Nov 012011

Things have been busy at Occupy Portland.  First some demonstrators staged a separate demonstration intending to be arrested, creating tension with Mayor Sam Adams.  I have an article and video covering that, an Olbermann video, and a video of Michael Moore’s visit to Occupy Portland today.

1OccupyOccupy Portland protesters are not all supportive of Sunday morning’s staged protest at Jamison Square resulting in 27 arrests.

Riannah Weaver, an Occupy Portland supporter, said she is angry at her fellow protesters for disrupting the peace Sunday morning.  Weaver organized a peaceful demonstration in Jamison Square Sunday evening at 7 p.m. attracting a small crowd.

Weaver said the protest at Jamison Square was counterproductive and the purpose of the protest was not clear.

"I saw Mayor Adams come here and they chased him out of here," said Weaver. "That’s not what Occupy Portland is about."

Weaver said the Occupy movement is facing some challenges at the downtown camp due to subcultures.

"There is no difference in the subcultures taking over that park and the subcultures people ignore everyday in this city. We don’t have the authority to kick those people out, and if we did, we wouldn’t because we see them as victims of society."

Less than 24 hours after more than two dozen arrests at Jamison Square, a KOIN Local 6 camera crew faced an angry protester inside the downtown camp.  A volunteer in the kitchen shoved the camera lens before cursing and yelling at the crew… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <KOIN TV>

One of the movement’s biggest strengths is also one of it’s biggest weaknesses.  Unlike the Tea Parties that are organized top down by America’s greediest corporate criminals, the 99% movement has no leaders.  They normally operate by consensus, but that was clearly not the case here.  Whoever chased Sam Adams out was clearly wrong.  Whoever acted abusively to the reporter was also wrong.

At issue here is that Jamison Square is a park in an upscale urban renewal area.  The park has a curfew to prevent homeless people from camping there.  In the past, aggressive panhandling has interfered with local residents use of the park.  Both sides have legitimate issues.  Fortunately the demonstration was peaceful, and the demonstrators well behaved and well spoken.

Keith Olbermann discussed Portland and other OWS locations and interviews Jeannie Hartley from Denver OWS on Countdown.

Keith probably did not know that Mayor Adams had been chased off.  He has been a friend to the demonstrators, and he deserved an opportunity to talk it over.

Occupy Portland had a rare treat.  Michael Moore put in an appearance.  Here’s video.

With rare exceptions, Occupy Portland had been a model for the rest of the country, but even here there have been growing pains.  Here and everywhere, it’s important for the organizers to publically disassociate themselves from individuals and sub-groups, who act outside the agreement of the general assemblies and behave inappropriately.


  12 Responses to “Occupy Portland Update–11/1/2011”

  1. I’m sorry to see this kind of thing happen and agree with you on all counts. It can only do more harm than good.

  2. The Mayors of several cities now are making concerted efforts to disband OWS – Bloomberg’s cop  cronies are advising the homeless and those with mental problems to go down to Zuccotti Park, and then they’ve taken away generators – being used for several purposes besides heating, and juicing up computers and cooking etc etc – claiming they are potential fire hazards – it amounts to harassment in an attempt to chase out the “occupiers”, especially now with cold weather conditions setting in – it is questionable how much longer people can literally “weather” this out – several folk come from outside the city – unlike myself they can’t just retire to their toasty apts and return the next day – hope this doesn’t make the movement fizzle – this issue has got to be addressed and the kinks ironed out! Good for you Portland – don’t let this be more than a minor “set back”!

    • Lee, I do think it was minor.  Adams will make arrests, but he makes them nonviolently, as it it understood by both sides that demonstrators commit nonviolent civil disobedience, so their arrests will bring attention to the cause

  3. Perhaps it may be approaching time for leadership to emerge- and organization take place ?– It’s a delicate time I think— but consensus will only work for so long– the movement is getting large enough now to have discipline—- time for leadership  and structure–

  4. I am glad to hear Michael Moore’s positive comments about Portland, and about the protests in general.  It is evident that the protests are making headway!  Why else would Bloomberg in NY have police confiscate generators, make arrests, and send in homeless and drug addicts for no other reason than to try to discredit the protest.  But these people, while perhaps more of a challenge are part of the 99%.  And Witchita, Ks ‘taking it to the man’ by protesting in front of Koch Industries.  Go Witchita!  Numerous arrests in Denver, Portland, Tennessee, Oakland, Austin TX and more.  I would say that the 1% and their goons are getting nervous as this goes on.

    Here in Greater Vancouver, the protest continues downtown at the Art Gallery.  One of the mayoral candidates for this year’s election, Susanne Anton, is promising to disband the protest camp if elected.  She is decrying the amount spent on policing and the destruction to the lawn at the Art Gallery.  Like everywhere else, road blocks are being put in the way, but the protest will persevere.  It wouldn’t surprise me if the protesters ended up pitching their tents at a park by the train station euphamistically called Needle Park because of the discarded needles, and then daily walking over to the Art Gallery which is by the financial district and the law courts.

    I just hope and pray that the protests remain non-violent and that the powers that be finally get the right message.


  6. Actually, the usual federal and provincial parties are not present as such in civic elections, however you can see some relationships.  The NPA, of which Anton is a member is right of centre (small ‘c’ conservative).  Here are some links to the 3 main parties in Vancouver.  I actually live in another city in Greater Vancouver so I am not affected by these parties directly. 

    There is, or at least was, a Green Party as well.  The current gov’t is Vision Vcr, left of centre and they are the ones that think growing wheat or something else on the city’s lawns is a great idea.  Personally I don’t have a problem with that but Anton sure does.

  7. Thanks Lynn.  For future reference, if a comment has more than two links, the software automatically holds it for moderation.  🙂

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