Nov 252011

Yesterday I enjoyed two big plates of food and fed a couple of the people in my building who have nothing.  Thanksgiving dinner always puts me to sleep, so I was sacrilegious to the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb, missing most of two games.  Thanksgiving is a slow day for political news, but I did find material for one other article to accompany this one.  I’m current with replies.  Today will be a much needed lazy day.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 3:58 (average 4:39).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Time: U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords helped serve a Thanksgiving meal to service members and retirees at a military base in her hometown of Tucson, Ariz.

I’m happy to see her getting up and around.

From News Hounds: Even on Thanksgiving, Fox’s thoughts are not on solving our country’s problems and bringing us together as Americans but promoting its ideological agenda with divisiveness. Let’s be real. There’s no reason for blaring a headline saying, Let’s Give Thanks For The One Percent [Faux delinked], other than as an FU to the 99 Percent/Occupy movements.

I guess these Republicans are thankful for their greed and hate.

From Think Progress: I am thankful for climate scientists, who toil away for long hours away from their family, sometimes in the most inhospitable parts of the world, for not much money (sorry disinformers) — and do so thanklessly, indeed they do so in the face of anti-science cyber-bullying and hostility from sorry-ass disinformers — all in a desperate attempt to avert the gravest of human tragedies.  They are like the hero of Henrik Ibsen’s classic An Enemy of the People — which someone should definitely modernize into a climate science parable.

They certainly deserve our thanks.




  8 Responses to “Open Thread–11/25/2011”

  1. 3:51

    I felt just like that cat after eating yesterday. No turkey here though. We had a locally raised duck.

  2. Uh oh! Looks like the kitty passed out before having it’s beer!!! That is what I would call alcohol abuse! LOL I know I had my share of eggnog and rum with neighbors and good friends. Yum!

  3. I saw a clip of her passing out food at a homeless shelter.  For someone who got shot in the head, she sure has a lot of energy!

    I agree – those climatologists deserve our respect.

    Kitty had too much beer or turkey – not sure which. :))


  4. Gabi Giffords — I heard about this on the radio.  I put her in the same league as Terry Fox and Rick Hansen, two Canadian heroes who pushed the limits of endurance and spirit.  For those who don’t know, Terry Fox started a Marathon of Hope run for a cancer cure but had to stop because his cancer returned and he died in 1981 at the age of 22.  Runs have been taking place evr since all around the world.  Rick Hansen is the Man in Motion who, paralysed and in a wheelchair, wheeled around the world to raise money for spinalcord research.  I remember pictures of him wheeling on the Great Wall of China, a tough and arduous section of his quest.  Gabi Giffords is another example of a shining star, pursuing rehabilitation and proving she can come back,  Like Fox and Hansen, she will not be the same as before the attempted assassination, but she will be stronger in spirit and determination. 

    I heard that she was only using her left hand and didn’t say much which is ok.  She was there, at her own request, helping others and that is the greatest gift.  This is a true Thanksgiving story.

    Faux Noise — [Faux delinked] it would really be great if we could ‘delink’ Faux Noise so that more truth could get out and the misinformation reduced.  TC I think you’re right — “. . .these Republicans are [only] thankful for their greed and hate.”

    Climate Scientists — Wouldn’t it be great to lock all the  ‘sorry-ass disinformers’ in a large bubble where they could run things the way they want to without hurting the rest of us.  How long would it be before they realised what they were doing to their own children and grandchilfren? . . . were hammering at the door to get out?  I can only dream.

    Cartoon —   Love it!  Seeing this reminds me of something that happened at Christmas 2006.  My mother, her future husband and I had just finished a good meal of turkey etc.  So Frank took the bird into the kitchen, sat on a stool with the turkey on the counter and proceeded to strip the bones etc.  Frank placed a lare clean pot on the floor (as was his custom for many years) and dropped the meat into the pot while bones etc were on the counter.  What Frank forgot was that my cat Scooter, who he had been feeding bits of turkey to surreptiously under the dining table, was in the living room relaxing after his turkey fill.  Scooter might have been old (16 years old at the time) but his nose and appetite were top notch.  Upon smelling the turkey, he wandered into the kitchen and started eating the turkey, taking a slice out and putting it on the floor where he held it down with his paws and then ate like the king he was (at least in my eyes).  Frank didn’t see what was happening until some turkey was fully consumed, but was dismayed at his folly and then started laughing.  We rescued the pot and the big piece of turkey from the floor which became Scooter’s dinner for the next 2 days.

    • Most people would have considered the disability a reason to do nothing.

      That would be lovely!

      That would also be lovely!

      That’s one lucky cat!  You’ll love tomorrow’s cartoon!

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