Chris Hayes Skewers CNN

 Posted by at 12:01 am  Politics
Nov 282011

As I said after the last Republican debate I did not watch as I was sleeping, and by the time I learned enough about what happened to be chagrined, it was no longer breaking news.  Many of the questioners were Bush Regime neocons, including the unindicted war criminal, David Addington, Chicken Hawk Cheney’s alter ego.  Over the weekend, Chris Hayes tore into CNN for such blatant disregard for decency.

28addingtonApparently I wasn’t the only one completely disgusted by CNN allowing a host of Bush neocon war mongers to ask questions at their "national security" Republican debate, including torture advocate, Cheney’s Cheney, David Addington

…As Hayes noted, no one associated with the Bush administration that lied us into war has had to pay any kind of social cost for their actions while serving in the Bush administration and Hayes found it a “remarkable moment” to watch them being allowed to ask questions during that debate.

His guest, Eli Lake, from The Daily Beast claimed that they paid the ultimate cost by being out of power and the fact that they were “roundly criticized in almost all corners of the press, with the exception of the conservative media” and he noted that the justification for holding prisoners without a right to a trial has only been scaled back somewhat and is still being used today by the Obama administration when it comes to not releasing some of these terrorist suspects.

As Hayes replied, that just makes what Addington did “even more egregious” and that the ultimate cost would have been some of these Bush neocons being prosecuted and landing in jail and not just being shunned socially or in the media… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Crooks and Liars>

Here’s the video.

Some claim that Obama’s failure to prosecute Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, Tenet, Gonzales, Addington, Yoo and more was a betrayal.  It was not.  He said during his campaign that he had no desire to stir up the past on that issue, and I knew that when I voted for him.  Nevertheless, he was wrong then, and he still is, because not to investigate torture violates US law.  In 1994, the US Senate ratified the 1985 United Nations Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. That treaty defines and forbids torture.  I will be calling for bringing these Republicans to justice, until they nail the lid on me.

Hayes is certainly correct that CNN stepped over the line in presenting war criminals as experts in a national debate.  Of course they have the right to do so, but I have the right to reply that doing so brings them down to the level of the Republican Ministry of Propaganda, Faux Noise.


  16 Responses to “Chris Hayes Skewers CNN”

  1. Better back check that ’94 human rights accord. It is very possible that the US built an exclusionary device into it. Same as the Hague where no US citizen can be prosecuted. Don’t know for sure, but it would follow custom.

  2. The entire mess is absolutely disgusting !!

  3. I didn’t think most people with a brain watched CNN [or ZNN as some have called it] anymore with its canned 24/7 loop mentality. I get all my news from reputable alternative sites such as YouTube for example. Don’t forget to triangulate your cross references from other sites as it adds to the veracity and validity of an article.

    • Michael, with national debate, those who want to watch it have to watch it on whatever network televises it.  Where did I fail to source?

  4. I only put on CNN if I need a laugh.

  5. Bravo for Hayes! Those Bush scum should all be tried and executed. Shame on CNN!

  6. If CNN is as bad as Faux Noise, then it is time that these two whore horses of the 21 st century were put out of business.  Much of the news I get is from AP and the Canadian Press.  I get further news from Raw Story, Think Progress etc.

    I remember my paraplegic grandfather used to say that if Walter Cronkite said it, then it was gospel.  I find it fairly east to tell if it’s true by using some good old fashion ‘common sense’.


    • Lynn, nothing is as bad as Faux Noise.  I remember LBJ once said, “If we’ve lost Cronkite, we’ve lost the country.”  He was referring to Vietnam.

  7. Former Sec. of State, Gen. Colin Powell, described Addington to a “T” when he said, “It’s Addington.  He doesn’t care about the Constitution.”

    It’s no surprise that Addington’s sole desire, as Cheney’s acolyte-cum-henchman, would be to shred our Constitution.  “The New Yorker” had an excellent, comprehensive piece on this Evil Incarnate A$$hole back in 2006.

  8. Thank you, Chris! Here’s my take: CNN stands for “Conservative News-distorting Network” — Why else would CNN partner with the teabaggers? It’s called, “sleeping with the devil” when you’re looking for more advertiser money and higher ratings. Seems like it’s time to DELETE this greedy bunch, along with Faux Noise. FLASH, I just heard Pawlenty say (about Herman Cain), “When it comes to sex’s no one’s business what ANYONE does in their private life with two consenting adults – It’s between he and his wife, and,. It shouldn’t matter!” HEY, MR PAWLENTY, remember President Bill Clinton? All you republicans went after him like he was Adolph Hitler on steroids, and fought to have him burned at the stake. “IMPEACH,” you cried. OH SORRY, I forgot, Clinton is a Democrat, and republicans are untouchable and must never be second guessed. OH, I GET IT NOW. Hypocrites.

    Everyone: VOTE STRAIGHT DEMOCRAT. Hurry, the life and country you save will be your own — and mine!!



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