Nov 292011

Republicans keep saying that Democrats want to raise YOUR taxes.  When Democrats proposed taxing corporate jets, Republicans said that’s raising YOUR taxes.  When Democrats proposed ending the Bush Tax Cuts for the rich, for the top 2% only, Republicans claimed that’s raising YOUR taxes.  Ending tax breaks for Big Oil? According to Republicans, that’s raising YOUR taxes too.  But the truth is that, since Obama took office, Democrats have proposed no increases and several cuts in YOUR taxes.  Which party is fighting to raise YOUR* taxes? It’s the Republican Party, of course.

*Assumes that YOU are not a millionaire, billionaire or corporate criminal.

29payroll_taxSenate Democrats are pressing ahead on President Barack Obama’s plan to cut in half every worker’s payroll taxes next year — paid for by a 3.25 percent tax surcharge on the very wealthy.

The $248 billion plan would trim Social Security payroll taxes from 6.2 percent to 3.1 percent in hopes of propping up the still-weak economy. It also would cut in half the 6.2 percent tax paid by employers on the first $5 million of their payroll.

A spokesman for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., says Democrats will hold a test vote on the plan later this week.

A 2 percent payroll tax holiday enacted a year ago expires on Dec. 31 and it tops the agenda in the waning days of this congressional term.

Republicans are likely to oppose the plan because it would post a permanent surcharge on income exceeding $1 million… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Boston Globe>

I’m dropping my former objection to this cut, because paying for it means that it will not diminish Social Security funds.  It’s also good for small businesses.

Rachel Maddow explains Republican opposition with former Journalist Bob Herbert.

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Republicans don’t want a middle class tax cut.  They govern exclusively for the benefit of millionaires, billionaires and corporate criminals.  They fight to cut THEIR taxes.  They fight to raise YOUR taxes.


  21 Responses to “The Republican Fight to Raise YOUR Taxes”

  1. We need to raise our taxes a bunch, and I would campaign for that.  But at the moment we need a stimulus to get the whole economy working, and you get a lot more bang for your stimulus buck with desperately needed infrastructure projects.  That said, the Republicans have not given that a chance in hell

    Against that background, a cut in payroll taxes is a poor-sister stimulus that is far superior to no stimulus at all.  It just pains me to associate myself with this cut-taxes rhetoric, when what is generally wanted is for us to pay our bills, and engage in smart government, not conservative Republican Congressional insurgency.  (Conservatives are better than that.)

    "Braggin' on themselves . . ."

    • Paul, I agree, but I’m sorry to say that most principled conservatives have gone into hiding.  I also prefer infrastructure, but Republicans have already blocked that twice.

  2. Republicans don’t care about anyone but themselves. That’s why we’ve got to BOOT their asses out of power for good next year!

  3. UGH!  The problem is that for the average citizen what is heard is the final wonderful “stimulus” this plan provides, while jo-schmo the republican “neighbor down the street” out of work, or barely making it – says “we have to sacrifice”, which is just what the GOP wants to make them believe – before we raise the peoples taxes, let’s raise the intelligence of jo so he will finally understand he’s getting screwed!

  4. I do not know how to educate those who remain convinced the GOP has honor , in spite of the overwhelming evidence  their only intent is to pander to the very wealthy and corporations . Including themselves—It is no longer  a political party– it is part of the 1%– fighting for their own interests and to hell with the rest of the country —

    How do we teach others Corporatism is a hell of a lot different from capitalism— what we have now are a bunch of Corporate paid whores- fighting to protect their street corner —!!

    • Good points, Phyllis.  An awful lot of the Republican ignorance I see is willful ignorance, because they cherish their fear over reason.

  5. So, they’re going to perform anothe “chicken” dance for the spectators in the House and Senate.

    I wonder what the RepulicanTs will demand this time.

  6. What is very disturbing is that the AVERAGE TAX CUT for the top 1% household ($66,384) is GREATER than the AVERAGE INCOME ($58,506) of the remaining 99% of households.  Just how damn rich do the Rich have to be before repubicans are satisfied?  *sigh*

  7. Of course, they do. It’s been the Republicans plan since as far back as Nixon to shift the burden of society onto the Middle Class in an attempt to sew division by making those just above the poverty line pay for those just below. Meanwhile, they had billions in government tax dollars to corporate cheats and swindlers, play byzantine word games with the tax code to make their theft of Trillions legal and then off-shore those stolen monies.

    Republicans are pure evil slime.

  8. They are no longer the ‘Republican’ Party, they ARE now the FASCIST Party. When people (the Teabaggers, et al) wake the hell up and understand their ‘isms’, that they have been duped and lied to for decades, it will be too late I fear. Too much has already been set in place for the final coup. I have tried to talk sense to a few of these lost souls and been physically/verbally threatened. So, needless to say (and to protect myself from going to prison) I no longer try to reach these fools. When they do wake up they will find that what they thought they were fighting for was an illusion and the constitution no longer exists — and all that blowhard meanass rhetoric they so hatefully spew forth like vomit, will also spew all over them as well. Papers please…..

    Rethuglifascists have always been a party of, by and for the rich and corporations. From the very beginning. Why this is dawning on people now instead of all those decades ago, I will never figure out. It’s been in everyone’s faces for decades. Oh wait….must be all these fabulous toys we are fed on a steady basis and all these mindless movies and endless video games, etc etc etc…..consume and be numb, everything is just fine….. NOT.

    • Many people have distaste for the Occupy Movement–For me, if nothing else, people may be awakened to the  fact THEY are part of the 99%-like it or not. People have had their heads where the sun don’t shine for way too long     The Repugnicans seem to align with the corporate thieves yet I am sure a lot of the 99% aren’t aware of the foxes guarding the hen house!!!  WAKE UP-


    • In a classical sense, they are quite fascist.  No access except as a member of a group.

  9. It seems that the GOP wants to be perceived as raising taxes — they just don’t say what ones.  In actual fact, they don’t want to cut the payroll tax because that is a tax on the middle class, the pay cheque earners.  And they certainly don’t want to raise taxes on the millionaire, billionaires and corporations.  On the other hand, the Democrats would like to raise taxes but on the millionaire, billionaires and corporations and cut the payroll taxes.

    Both are into raising taxes, and both are into cutting taxes, just for different groups.  The Republican/Teabaggers are trying to deceive the voters into thinking that they represent them honestly and fairly.

    Beware the wolf that shows up in sheep’s clothing!  When does an elepant look like a donkey — when he’s trying to explain taxes!

    GOP, time to say ‘Good night Gracie.’

    • Lynn, they want to be perceived as cutting taxes.  Otherwise, right on!

      • Thanks.  I meant cutting taxes.  I have had computer problems all day, both at Care2 and here.  I was racing to get the comment in before the next big crash!  I would gladly go to smoke signals after the computer issues today.

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