicans could not steal the election.  Friday, Rick Perry gave several minutes of politically fatal video that leaves the Dean scream in the dust.


It should have been Texas Gov. Perry’s first step back in a long climb up from political oblivion. But instead of the tax and spending plan the day will go down in political history as “Remember when Perry blew himself up on CNBC?” It’ll be a consolation to every political consultant that ultimately races are about the candidates. No amount of staff work and no amount of money can compensate for a candidate with fatal flaws…

Inserted from <Washington Post>

Rachel Maddow covers the story.

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Now, I do not claim medical expertise, but I have seen similar behavior in two sets of circumstances.  First is a meth (speed or crank in today’s jargon) user beginning to crash.  Second is the manic stage of severe uncontrolled bipolar disorder.  Whatever the cause, his campaign is toast.

Nov 012011

Welcome to November.  Yesterday I ran errands, including getting a new transit pass, and worked on the blog.  I’m current on replies.  Today I will spend most of the day collecting the data that will become Wednesday’s Monthly Report.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

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Short Takes:

From MSNBC: NBC News has confirmed that one woman received a settlement from the National Restaurant Association after complaining about inappropriate sexual conduct by Herman Cain.

NBC News is not disclosing the name of the woman nor characterizing who she is.

Cain has changed stories as much as Romney has changed position.  No wonder Cain is so attracted to Clarence Thomas, the 999 of Injustices.

From BBC: The United States is cancelling funding for the UN cultural body Unesco after it voted to grant full membership to the Palestinians.

The motion was passed by a substantial majority, despite strong opposition from the United States and Israel.

A US state department spokeswoman said a payment of some $60m (£37m) due next month would not be made.

This is wrong!  Unesco is a Democratic body, not a US puppet organization, and I commend them for not bowing to US pressure.  Hillary is trying to bully like Bush.

From LA Times: Well before the first votes of the 2012 campaign are to be cast, the Commission on Presidential Debates has determined the dates and locations for general election confrontations between the major candidates.

The first of three televised debates will be on Oct. 3 at the University of Denver. A town hall meeting-style debate will be held on Oct. 16 at Hofstra University in Hempstead, N.Y. The final meeting, at Lynn University in Boca Raton, Fla., will be on Oct. 22 — just two weeks before Election Day on Nov. 6.

The vice presidential nominees will debate only once, on Oct. 11 at Centre College in Danville, Ky.

Considering that these are all over eleven months away, campaign season is too damn long!


