Which Mitt on Women’s Rights?

 Posted by at 12:01 am  Politics
Nov 042011

Mitt Romney has distinguished himself as the Republican candidate, who has firmly positioned himself on both sides of every issue.  Nowhere is this more apparent than on the issue of a women’s right to have control over her own body.  But with Mitt, one thing is certain.  What Mitt says and what Mitt does are completely unrelated.

4Romney2FaceMitt Romney was firm and direct with the abortion rights advocates sitting in his office nine years ago, assuring the group that if elected Massachusetts governor, he would protect the state’s abortion laws.

Then, as the meeting drew to a close, the businessman offered an intriguing suggestion — that he would rise to national prominence in the Republican Party as a victor in a liberal state and could use his influence to soften the GOP’s hard-line opposition to abortion.

He would be a “good voice in the party” for their cause, and his moderation on the issue would be “widely written about,” he said, according to detailed notes taken by an officer of the group, NARAL Pro-Choice Massachusetts.

“You need someone like me in Washington,” several participants recalled Romney saying that day in September 2002, an apparent reference to his future ambitions…

Inserted from <Washington Post>

Lawrence O’Donnell reports and interviews Nancy Keenan of NARAL.

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Keenan is right.  Mitt opposed women’s rights then as much as he does now, as his behavior as Governor demonstrates.  If Mitt gets the nomination, he will flip back, but that is because there is nothing Romney won’t say to get elected.  As President, his position would be the standard Republican approach to women’s rights shown below.



  12 Responses to “Which Mitt on Women’s Rights?”

  1. Whichever Mittens it is, I don’t trust either one of them.

  2. Back in 1994 “Multiple-Choice” Mitt actually made a donation to Planned Parenthood (that link has a treasure trove documenting his multiple flip-flops … just on women’s rights).  Of course that was when he was running for the Senate from Massachusetts.  It’s just impossible to tell not only out of which side – but even which of his multiple mouths he’s talking.

    • Great picture Nameless!  When I was looking at TC’s picture of Romney,  I said to myself ‘He’s more like a 5 headed hydra!’  And look what you’ve given us — a 4 mouthed monster!

    • I’m afraid that exceeds my graphic ability.  😉

  3. Sometimes- I do wonder what Mitt does believe and if he knows himself ; For myself- aside from his being a Republican– his track record is pretty bad- he destroyed more jobs than he  “created” ;  His record is clearer as to  job destruction , than it show job creation. ; That alone is a big factor :  I have watched this man interact with people–  In my opinion he is patronizing in his responses , demeaning in his attitude— condescending  in his replies  ; A spoiled rich kid who grew up to be one of the pampered 1%;  He has no idea what it  takes to live and pay bills—- Out of touch with real people problems— I could write a page giving examples of that—I think most of us could—-  His  Mormon beliefs  are not very congruent  with any  belief in the right of women to control their own bodies—

    Flip- flop ?  Doesn’t come close to describing Mitt’s actions– I really wonder if he knows what he believes?



  4. Great ‘toon, Tom, on ‘Rethuglican birth control’. These creatures are insane. Romney is nothing but the greatest WHORE of Babylon the Repug party has ever had. Well, maybe not….Perry, Cain, Batshit Backmann…..they all run neck n neck with him. Just friggin INSANE.

  5. I guess of the several IDs of Romney none have a female body and none are poor who is this guy anyway? All about mitt? It’s mittstyfing!

  6. A 5 headed hydra with no moral compass that I can see.  He changes his mind, his views whatever, more times than a person changes their underwear.

    Does he really know what he believes in, or is he changing his mind all the time to get the vote?  I don’t like him as a potential president, but then I don’t like any of them!

    A woman should have the right to make the decisions that affect her body.

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