Oct 302011

Yesterday, a week in which I bit off more than I could chew caught up with me,  My COPD flared severely when I was trying to unpack and stow groceries, and a process that normally takes 2 – 3 hours took 6.  When done, I felt completely exhausted, went to sleep, and slept through my research time,  Fortunately I did the cartoon in the morning and collected a little materiel before the groceries arrived, because I feel much too weak and groggy to do more than this one item.  I have not replied to comments.  Today is a holy day in the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 5:47 (average 5:09).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Reuters: President Barack Obama, seizing on a report that showed America’s rich getting richer while the rest of the country struggled to get ahead, said on Saturday that Republicans were thwarting a fairer approach.

Better late than never, but he should have announced and acted on that two years ago.

From Think Progress: Republicans accuse the left or using the politics of division.

How do you spell H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-E-S?

From Raw Story: California Democratic Congresswoman Jackie Speier has announced that for a week, she will attempt to live on the same amount of money allotted to recipients of SNAP, the California food stamp program. San Francisco’s Channel 7 news reports that SNAP (which stands for Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program) provided $136.75 per person each month during fiscal year 2010, which breaks down to a food budget of $4.50 per day.

It wouldn’t surprise me if Ryan and Cantor counter this by trying to squeak by on a mere $million a day to show how the 1% suffer.




  10 Responses to “Open Thread–10/30/2011”

  1. A fun YouTube video just up two days ago showing the White House getting ready for Halloween:


  2. OK!  I did the puzzle in just undeer 1 minute less than the average.  I was so stunned that I did a double take, and it was so!

    The video — Hypocites is right.  It would be very funny if it weren’t such a travesty of lies.

    From Raw story — Excellent idea and I think all the people participating will find it very difficult to do without eating a lot of carbs, you know that stuff that leads to obesity and type 2 diabetes among other things.  I want to hear of their results.

    Cartoon — Spot on!  Excellent!

    • You beat my butt!


      When I was was too sick to work, but before i won SSDI, I had a budget of $150 for food and household supplies  I lived on mostly carbs.


  3. 4:35 (I guess I like flowers?)   Republican arguments about “class warfare’ are so full of holes.  Why do the “lower classes” believe them?

  4. 4:32

    “Stupid people are ruining America”? Cain sure had a lot of nerve! Look who’s talking.

    They have feen fomenting devisiveness since Pres. Obama took office.

  5. 3:51  I’m 98 out of 303 (323).

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