Nov 262011

Yesterday I rested for most of the day, attempting to heal up.  I celebrated Black Friday in the proper way and spent nothing.  I’m current on replies.  Today is another much needed rest day.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 3:40 (average 4:42).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Zero-Zero-Zero

The ultimate Republican tax plan.

From LA Times: Los Angeles police detectives hope to retrieve video surveillance evidence from a Porter Ranch Wal-Mart store by early Friday afternoon to begin trying to identify a woman who shot pepper spray at other shoppers to get a Black Friday competitive edge.

“We’re going to check the video surveillance and hope the cameras were pointed in the right direction,” said LAPD Sgt. R.J. Valle of the Devonshire station.

The woman apparently sought to purchase an Xbox video game console and used the spray to clear out other shoppers. About 20 customers, including children, were hurt in the Thursday night incident, which police officials called “shopping rage.” Shoppers complained of minor skin and eye irritation and sore throats.

This women must have been a Republican, given the level of her greed and given that only viewers of the Republican Ministry of Propaganda, Faux Noise, think pepper spray is harmless.  In addition, most Democrats boycott Wal-Fart for their causing the outsourcing of US jobs, anti-labor tactics, and employee abuse.

From Raw Story: Denmark aims to have wind power supply half of the country’s electricity needs in 2020, under a new programme presented by Climate and Energy Minister Martin Lidegaard on Friday.

That’s an example we should follow.




  8 Responses to “Open Thread–11/26/2011”

  1. The Republican Ultimate Tax — Very funny.  I suppose that’s one way to keep OWS!

    Los Angeles — I’ve always known you’d have to be crazy to go to LA and this does it for me.  I don’t like Wal-Mart, particularly with the way they dealt with unionisation in Canada.  Very dirty little bastards in their tactics, but they got called on the rug and had to back off a  few years ago in Ontario.  This woman should be charged with assault when they find her, and let her do time in the county clink for at least a year.  Maybe if she misses the Boxing Day sales, that will teach her a lesson.  For those who don’t know, Boxing Day is the day after Christmas and a statutory holiday.  It is also the most disgusting day for shopping unless you like bruised body parts.

    Denmark — Let’s hear it for Denmark!  I realise that Canada and the US are larger countries, but if we harnessed all the hot air coming out of Parliament and the Congress, we could actually make a wind generated power project pay for itself!   I would like Canada and the US seriously look at the Danish plan and then adjust it for our countries and implement.  I heard on the radio today that Alberta stands to add 90,000 jobs in 2012 and that is being driven by the oil patch, particularly tarsands.  They quoted the increased need for oil around the world.  Such crap!

    Cartoon — Great cartoon!  My cat Scooter (RIP 2007) came upstairs one day with half a loaf of bread in his mouth.  The other half was at the bottom of the stairs neatly stacked.  The loaf was brand new (multi grain — he only liked the best!) and had been sitting on the counter.  How he got it down and upstairs without one crumb on the floor (just the half loaf) I’ll never know.  He kept bugging me so I had to break down, butter a piece for him and then feed him half a slice, one bit at a time!  Cats are insanely wonderful, although in some houses, this cat would BE the leftovers for pulling a stunt like he’s doing!  Not in my house though.  Here, my cats are the bosses.

    • My 2 kittens rule here too.

    • That’s for sure!

      I do know Boxing Day.  It’s as zooey as Black Friday!

      If anything, it would be more difficult for Denmark, because their population is more concentrated, leaving less room for wind farms.

      Here a cat rules the house too… me. 😉

      • I heard yesterday that merchants here are looking at joining Black Friday as a way of trying to keep Canadian consumers shopping in Canada rather than going across the line.  They already have “early Boxing Day sales” as it is before christmas just trying to increase sales, and have had for quite a few years.

        AAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!  Two Boxing Days, bookends for Christmas!  Sure tells people where the values lie in society, doesn’t it?  How unfortunate!

  2. 3:53

    Personally, I think you have to be crazy to go shopping on Black Friday.  Locally, 2 women were trampelled in Wal-Mart.

    Good for Denmark. Would that we all follow their example.

  3. We shopped by going to our local small business (very small) bookstore. Bought a couple of used books and had a nice chat with the owner. I’ll probably bring in some of my books (the ones I’ve authored, of course) to sit on her Local Writers shelf.

    When I buy new books, they’re mostly from the 99% of small press authors. The Big 6 Publishers won’t get a dime from me.

    This isn’t an area of sales that people think about much. If you just HAVE to read one of the big name authors, then borrow from your library, and buy books published by small, indy presses and indy writers. There really are some very good books out there without a big name on the cover.

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