Newt and the Minority Elite

 Posted by at 12:01 am  Politics
Nov 302011

The latest Republican flavor, Newt Gingrich has his perspectives somewhat skewed.  He seems to think that Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christians are the majority and that minorities are the elite.  Lets examine the extent of his hypocrisy, as he accuses the left of dividing America.

NeuterNewtThink Progress has posted a video of Newt Gingrich calling on President Obama to "repudiate the concept of the 99 and the 1," saying it is "un-American [and] divisive" and promising that, if he is elected, he will be "president of all the American people, not part of the American people, and I will seek to unify the American people, not to divide them against each other."

Yes, of course … because Gingrich would never seek to divide Americans and pit the majority against the minority.

So obviously his remarks at the recent "One Nation Under God" event [Theocons delinked] where he told Religious Right activists that they are the majority in the country who must stand up and take this nation back from the anti-Christian "minority elite" who are ruining it was actually a message designed to "unify the American people"…

Inserted from <Right Wing Watch>

Here’s the video.

There’s no doubt here.  Newt, liar and hypocrite that he is, is projecting his own faults onto the majority.


  19 Responses to “Newt and the Minority Elite”

  1. I think Newt has lost his mind.  Now he’s a Theocon too?  What major fucking hypocrite.

  2. I wonder if any Christians ever understood what their own book said if they really would change or would they simply go with what they think someone meant when they were told what it meant. Of all the major religions of the world, none of which are worth much unless it comes to killing, Christianity is absolutely the most arrogant and blind.

    •  I totally agree, with a few exceptions, like Islam and Judaism – thay all have their “seers” interpreting the damn “word” – the Jews practice all sorts of genocidal evils on Palestinians making all sorts of excuses and occupying their land, the Muslims – have about as many different interpretations of the Quran with as many sects as Christians have . I like to think what it would be like if the world could just be free of their antiquated myth-systems that encourage all the evils invented by mankind with every excuse to act on them and still be “free of sin” – they’re all preposterous, of course, only difference is that Christians eat a lot after they die, and the Muslims all get laid – given the choice I prefer the latter!

  3. I’ll say it again. The Newtster is inherently evil.

  4. According to Christianity, The Devil was the snake that tricked Eve. The Tea Baggers mocked Obama’s name for being ‘Muslim’…WHT, oh, WHY are they not able to see that NEWT = LIZARD is a cousin to the Devil himself? Can’t say it enough!

  5. PS – sorry to offend the faithful – I don’t need much encouragement to do that though – it comes naturally!  🙂

  6. Lee you missed out Buddhism which is the only truly humanistic relgion, as far as I know.

    Religion should have no place in politics, anyone who wraps themself in the flag and starts saying if you dont believe what I believe you are less than human, is a danger to us all,witness the killings in Cambodia and Rwanda.

    • OOH Now Derek, Buddhism is the only non-deific group that I have honestly adhered to for a period of time – spending a month in a temple – and studying its precepts for 4 years – if I ever decided to join a cult – buddhism is my favorite!

    • Welcome Derek. 🙂

      May I suggest that the second you claim exclusivity for your religion, you’re falling into the same trap?

      As a Christian (authentic, not Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christian), I honor others with a different faith.

  7. Let’s see if I understand Newtie.  An ethically-challenged lobbyist who runs up huge bills at Tiffany’s for his THIRD wife (Newt dumped the first one – who was his high school geometry teacher whom he married when he was just 19 and she was 25 – while she was in the hospital recovering from uterine cancer surgery because he was having an affair; and ditched his second wife when she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis because he was having an affair), takes $1.6 MILLION from Freddie Mac as a (wink-wink) “historical advisor” and now wants to lecture middle-class Americans about THEIR need to sacrifice while protecting millionaires and billionaires from taxes?

     Oh, yeah – now THERE’S a man of God.

  8. Hypocrite— adulterer- liar- sociopathic-   This is a person who is seriously considered as a possible  President-?  Is the GOP  completely out of whack– Unfuckinbelievable!!!

  9. So Newt is:

    • a Neocon and wants to flaunt the US military in order to take over the world with his friends, and damned the deaths and consequences; 
    • a Theocon because now he believes in God and thinks that the far right psuedo Christians are a majority in the US (I don’t think he knows the meaning of the word ‘majority’); and he’ll alienate the people of other religions like Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, etc and won’t be able to tolerate atheists, all because they aren’t his version of Christian;
    • an idiot because he doesn’t realise that in the real world, not the World According to Newt, he’s been found out for his double flip flop speak;
    • a liar because now he is espousing Christian values as if they are uniquely American and uniquely his, and breaking all the ‘rules’ of Christianity such as ‘Love thy neighbour as thyself” and that includes dying wives ;
    • a criminal for ethics violations even if he did settle with a $300,000 fine and not do prison time, which he probably should have done;
    • a deceiver because he will say anything if he thinks it will get him more votes and a seat in the BIG Chair.

    This is a dangerous man who needs to be ‘newtered’ so that he is no longer a danger to civil society.

    Another way of putting it — I hate it when I think of things like this when I’m supposedly finished.

    He’s a butcher (for his Neocon agenda and his search for the BIG chair), a baker (he sure can make up details and flip flop to suit the occasion), and a Candlestick maker (he’s into ersatz Christianity but that candle is faulty and won’t light).

    The result is the same: This is a dangerous man who needs to be ‘newtered’ so that he is no longer a danger to civil society.

  10. Would it not be fun if we slipped a little truth serum in all of the GOP’s candidates drinks before they are about to debate..The best show ever..I promise you.

    I am an Atheist and I am not a bad person. When I help people in need, I don’t go around clamouring it.. I just do it. Elitism is divisive. We are better than you as Christians..what does that mean?There is a definite separation of Church and State in the Constitution and it is not applied.. We have now very much a Theocracy and in some States mentalities and new Laws that could rival those of the Taliban..No need to go to Afghanistan, we have the Christian Taliban right here on this soil..

    • Where were you when I was young and single?  Atheism would be a refreshing addition to American politics, in fact it ought to be prerequisite to be an Atheist to enter politics, making it a true separation! I totally totally agree –

    • Welcome Rosemary! 🙂

      What a great idea.

      Please don’t paint all Christians with the same brush.  Authentic Christians accept and honor people as is, including those of the atheist faith.

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