Halfway Point in Fitzwalkerstan

 Posted by at 12:06 am  Politics
Nov 292011

There’s good news for the beleaguered residents of the Plutocratic Corporate Dictatorship of Fitzwalkerstan, formerly Wisconsin.  After only 13 days patriots in that imprisoned region have gathered over half the signatures they need trigger a recall election to oust Koch sucker extraordinaire, Scott Walker!

GOPWiscFlagOrganizers of the effort to recall Wisconsin Republican Gov. Scott Walker from office said Monday they have collected 300,000 signatures, more than half of what is needed to force an election.

The United Wisconsin coalition needs 540,208 signatures by Jan. 17 to force a recall election sometime in 2012. They reported Monday that over half the number needed had been collected in just 12 days, with signatures coming in from all 72 Wisconsin counties.

The recall drive was motivated by anger over Walker’s proposal effectively ending collective bargaining rights for most public workers. The law passed in March despite massive protests and the fleeing of all 14 Democratic state senators to Illinois for three weeks… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Washington Post>

Ed Schultz has the story with Wisconsin Democratic Party Chair, Mike Tate.

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No wonder the people of Fitzwalkerstan want Wisconsin back!


  15 Responses to “Halfway Point in Fitzwalkerstan”

  1. I can’t wait until that bastard is completely disposed of. The Koch brothers and conservative Republicans and those who hate working people everywhere can just SHOVE it!

  2. It only takes misery to awaken the populace (a bit after the fact) Hey! Better late than never! How is it that these fools voted this rat into office? Is it all Just Kock money, or is it that  they are honestly that STUPID? I suspect a bit of both is the truth – we’ll still end up with a GOP cheese state, just an eensy weensy bit smarter – until they’re duped again – thus spaketh the cynic

  3. Despite the caricature, I think Scottie has a LOT to worry about, because he’s about to meet his “Walkerloo” … and it’s the good citizens of Wisconsin!

  4. Perhaps we have all learned a lesson ?  Take a good look at who we are voting for , then get out and vote!!  Of course  my understanding of this mess includes Walker having lied through  his teeth about his intentions , before he was elected ? Hateful . petty , conniving liar that he is ?

  5. I’m glad they’re rolling along so well.

    There is a lesson to be learned from all this BS that has happened in this country: Educate yourself before you vote.

  6. I hope they get more than 540,000 signatures and way before the deadline — think that will send a message to that sorry assed piece of Fascist slime?! I do.  If he’s got an ounce of brain matter in that over-bloated cranium of his, he’d slink away quietly, in the dead of night and never be heard from again. Don’t go away mad….just go away.

  7. This is where Wisconsin sits based on Ed Show figures —

    • Leading the nationin education cuts of $2.6 billion for 2011
    • $500 million in medicaid coverage meaning 30,000 kids won’t be covered
    • leading the nation in job losses — 9,700 in October alone, total 65,000 to date in 2011 when he promised to grow jobs by 250,000 by 2015 (make that now 315,000 by 2015)

    That’s some record!  Add in that he is already in ‘campaign mode’ with advertising topping $2 million — you know, the testamonial type that you’re supposed to relate to — don’t trust this’ teacher’ as she looks at the ceiling or above the camera too much.  Also, we heard the taped conversation from the Daily Beast between ‘David Koch’ and Scott Walker where he does quite nicely hang himself.

    And the Dems have over 300,000 signatures on the recall petition so far after 13 days and they still have 5-6 weeks to go.  Given some of the comments about destroying petitions, I would certainly be photocopying the petitions for ‘just in case’ reasons, not that they could legitimately be used, but they would certainly be evidence and would aid in reconstructing the petitions.  20,000 volunteers collecting and getting signatures in every county.

    This slime ball has to go!


  8. Very well done!

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