Nov 222011

Yesterday unpacking and storing a month’s groceries wore me out.  Fortunately, I had most of my research done, by the time they arrived yesterday afternoon.  I’m current with replies.  Tomorrow I plan to rest, as I know I’m still under it.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 3:52 (average 4:54).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From NY Times: A video that showed two University of California, Davis, police officers using pepper spray on seated protesters has gone viral, with hundreds of thousands watching what might have been a relatively small encampment compared with the larger protests across the country. The video has led to demands that Chancellor Linda P. B. Katehi resign. On Monday, Ms. Katehi said she was putting the campus police chief on administrative leave as a way to rebuild trust on campus.

That’s insufficient.  Before the media circus, Katehi defended the officers’ abuse of protesters.  She must resign.

From Raw Story: Police in Sun Prairie, Wisc. said Monday they were investigating reports of death threats made against two activists supporting the recall of Gov. Scott Walker (R).

Wisconsin residents Heather DuBois Bourenane and Tom Peer, who live in Sun Prairie and Madison, respectively, said they received early morning phone calls on Thursday of last week warning that they would be murdered.

Both calls came from a Michigan number that did not have an active voicemail account, CNN-owned publication Channel 3000 noted.

“They said, ‘If you don’t stop circulating recall petitions, we will kill you,’” Peer reportedly said, describing the call he received.

Frankly, this criminal iteration of Republican Second Amendment solutions stinks!

From TPM: Newt Gingrich’s desire to roll back Social Security is no secret. But apparently his quest to tackle decades-old New Deal policies doesn’t stop there.

Now Gingrich is taking on an issue he says “no liberal wants to deal with” — economically suffocating child labor laws.

The golf links lie so near the mill, That almost every day, The laboring children can look out, And watch the men at play – Sarah Norcliffe Cleghorn.  This is  the Republican vision for America.




  10 Responses to “Open Thread–11/22/2011”

  1. 3:48

    The RepublicanTs idea of progress is to roll back this country to the policies of the 1880’s and 1890’s. I call that regression of the worst kind.

  2. Glad you feel well enough to post, Tom Cat. It’s been a bit of a dry spell for your followers. I can only imagine what it’s been like for you. Don’t risk a relapse by trying to do too much too soon.

  3. You should read this story from the link below.

    A pregnant girl who was peppered sprayed and kick in the stomach lost her baby.  So it looks like one of those Nazi Police on the campus killed her baby.  I’ll be watching for further updates and letting you know when I find them.   Here is a brief part of the post.:

    “A friend called for an ambulance near the community college campus. (Fox says she has been camping with Occupy Seattle since it first began in Westlake Park. She is homeless and says, “I don’t have a place. This is the place I call home.”) When she arrived at Harborview at 11:00 a.m., she says, a doctor told her that “there was no heartbeat” from the baby. “They diagnosed that I was having a miscarriage. They said the damage was from the kick and that the pepper spray got to it [the fetus], too.””

    Glad too hear your feeling better.  Take care and have a great day.

  4. I hope Katehi not only resigns but never gets another high office in any university ever again. Those officers where carrying out orders, orders always come from higher-up. SHE is the higher-up. She knew and condoned what they were about to do and then did. Sick, evil and depraved.

    I hope those officers not only get fired, they never work as any kind of law enforcement personnel again anywhere. May they know only menial work from now on! (Yes, I am being petty, can’t help it, I’m pissed off about it).

    And now this, one of the protesters lost her baby because of this mess. I hope she sues or presses charges or both. I hope she is able to do something or cops will think they can get away with this kind of Fascist crap at will. It has to stop! NOW!!!!!

  5. Oh crap!  I accidently closed a window without saving my work, and I was finished  AAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

    UC Davis — I said it yesterday — fire the Chief of Police and the 2 officers.  I now say fire the Chancellor as well.  Universities are supposed to promote learning, thinking and creativity.  It is apparent that at UC Davis they want to encouage robots.  The 4 involved in this heinous action can march their butts out to the unemployment line.

    Wisconsin — As I said yesterday, Scott Walker should be held accountable for the actions of his supporters.  He and they should face charges in a court of law for destroying petitions (when it happens) and threatening murder.  These are some of the tactics used in Nazi Germany during the 1930’s to control the population.  I would have thought that people would have learned better, but then again, we are talking about Republican/Teabaggers!  It is very apparent that the GOP at any level is driven by the fear of losing control.  Their intimidation tactics cannot be allowed to suceed.  You almost expect this kind of intimidation in some 3rd world countries who are getting the vote for the first time — you know, killing voters who queue up to vote.  But you do not expect it in the US.  Is the US becoming a third world country?

    Gingrich — Well it seems that if Gingrich has his way, the US will become a third world country allowing cheap child labour.  Child labour is common in places such as India, Pakistan, Thailand and others in many industries but especially in the textile and clothing manufacturing areas.  For years Americans have decried this policy  but here we have Gingrich proposing this as a way to put money in their hands and have them less dependent on the state.  I say BULL!

    By repealing child labour laws, the GOP will be consigning yet another generation to poverty.  Children will be paid less than minimum wage and because parents aren’t working, will  be forced to help support the family.  This is not nurturing the development of a child.  This is part of the reason why child labour laws were enacted in 1938 — to allow the unemployed adults to work and support families.  In addition, kids won’t get the education that they need — hell, the GOP wants to gut education and has already started in some states — in order to move forward.  If that is not enough, child minds are so pliable that the GOP could mold them to their ways.

    Cartoon — Good cartoon.  Right from the beginning, this whole super committee was geared to fail.  Realisticly, was there any chance that the Republicans would negotiate?  No.  All this has done is spend more money which the GOP says isn’t there.  The Democrats have tried being conciliatory to the point of bleeding on the floor, the GOP remains ‘my way or the highway’.  The only option is to vote out any and all Republican/Teabaggers in 2012 and bring sanity and humanity back into government.  That also means more citizen participation.

    • I hate it when I do that!! {{{hug}}}


      We will become a 3rd world country, if Republicans have their way.  The elite in third world countries live in luxury.

      Amen again!

      The blame is clear.

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