Nov 042011

One of my criticism’s of Barack Obama is that, although he has critiqued them, he has actually done nothing to oppose the extreme right government of Israel.  To the contrary, he has given Hillary Clinton her head in blocking UN resolutions against Netanyahu’s repression of the Palestinian people in violation of the Oslo Accords.  Most recently, the US withdrew funding for UNESCO, because they voted overwhelmingly to allow Palestine to join that body.  Look at Netanyahu’s gratitude for this support.

4NetanyahuThe Freedom Federation is set to hold Awakening 2012 in Orlando, Florida, next year, and according to the schedule, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is confirmed to address the right-wing rally via video feed [hate group delinked].

The Freedom Federation includes the country’s leading Religious Right groups: Liberty Counsel, Eagle Forum, Exodus International, Family Research Council, American Family Association, Concerned Women for America, WallBuilders, Vision America, High Impact Leadership Coalition, Traditional Values Coalition, American Values and Americans for Prosperity. The Freedom Federation also includes fringe groups closely associated with the New Apostolic Reformation, including Cindy Jacobs’ Generals International, Lou Engle’s The Call, Rick Joyner’s MorningStar Ministries and Che Ahn’s Harvest International Ministries.

Last year’s Awakening 2011 [Hate group delinked] at Liberty University’s Thomas Road Baptist Church featured speeches from leading Republicans including Newt Gingrich, Michele Bachmann and Mike Huckabee, as well as talks from far-right extremists like Janet Porter, Ryan Sorba, Greg Quinlan, Matt Barber, Rick Joyner, Rick Scarborough, Judith Reisman and Frank Gaffney, among others.

Confirmed speakers for Awakening 2012 already include Liberty Counsel’s Staver, who said that Obama made the U.S. “one of the world’s immoral leaders” for opposing the criminalization of homosexuality; LC’s Barber, who has called President Obama “anti-God”; Engle, who used one of his The Call prayer rallies to defend Uganda’s “kill the gays” bill; Quinlan, the prominent ex-gay leader; John Stemberger, a Florida anti-gay and anti-Muslim activist; and Gaffney, the conspiracy theorist who has claimed that Obama is a secret Muslim… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Right Wing Watch>

I don’t think I’ve ever embedded a segment with so many links before, making it a virtual Who’s Who directory of Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christian hate groups and hate mongers.  And these groups have one thing in common.  They all hate Barack Obama and express it regularly.

For Netanyahu to take part in such an event after all the money and political cover he has received from this administration, albeit to my great dismay, is a slap in the face, a diplomatic insult of most extreme proportion.

The Obama administration should respond by ending military support and diplomatic cover for Israel as long as this criminal is in office there.


  8 Responses to “Netanyahu to Join an Anti-Obama Hate Fest”

  1. He’s biting the hand that feeds him.

  2. Cannot say it better than you did!

    For Netanyahu to take part in such an event after all the money and political cover he has received from this administration, albeit to my great dismay, is a slap in the face, a diplomatic insult of most extreme proportion.

    The Obama administration should respond by ending military support and diplomatic cover for Israel as long as this criminal is in office there.  (TomCat)

  3. Cut their Foreign Aid money off that we supply them. They’d come around PDQ. You said it best,Tom.

  4. As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world – that is the myth of the atomic age – as in being able to remake ourselves. 
                                                      Mahatma Gandhi

    Be the change that you want to see in the world. 
                                                      Mahatma Gandhi

    These are two sayings that apply to Israel, but in particular Netanyahu.  I hold out no hope for Netanyahu to change.  He has to go!  But the state of Israel, with the right leadership, has a chance to change itself!  If Israel is taking the stand it is to prevent another holocaust, I say it is going about it the wrong way.  The greatest tribute that the Israelis could give the holocaust victims, is a state of peace.

    And these hate groups will not help Israel, nor anyone else for that matter.  They are petty little people who do not know the real Jesus Christ.  At the end of e-mails, I put Namasté which is a Hindi word meaning ‘I bow to the God within you.’  For me, as a Christian, it is an acknowledgement that the person I say this to is a child of God, and that God works through that person.  I have not done this before, but I could not say that to any of these people.  Mahatma Gandhi was a Hindu and the most Christ-like figure I know of.  These are not worthy to dust of his sandals.

    If this is how Netanyahu repays US support, I say cut him off, including providing weapons.  Let him yearn for peace.

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