Oct 122011

Last night the Senate voted on whether or not to bring the American Jobs Act to the floor and begin debate on it, a necessary step to move the bill ahead.  Republicans filibustered, requiring 60 votes to pass, to prevent a majority vote.  Democrats had a majority, but the debate failed, because Republicans goose stepped in lock step against it, joined by two despicable DINOs.

12americanjobsactPresident Obama’s $447 billion jobs plan foundered in the Senate Tuesday night, as a unified Republican caucus and a pair of Democrats joined to deny the proposal the 60 votes necessary to allow it to proceed to full consideration.

Obama will now use Republican opposition as part of a campaign to paint the GOP as obstructionists blocking his efforts to improve the economy while offering no alternative to create jobs.

Although a number of Democrats who will face tough reelection efforts next year had wavered in support, only two voted not to allow the measure to advance, a symbolic victory for Obama and Senate Democratic leaders, who knew that strong Democratic opposition would be an embarrassment for the White House.

“The president’s plan contains many ideas Republicans have consistently supported over the years, especially when their party controlled Congress, the White House or both,” said Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.) “Republicans oppose those ideas now. . . . I guess Republicans think if the economy improves, it might help President Obama.”

Senior White House officials said the vote was the first step to spur action on job creation. Next, they said, Obama will work with Senate leaders to break the jobs bill down into its parts — which polls show are very popular with voters — and challenge Republicans to reject each individually… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Washington Post>

The two Democrats who goose stepped with the Republicans are Ben Nelson (DINO-NE) and Jon Tester (DINO-MT).  They should be stripped of their committee roles, challenged in the primary, and denied party support when they next face reelection.  The voters of Nebraska and Montana deserve an opportunity to choose a real Democrat.

Rachel Maddow discusses the jobs issue and the vote with reporter John Slanton.

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Stanton was incorrect about Webb. It was Tester, and Rachel aired a correction later in the show.

Lawrence O’Donnell explains how the vote shows the difference between the parties with Barbara Boxer (D-CA)

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They are right.  There is a difference between the parties.  Republicans represent millionaires.  They do NOT represent YOU!


A gathering of vultures

 Posted by at 12:02 am  Politics
Oct 122011

Last night, Republican candidates for president faced off in a debate on the economy.  They were long on blame, but offered absolutely nothing new to help create jobs.  Instead they backed the well-worn and thoroughly debunked supply side nonsense and plans to raise taxes on the poor to provide more benefits for the rich. 

12vulturesThe government is the problem. That was the message Tuesday night as the eight Republican presidential hopefuls clamored to blame Washington for the nation’s economic ills. In turn, they pointed fingers at President Obama, the Federal Reserve and the government generally as the cause of the nation’s economic collapse…

…Asked what his plan would be to jump-start the economy and reverse Washington’s paralysis, Perry said he would focus on domestic energy resources…

…Meanwhile, Cain — who for the first time took the stage as a serious contender for the party’s nomination — talked about his “9-9-9” plan to gut the federal tax code and said he would reduce the federal debt…

…Romney cast himself as the most authoritative candidate on the economy, citing his business know-how and 25 years of experience in the private sector to say he will make the difficult decisions necessary to revive the economy…

…Some second-tier hopefuls seeking to break out of the pack, namely Rep. Michele Bachmann (Minn.) and former House speaker Newt Gingrich (Ga.), were the most critical of the government’s size and role…

…Former senator Rick Santorum (Pa.) said he would repeal “every regulation” the Obama administration has put into law…

…The debate’s opening hour was notable for the lack of sniping between the candidates, although former Utah governor Jon Huntsman Jr. took a swipe at Cain, a former chief executive of Godfather’s Pizza. Of his “9-9-9” plan, Huntsman said: “I thought it was a catchy phrase when I first heard it. I thought it was the price of a pizza.”…

Inserted from <Washington Post>

There was another candidate, but he never mattered and never will.

Ed Schultz agreed that it was all talk and no substance.

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I think they gave Cain more attention than he deserves, but one thing remained clear.  Republicans do NOT represent you.

Oct 122011

One might think that so-called populists would favor regulations designed to protect people from industrial poisons released into their neighborhoods, but that is not so.  Tea Baggers oppose government regulation of all kinds, as do their Republican owners, because the Tea Party is not populist, like the 99%.  They are astro-turfed, told what to think, say and do by the Koch Brothers and other Republican financiers.  The Koch brothers oppose any regulation that might prevent them from squeezing a little extra profit from poisoning people.

12KochResidents of a small Arkansas community say that the toxic pollutants being dumped for years by a Koch Industries plant is killing them.

Only 15 families reside around Penn Road and already 11 people have died of cancer. Even more are sick.

In a new documentary by Brave New Foundation, several of them explain that the problem can be traced to a series of canals where Koch-owned Georgia-Pacific has been dumping chemicals for years.

USA Today recently found that schools in the city of Crossett ranked the highest in the nation for exposure to cancer-causing toxins.

“They have cut this huge channel and it is like an open sewer line,” activist Cheryl Slavant told Brave New Foundation. “If you could follow it in a straight line, you would be right at Georgia-Pacific’s plant, owned by Koch Industries… Once I saw this, I knew that Koch Industries were the culprits. They know that these people are sick.”… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Raw Story>

This is who and what the Republican party represents.  They do NOT represent you!

Oct 122011

Yesterday I did housework and worked with my computer supplier to design a new custom built system.  My old notebook is running hot and has been used so much that many of the letters have worn off the keyboard.  Replacing it now will extend its life for use outside my home.  Fortunately, I planned for this long ago and have put a few dollars away for it every month since the day I bought the old system.  After I post articles in the wee hours of the morning next Monday, there will be no new articles, replies, or moderation until the new system is fully up and running.  I’ll take the notebook in Monday morning.  They will copy data files from the notebook to the new system and deliver it and the notebook next Tuesday.  Then I have to reinstall all the software programs and should finish sometime Wednesday.  Barring unforeseen difficulties, I should be posting again in the wee hours of next Thursday morning, so the whole process will probably cause a two day interruption.  I’m current on replies.  Today I will be making a list of software to replace. and downloading the install programs to a CD.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 3:41 (average 5:21).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Fantasy Football Report:

Here’s the latest from Lefty Blog Friends, our fantasy football league.


TomCat Teabag Trashers

Texans Will Rise Again




Progressive Underdogs



hugos renegades

Playing without a helmet













Team Name







1 (1)








2 (2)

Progressive Underdogs







3 (3)

hugos renegades







4 (4)

TomCat Teabag Trashers







5 (5)

Playing without a helmet







6 (6)

Texans Will Rise Again







Short Takes:

From AP/Google: A coalition of more than 150 Texas school districts said Tuesday it has filed a lawsuit against the state over a school funding system it says is unfair, inefficient and unconstitutional.

The coalition represents more than one in 10 Texas districts. It accuses lawmakers of turning a blind eye to the state’s troubled school financing system for years and exacerbating the flaws this summer when they slashed public school spending by more than $4 billion to close a massive budget gap.

As President, Perry would undoubtedly help education in the US the way he has in Texas.

From AP/Google: The Republican speaker of the Wisconsin otstate Assembly, one of the key backers of Gov. Scott Walker’s proposal curbing bargaining rights for public unions, announced Tuesday that he is running for the U.S. Senate.

Jeff Fitzgerald said in an interview with The Associated Press that he believes his role in passing that law is his largest asset heading into the race. The proposal drew protests as large as 100,000 people and made Wisconsin the center of a national fight over union rights.

This is the Fitz in Fitzwalkerstan.  Defeating this Koch sucker is imperative.

From Washington Post: New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie endorsed former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney in New Hampshire today, providing the frontrunner for the GOP presidential nomination with a boost on the verge of tonight’s New Hampshire debate.

Since they are both Corporocons and Plutocons, I’m not surprised.




Occupy Portland had the runs

 Posted by at 12:03 am  Politics
Oct 112011

Nope!  Not those runs.  We’re not talking about Montezuma’s Revenge, Republicitis or some other foul disease.  What happens when the marathon and the 99% need the same space at the same time?  In many cities, the conflict could be unpleasant, but not in Portland, OR.  The demonstrators, runners and police cooperated to share the space.

11occupypdx-marathonA compromise struck between the Portland Marathon and Occupy Portland, which had set up camp in park near the race’s finish line, ultimately brought the protest group its biggest public demonstration since Thursday’s debut march.

Hundreds of demonstrators met in the Rose Quarter and followed the route of the marathon across the Broadway Bridge and into downtown, where they returned to their camp in Lownsdale and Chapman squares.

Portland Marathon officials, too, declared the day a success. Event director Les Smith said the protests drew a great deal of attention to the race.

"The Occupy Portland people have been a godsend for us," he said.

Smith said the demonstrators had been very supportive, and about 40 had volunteered to help clean up near the finish line after the marathon.

Portland police initially told demonstrators they would have to leave the two squares to make room for the marathon, but city and race officials met with demonstrators to reach a comprise that allowed them to stay in Chapman Square. Access to the square was cut off during the race, so protesters couldn’t enter or exit except in emergencies… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <The Oregonian>

After the race, many of the runners joined the demonstration.   Kudos to Portland!!

Rachel Maddow discusses the spread of the Occupy movement and how it has Republicans running scared.


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I love the way this has spread all over the nation, but Portland does it best. 😉


Democrats to recall Walker

 Posted by at 12:02 am  Politics
Oct 112011

There is good news coming from the Plutocratic Dictatorship of Fitzwalkerstan, formerly Wisconsin.  The Democratic Party there has formally announces plans to recall Scott Walker, one of the most hated politicians in US History.


The Democratic Party of Wisconsin unveiled plans for efforts to recall Gov. Scott Walker on its website Monday night, setting Nov. 15 as the date for the long-awaited effort to commence.

"It has become clearer than ever that the people of Wisconsin — the traditions and institutions of our great state — cannot endure any more of Scott Walker’s abuses. To preserve Wisconsin, we must begin the recall of Walker as soon as possible," said party chairman Mike Tate, on the party’s website.

The Republican Party of Wisconsin responded with a statement from executive director Stephan Thompson: "We welcome and encourage a comparision between the positive results we’re seeing around the state and the failed policies of the past favored by those seeking a recall."

The Walker recall effort will be led by several grassroots organizations that have formed over the last year in opposition to Walker’s policies, such as United Wisconsin, Defend Wisconsin, Defending Wisconsin, Autonomous Solidarity Organization and We Are Wisconsin. According to its website, the United Wisconsin political action committee already has more than 202,000 people who have signed "pledges" to recall Walker. Those are not the same as official petition signatures.

Public officials in Wisconsin are not eligible for recall until they have served at least one year of their current term in office. Walker was inaugurated on Jan. 3, 2011, meaning recall petitions cannot be filed until Jan. 3, 2012.

Recall offices will be opening beginning Oct. 24. With the effort beginning Nov. 15, all petitions would be due would be Friday, Jan. 13, according to the Democratic Party’s recall website… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Madison.com>

Ed Schultz has more with Democratic Party Chairman, Mike Tate.

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Go Wisconsin!  You started it all!


Voter Suppression Videos

 Posted by at 12:02 am  Politics
Oct 112011


All over the nation, where Republicans control state legislatures, they are doing everything humanly possible to making it more difficult for Democrats to vote.  Republicans analyzed how Barack Obama won in 2008, and are targeting the populations responsible for his election.  In my research today I saw two video clips that highlight this abuse of power.

In the first, Lawrence O’Donnell interviews writer Ari Berman.

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In the second, Rachel Maddow expounds on the issue in depth and interviews Gilbert Ortiz, Pueblo (CO) County Clerk.

Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Republicans are stacking the deck, because they know they can’t win fairly.  We need to keep fighting back!

Oct 112011

Yesterday I spent most of the day at appointments, so I’m running short of sleep.  I’m current on replies.  Today I have housework to do and sleep to catch up.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 3:14 (average 4:30).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Reuters: Democrat Elizabeth Warren raised $3.15 million in the first stage of her bid for the Senate from Massachusetts, the former Obama administration official’s campaign said on Monday.

More than 11,000 individuals in Massachusetts alone gave to Warren’s campaign, and the vast majority of the contributions were $100 or less.

Way to go!

From CBS: California Gov. Jerry Brown on Sunday signed a bill banning the open carrying of handguns in public, making California the fifth U.S. state to do so.

When I lived in Arizona, that had an open carry law, and I saw weapons used in threats on more than one occasion.  I see nothing in the Second Amendment that guarantees open carry.

From Crooks and Liars: SNL spoofs Fox and Friends.

A refreshing break!


