We Can’t Wait

 Posted by at 12:41 am  Politics
Oct 252011

Barack Obama has announced an initiative based on limited things he can do by executive order.  So far, it involves changing regulations to make it easier for homeowners to refinance and for students to qualify for student loans.  One might hope Republicans would support this, since it involves easing regulations, that they claim to hate so much, but that is not the case.  The Republican Party oppose only those regulations that protect citizens from corporate criminals.

25ObamaAfter the Senate blocked consideration last week of Mr. Obama’s jobs proposal, the administration has moved to Plan B: bypass Congress and enact change via executive-branch measures. On Monday, the federal government announced new rules for some “underwater” homeowners, to make them eligible for lower interest rates.

The president will discuss the new program in a speech in Las Vegas Monday at 5:30 p.m., Eastern time. Nevada has both the highest unemployment (13.4 percent) and foreclosure rates in the United States, and it’s a crucial swing state in next year’s presidential election.

In the “We can’t wait” initiative, the administration is “taking and highlighting a series of executive actions to show that we’re doing everything we can do to get the economy moving to help middle-class families and create jobs,” said Dan Pfeiffer, White House communications director, in a call with reporters.

At the same time, Mr. Pfeiffer said, the administration will continue to pressure congressional Republicans to pass the president’s $447 billion jobs bill, the American Jobs Act, either in its entirety or piece by piece… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Christian Science Monitor>

Rachel Maddow discusses this issue and more, and interviews Bob Hebert.

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Hebert is right. What Republicans are doing is against the national interest and will hurt Americans.

Ed Schultz talks about it, lambastes the Republican Party, and interviews Bernie Sanders and Eugene Robinson.

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Virtually all the people, who claim the parties are the same, seem to like Bernie Sanders. Bernie made it clear that they are not.  The equivalence does not exist. Bernie is right that it does not go far enough, but there are limits to want can be done through executive order. Eugene Robinson is right that Obama needs pressure Republicans through their constituents.


WikiLeaks on the Ropes

 Posted by at 12:40 am  Politics
Oct 252011

WikiLeaks, the whistle blowing website, may have to close it’s doors, because they are running out of money.  While they have not divulged information that would do any real harm to this nation, they have revealed information that was classified inappropriately, to save leaders from embarrassment, and caused much embarrassment both here and abroad.

25WikileaksJulian Assange, co-founder of WikiLeaks, has announced that the whistleblowing website is suspending publishing operations in order to focus on fighting a financial blockade and raise new funds.

Assange, speaking at a press conference in London on Monday, said a banking blockade had destroyed 95% of WikiLeaks’ revenues.

He added that the blockade posed an existential threat to WikiLeaks and if it was not lifted by the new year the organisation would be "simply not able to continue".

The website, behind the publication of hundreds of thousands of controversial US embassy cables in late 2010 in partnership with newspapers including the Guardian and New York Times, revealed that it was running on cash reserves after "an arbitrary and unlawful financial blockade" by the Bank of America, Visa, Mastercard, PayPal and Western Union.

WikiLeaks said in a statement: "The blockade is outside of any accountable, public process. It is without democratic oversight or transparency.

"The US government itself found that there were no lawful grounds to add WikiLeaks to a US financial blockade. But the blockade of WikiLeaks by politicised US finance companies continues regardless."… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <The Guardian>

Here’s the video.

WikiLeaks have committed illegal acts.  That’s normal with civil disobedience, and the legal consequences serve to emphasize the commitment to a cause.  I would like to see WikiLeaks survive.  This nation classifies far too much information for all the wrong reasons, so WikiLeaks have provided a valuable service.  Most important, WikiLeaks have been responsible about filtering out the kind of material that should be classified, so needed intelligence operations have not been compromised, and assets have not been killed as a result.  If the US is successful in taking WikiLeaks down, others will take their place.  Perhaps those others might not be so careful.


Infrastructure Next in Senate

 Posted by at 12:40 am  Politics
Oct 252011

First Republicans filibustered and blocked the AJA.  Next Republicans said NO to teachers, police and firefighters.  Next, Democrats in the Senate will try to put Americans to work on America’s decaying infrastructure.  Now it time for me to demonstrate my brilliance and command of rocket science.  I predict that Republicans will filibuster and block that too.

25infrastructureNext up for the Democratic Senate on President Obama’s jobs agenda: roads, rails and airports.

The office of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., announced today that next week the chamber "will likely" take up the infrastructure part of Obama’s $447 billion American Jobs Act, as it seeks to force Republican votes on every aspect of the proposal.

Last week, Senate Republicans — and two Democrats — voted to block a part of the Obama jobs plan to help local governments pay for teachers, police officers, and firefighters.

The week before, Republicans — and two Democrats — voted against consideration of the entire $447 billion jobs proposal, saying the plan costs too much and would do little to reduce the 9.1% jobs rate.

Obama said he decided to break up the bill "into smaller pieces so that we don’t confuse anybody, and let them vote on each piece one at a time."… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <USA Today>

To be honest that prediction did not require genius, after all.  The Republican Party do not care about jobs for Americans.  They care about two thing’s only.

  1. Transferring wealth from the 99% to the 1%.
  2. Establishing a permanent one-party Republican regime.

Every Republican in office is one Republican too many!

Oct 252011

Yesterday I did some major housework that I have been putting off because I have been so busy.  It took most of the day, and I’m pooped.  But I’m current on replies.  Today I have the prep work I planned to do yesterday.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 4:20 (average 5:33).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Chicago Tribune: More than two dozen people in red shirts affiliated with National Nurses United stood outside Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s fifth floor City Hall office this morning chanting, “Arrest the 1 percent.”

The protest came a day after two nurses with the union were arrested in Grant Park for refusing to leave after the park’s 11 p.m. closing time. They were among more than 100 people who were arrested early Sunday morning.

The nurses, who were arrested, had set up an aid station in the park to provide for the demonstrators’ basic healthcare need.  Arresting them was legal but shameful!

From NY Times: Robert S. Ford, the American ambassador to Damascus who has emerged as an outspoken critic of Syria’s crackdown on a seven-month uprising, has left the country after receiving what American officials called threats to his safety.

The departure Saturday was the latest turn in the tumultuous tenure of Mr. Ford, whose visits to restive cities like Hama and attendance of a funeral for a slain activist made him a visible and controversial figure.

Robert Ford is a modern day populist hero, and he had been receiving threats for months.  Something more is going on here, and I’m going to guess (without proof of any kind) that this represents a major diplomatic falling out between the US and Syrian tyrant, Assad.

From Countdown: Keith’s worst persons for 10/24.

Idiots all!




Scrap the Cap!

 Posted by at 12:01 am  Politics
Oct 242011

Republicans have stopped talking about Social Security lately, trying to avoid the backlash from angry seniors and Democrats.  Rest assured, they have not stopped plotting and scheming against it since 1935, when it passed.  I’m sure I will say this as many times as I already have, but it needs to be said over and over again, until the one true solution for Social Security is implemented.  Scrap the Cap!  Here’s an action opportunity and an amazing video.

24HandsOffThe Economic Opportunity Institute and Social Security Works released a new video this week that features two senior citizens rapping "Scrap the Cap," a reference to the easiest and most logical solution to the long-term funding of Social Security. The organizations are quick to point out that talk of a ‘crisis’ in Social Security is nonsense since the program currently has a $2.6 trillion surplus, and that scrapping the cap on taxable income for Social Security is a good fix for the long-term projections of a funding shortage. Currently, everyone paying into Social Security only pays taxes on the first $106,800 of their income and nothing on any income above that, effectively meaning that wealthier citizens pay no Social Security taxes on most of their income. Eliminating this cap would make the program solvent for a much longer time period.

Anyone who supports "Scrapping the Cap," can take action on the web site related to the video… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Crooks and Liars>

Here’s the video.

Scrap the Cap!!

Oct 242011

One moment demonstrators were singing, chanting and peaceful, many were talking to police who were formed in a tight formation in front of us.  The next moment, tear gas canisters arced into the demonstrators. One hit me in the shoulder.  That was the signal for police to attack, and they waded into us, batons flailing.  Hours of bloody mayhem followed. I was unconscious for most of it.  That was Grant Park in 1968, and I’m pleased that it was not repeated last night.

24chicagoAbout 130 protesters have been arrested at an Occupy Chicago demonstration after they erected tents and refused to leave a park at its closing time, police said.

The breakup of the protest in Grant Park, next to Lake Michigan, was the second mass arrest of demonstrators from Occupy Chicago in the past week. Last weekend, about 175 protesters were arrested.

The protesters were charged with violating a city ordinance and most were released after agreeing to appear in court, Chicago police said.

Grant Park, the site of major anti-war protests during the Democratic convention in 1968, is closed after 11pm… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <The Guardian>

Well, I tried to tell Chicago not to elect Rahmbo. Next he’ll arrest 150 for not having their shirt tails tucked in.

Oct 242011

Yesterday, worn out from laundry, I spent the day meditating on the wonders of the Ellipsoid Orb and was blessed.  I’m current on replies.  Today I’ll be doing prep for volunteer work later in the week.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 3:27 (average 4:32).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Religious Ecstasy:


Short Takes:

From The Daily Star: Iowa: Republicans Rick Perry and Michele Bachmann took veiled swipes at surging presidential rival Herman Cain Saturday as six of the party’s White House hopefuls courted social conservatives at an Iowa forum.

Appearing separately before about 1,000 conservative activists, the Republican candidates all pledged to protect the unborn, defend traditional marriage, limit government and bring an end to the presidency of Democrat Barack Obama.

If a Republican wins in 2012, ending Obama’s presidency will be the only promise kept.

From Washington Post: Afghan President Hamid Karzai has said if the United States and Pakistan ever went to war, his country would back Islamabad, drawing a sharp rebuke Sunday from Afghan lawmakers who claimed the country’s top officials were adopting hypocritical positions.

Obama needs to realize that Karzai not a friend and not worth the life of a single troop.

From UPI: Former South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford has taken a job as a paid contributor on Fox News, the network has confirmed.

Do you suppose he’ll do a nature series on the beauty of the Appalachian Trail? 😉



Oct 232011

Most of you are probably aware that, in states where Republicans control state government, they are rolling out almost identical Voter ID laws, financed by the Koch Brothers and other corporate criminals.  Their intent is to make it harder for people who are most likely to vote for Democrats to vote.  But Republicans have now hit a new in voter suppression: trying to enforce voter ID laws in a place that does not even have voter ID laws.

23voteFailed Massachusetts GOP candidate and anti-vote operative Tom Weaver recently set up a camera at a polling station in New Bedford, Massachusetts in hopes of catching a plethora of poll violations. He caught nothing, except himself and his colleague Ralph Zazula sitting behind the desk at the polling place with a sign, “Show I.D. To Vote.” On the sign, Weaver had “Rules”: including, “be polite,” “have valid government issued ID,” and “voluntary compliance.” Telling Elections Commission Chairman Maria Tomasia that they had permission to be there (they didn’t), Weaver proceeded to tape himself suppressing the vote.

Though the “rules” said “voluntary compliance,” New Bedford Mayor Scott Lang (D) said Weaver’s act was tantamount to “voter suppression” and he demanded an investigation. The Massachusetts Secretary of State William Galvin took a look, and informed Tomasia the sign was indeed “illegal”… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Think Progress>

Rachel Maddow also covered this story.

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I have to wonder how many voters saw these cretins and their sign, realized that they did not have a voter ID with them, and went home.  How many votes did the Republican Party steal  at that election?  Weaver and Zazula should be criminally charged.  Remember, when Republicans claim fraud, the only election fraud that can be demonstrated is Republicans defrauding voters.
