Oct 292011

I’m back.  Thursday I went to do volunteer work in prison.  It was our group’s annual victims awareness meeting.  Two prisoners, a drunk driver, who killed a pedestrian, and a murderer who killed two people in a gang war when he was just 17, spoke about their understanding of how their crimes had harmed their victims, their victims families, themselves and their families.  Two victims, the mother of a murdered son and a woman, whose fiancée was murdered, spoke about the pain they suffered and their recovery.  The first evolved from hating all prisoners into a level of compassion, where she is now a chaplain in the local jail, helping prisoners.  The second turned to drugs for years to mask her pain, bit is putting it behind her now.  She has been clean for over 70 days.  Several other victims and about 100 prisoners attended.  The two groups mingled afterward.  As we were leaving, all the victims told me that the men had helped change their concept of prisoners for the better.  I could not be prouder of my guys.

Yesterday I rested, waited for the home services provider to come do their annual inspection of my O2 unit, did my online grocery shopping for the month, and caught up on comments.  I am now current.   Today I’ll be receiving my grocery delivery, unpacking it and putting it away, an effort that takes hours.

Congrats to the St. Louis Cardinals for winning the World Series.

Jig Zone Puzzles:

Friday’s took me 4:22 (average 4:33).  To do it, click here.  Today it took me 3:40 (average 4:59).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Crooks and Liars: Labor support for Occupy Wall Street protesters continues to grow as AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka visited Zucotti Park this week, releasing a video of his visit. Trumka also responded to the use of tear gas against protesters in Oakland and the arrests of peaceful protesters in Chicago, Atlanta and elsewhere.

I’m so pleased that the times when hard-hats were about attacking demonstrators are behind us.  Go Labor!!

From Daily Kos: Wow. Gov. Jan Brewer is on the verge of going nuclear on Arizona’s redistricting commission, all because Republicans can’t believe they didn’t get a map that was perfectly gerrymandered to suit their tastes. Yes, she’s invoking the specter of impeachment.

The map they produced is badly lopsided and likely to face challenge for racist intent.  Burt even that is not enough for the Arizona Death Angel

From MoveOn: Why an I here?

The 99 Percent – Here For A Reason from Good Eye Video on Vimeo.

Good reasons all!




Police Riot in Oakland

 Posted by at 12:01 am  Politics
Oct 272011

For the most part, the Occupy movement has been peaceful, with occasional exceptions, marked by police violence.  The worst of it to date occurred in Oakland, California.  Lets look at what happened through an article about the veteran police left in critical condition, two videos and a third video on how the Republican Ministry of Propaganda, aka Fox, is informing their viewers about OWS.

27KwanA 24-year old Marine Corps corporal and Iraqi war veteran remained in critical condition at Highland Hospital on Wednesday night after friends said he was hit in the head with a police projectile in Tuesday’s Occupy Oakland confrontation.

Scott Thomas Olsen, 24, of Onalaska, Wisc., was admitted to Highland after he was hit on the head above his right eye during clashes with police, said hospital spokesman Curt Olsen, who is not related to the veteran.

Olsen appears to be the first serious injury nationwide of the Occupy Wall Street movement that has spread to virtually every major American city — and several smaller ones — as millions of people continue to express their rage and disappointment with the country’s banking, regulatory and health care systems.

"It’s absolutely unconscionable that our citizens are going overseas to protect other citizens just to come back and have our own police hurt them," said Joshua Shepherd, a six-year Navy veteran and friend of Scott Olsen’s, who attended a vigil late Wednesday afternoon for the injured man.

Fellow protesters brought him in after he failed to respond to basic questions. Doctors at the hospital said that Olsen had brain swelling and placed him under immediate supervision.

"He survived two tours in Iraq," said Adele Carpenter, a friend of Olsen’s and a member of the Civilian Soldier Alliance. "This struggle has high stakes, I really respect the fact that Scott was standing up for what he believes in. He’s really passionate about social justice causes."… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Mercury News>

Here is video of the incident.

The woman in the above photo is Jean Quan, once a victim of police violence herself, now the mayor of Oakland responsible for this atrocity.  In a Special Comment on Countdown, Keith Olbermann calls for her resignation.

In addition, Keith also included a segment, with Sam Seder, on how Faux Noise is covering OWS instead of informing their sheeple about stories like this one.  Would you believe it’s a conspiracy plotted by ACORN?

Is it any wonder that so many Republicans are clueless?

For this to be anything less than career-ending for the Oakland officials responsible would be a travesty!


Obama Helps Students

 Posted by at 12:01 am  Politics
Oct 272011

Barack Obama is rolling back the regulations under which students are required to repay student loans  Although it took him far to long to realize that Republicans will accept no compromise short of cave-in, he is finally doing what he can to help some of the people lambasted by the Republican Recession and locked out of the American dream by Republican class warfare.

27studentloanPresident Barack Obama recalled his struggles with student loan debt as he unveiled a plan Wednesday that could give millions of young people some relief on their payments.

Speaking at the University of Colorado Denver, Obama said that

he and his wife, Michelle, together owed more than $120,000 in law school debt that took nearly a decade to pay off. He said that sometimes he’d have to make monthly payments to multiple lenders, and the debt meant they were not only paying for their own degrees but saving for their daughters’ college funds simultaneously.

"I’ve been in your shoes. We did not come from a wealthy family," Obama said to cheers.

Obama said it’s never been more important to get a college education, but it’s also never been more expensive. Obama said his plan will help not just individuals, but the nation, because graduates will have more money to spend on things like buying homes.

"Our economy needs it right now and your future could use a boost right now," Obama said.

Obama’s plan will accelerate a measure passed by Congress that reduces the maximum required payment on student loans from 15 percent of discretionary income annually to 10 percent. He will put it into effect in 2012, instead of 2014. In addition, the White House says the remaining debt would be forgiven after 20 years, instead of 25. About 1.6 million borrowers could be affected.

He will also allow borrowers who have a loan from the Federal Family Education Loan Program and a direct loan from the government to consolidate them into one. The consolidated loan would carry an interest rate of up to a half percentage point less than before. This could affect 5.8 million borrowers.

Student loans are the No. 2 source of household debt. The president’s announcement came on the same day as a new report on tuition costs from the College Board. It showed that average in-state tuition and fees at four-year public colleges rose $631 this fall, or 8.3 percent, compared with a year ago. Nationally, the cost of a full credit load has passed $8,000, an all-time high… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <CBS>

Of course some will say that this is not enough, and they will be right when they do.  If people want more, they need to give Democrats a majority in the House and a filibuster proof majority in the Senate.

Oct 272011

Yesterday was very busy and I’m very tired.  I’m current, although quite brief, on replies.  Today is a volunteer at the prison day.  I won’t even return home until after the time I normally wake up to finish my research and write, so if I post articles at all, they will be late.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 4:10 (average 5:07).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From AlterNet: Occupy Wall Street has already achieved a stunning victory – a victory that is easy to overlook, but impossible to overstate. In just one month, the protesters have shifted the national dialogue from a relentless focus on the deficit to a discussion of the real issues facing Main Street: the lack of jobs — and especially jobs with decent benefits — spiraling inequality, cash-strapped American families’ debt-loads, and the pernicious influence of money in politics that led us to this point.

This is an excellent observation.

From NY Daily News: Rick Perry knows the GOP debates have been a disaster for his campaign.

The Texas governor told Fox News on Tuesday night that it was "a mistake" to participate in the televised jousting sessions with his White House rivals.

"These debates are set up for nothing more than to tear down the candidates," Perry said during an appearance on The O’Reilly Factor. "It pretty hard to be able to sit and lay out your ideas and your concepts with a one minute response.

Pure garbage!  Perry is covering up that he’s no more qualified to debate than he is to lead this nation.  Compared to the Democratic debates in 2008, these Republican debates have been baby-league softball.

From MoveOn.org: Why Bill Maher support Occupy Wall Street.

As usual, off the wall and dead on.



Oct 262011

As much as Republicans claim to want to reduce the deficit, it is easy to prove that claim a lie, because every economic plan Republicans suggest would have the exact opposite effect.  Their plans all have one thing in common.  They slash Federal receipts, greatly increasing the deficit.  Rick Perry’s flat tax plan is no different.  It’s just another tax cut for the rich.

26PerryThe tax plan put forth by Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry would mean a significant reduction in how much money the government takes in, an independent economic expert said Tuesday.

Perry is offering taxpayers two choices – either stick with the current tax system or opt into a new system in which they pay a 20 percent flat income tax. That incentivizes those who would pay less under the current system to stick with it, and those who would pay less under the flat tax plan – largely Americans on the upper end of the income scale – to opt for the new plan.

That would add up to a "substantial" decrease in revenues, says Ted Gayer, the co-director of the Economic Studies program and a Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution.

Perry has yet to lay out all the specifics of the plan, which makes it difficult to estimate its full impact. But "it’s clearly going to be a reduction in revenues, I think fairly substantial," said Gayer. Many conservative Republicans want to reduce the role of government in society in part by starving it of funds.

In addition to allowing Americans to stick with the current tax code, Perry is maintaining a number of deductions under his flat tax plan, including deductions for home mortgage interest and donations to charity. That cuts against one of the key benefits of a flat tax plan. Proponents of a flat tax say it works because it simultaneously makes the pool of taxpayers larger and makes more kinds of income taxable by eliminating deductions, a concept referred to as "broadening the base." The broadening is diminished under Perry’s plan because many of the current deductions are kept in place… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <CBS>

In addition Perry’s plan eliminates capital gains taxes and estate taxes.  Hedge fund millionaires who now pay only 15% will pay nothing at all.  Ed Schultz covers this item and Perry’s flirtation with birtherism with Jim Moore and David Kay Johnston.

Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Of course, to make his plan revenue neutral, Republicans would be forced to slash spending on everything but corporate welfare.

The bottom line is that Republicans insist on lavishing such extreme political luxuries on the 1% that the 99% cannot afford to have them in office.


Republican On Trial

 Posted by at 12:01 am  Politics
Oct 262011

To swell the numbers of their supporters, the Republican Party have opened their arms to virtually every flavor of hate group and wing-nut.  They have provided an aura of social acceptance for such people that has emboldened them to the nation’s hurt and produced a stream of right wing domestic terrorists.  One of them is on trial.

26huffAfter a week-long trial, a federal jury in Georgia is deliberating the strange case of birther OathKeeper Darren Huff, who allegedly attempted to take over a Tennessee courthouse and conduct citizens arrests on local judges and officers.

“My government has called me a potential domestic terrorist,” Huff said on the stand on Friday as he fought back tears.

“This is the most humiliating thing I have ever been through,” Huff said when he took the stand.

“I have never made a statement about taking over the courthouse, the city, the state, nothing,” he said, the AP reports. “I never said anything about taking anything over.”

“It’s hard to get employment when you’re under federal indictment,” Huff also said. “I refuse to be intimidated. All I can do is still have a voice.”

The case dates back to April 2010 when Huff, carrying a Colt .45 and an AK-47, made his way to a Tennessee courthouse to conduct citizens’ arrests on officials. Huff was responding to a call for help from supporters of Walter Francis Fitzpatrick, a leader of the birther and Patriot group American Grand Jury, who was arrested for trying to perform a citizen’s arrest on a Grand Jury foreman. Fitzpatrick was angry that court officials didn’t let him pursue a Grand Jury trial against “illegal alien, infiltrator and impostor” President Obama, and other “domestic enemies.”

Huff was stopped by State Troopers on his way to the courthouse, and said he would not resort to violence unless provoked, but he was ready to die for his rights and what he believed in. The State Troopers let him through, but he was arrested soon after… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <TPM>

Frankly, I’m not angry at Huff.  His behavior indicates that he’s at least seven cans short of a six pack.  I hope that he gets the help he needs to habilitate himself.  I am, however disgusted with the political party that is so morally bankrupt, that they lionize deranged individuals like Huff, until they hurt or kill someone.  They they say, “Who us?”.


Oregon Primary for District One

 Posted by at 12:00 am  Politics
Oct 262011

I presume most of you know that the House seat for Oregon’s 1st Congressional District is vacant, due to the resignation of David Wu.  Oregon has an excellent vote-by-mail election system, and I received my ballot in the mail today, to return postmarked on or before November 8.  Here is the complete list of worthy Republicans.  That was the list.  Here is a rundown on the three main Democratic candidates, and my own endorsement.


…The three leading candidates — state Sen. Suzanne Bonamici, Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian and state Rep. Brad Witt — have been careful to stay positive after being warned by top congressional Democrats to avoid any bloodletting that could weaken their nominee for the special election in January.

They’ve largely echoed the same standard Democratic talking points: save Medicare and Social Security, boost public works spending to create more jobs and pay more attention to the middle class, not the wealthy.

Bonamici plays up her background as a consumer advocate and supporters say it’s time for Oregon’s congressional delegation to include a woman again. Avakian focuses on what he says is his longer record of legislative successes and presents himself in his advertising as "ticked off" by the economic hardship many people are facing. Witt touts his long experience in the union movement and his kinship with average workers.

In their only televised debate of the primary last week — sponsored by The Oregonian and KGW — the three major Democrats agreed a lot. But they have some distinctive views:

Taxes: Bonamici and Avakian stick to the view expressed by President Obama and Democratic congressional leaders that the Bush-era tax cuts should be repealed only for wealthier taxpayers, generally individuals earning more than $200,000 a year. Witt disagrees. He wants the tax cuts repealed for all income levels, saying the revenue could be used to boost public works spending and create more jobs.

Trade: Avakian and Witt denounced free-trade agreements with South Korea, Colombia and Panama, saying they continue to drive American jobs overseas. Bonamici won’t say how she’d vote, explaining that she would examine the agreements’ impact on the district. It puts her a little closer to such major businesses as Intel and Nike that support expanded overseas trade.

Marijuana: Witt wants to decriminalize marijuana, saying it could become a source of tax revenue. Avakian says the feds should let the states set their own policy on marijuana. Bonamici says the issue is up to voters to decide, although in the debate she defended allowing farmers to grow industrial hemp… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <The Oregonian>

Bonamici is ahead in the polls, largely because of her endorsement from Emily’s list, based on her gender.  While I have no problem sending a woman to Congress, the only things that should matter are the candidates’ qualities and positions, not things like gender of race.

I endorse and will be voting for Brad Avakian, because he has the longest and strongest track record of support for Main Street people and progressive issues.  That said, if Oregon elects any one of these three in the January general election, Oregon wins.  All three are highly qualified and worthy of our support.  No matter which one wins the primary, I will strongly support them.

Oct 262011

Yesterday I did prep work for today’s and tomorrow’s meetings.  I’m current on replies.  Today is my volunteer day co-facilitating a therapy group for former prisoners.  Color me scarce for the rest of the week, please.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 3:18 (average 4:26).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Fantasy Football Report:

Here’s the latest from our fantasy football league, Lefty Blog Friends.


TomCat Teabag Trashers

Playing without a helmet



Progressive Underdogs

hugos renegades



Texans Will Rise Again














Team Name







1 (1)

Progressive Underdogs







2 (2)








3 (3)

hugos renegades







4 (4)

TomCat Teabag Trashers







5 (5)

Playing without a helmet







6 (6)

Texans Will Rise Again







I finally won another.

Short Takes:

From MoveOn.Org: Why Occupy Wall Street

Click through to join the mailing list for videos like this.

From Washington Post: The heads of the Senate Judiciary and Intelligence committees say they oppose a sweeping defense bill’s policy on handling terror suspects and are urging the top Senate Democrat to take it out.

In a letter last week, Democratic Sens. Patrick Leahy and Dianne Feinstein rejected a provision that would require military custody for terror suspects linked to al-Qaida and involved in an attack on the United States. Leahy and Feinstein said mandatory military custody is “unwise and will harm our national security.”

Eleven Democratic senators joined them in criticizing the provision. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has delayed work on the defense bill because of the provision, which the Obama administration opposes.

Civilians have managed custody of terrorists without incident, so I agree with Leahy, Feinstein and Obama.  I suspect that Leg Hound Harry Reid, who we need to replace as Majority Leader, has been humping Republican legs again.

From Think Progress: Politico’s Pulse flagged this story, from the Indianapolis Business Journal, of WellPoint chief financial officer Wayne DeVeydt complaining that the penalty for not obtaining health care coverage may be set too low in the Affordable Care Act. (Those without coverage pay a tax penalty [PDF]of the greater of $695 per year up to a maximum of three times that amount — $2,085 — per family or 2.5% of household income )

Of course Big Insurance wants it higher, but the penalty is not intended to force people to buy health insurance, as dishonest or misinformed opponents of the ACA claim.  Its purpose is to recover some of the cost of providing emergency care for people who do not provide for their own.  Long term the only real solution is single-payer such as Medicare for all.


