Oct 272011

Yesterday was very busy and I’m very tired.  I’m current, although quite brief, on replies.  Today is a volunteer at the prison day.  I won’t even return home until after the time I normally wake up to finish my research and write, so if I post articles at all, they will be late.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 4:10 (average 5:07).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From AlterNet: Occupy Wall Street has already achieved a stunning victory – a victory that is easy to overlook, but impossible to overstate. In just one month, the protesters have shifted the national dialogue from a relentless focus on the deficit to a discussion of the real issues facing Main Street: the lack of jobs — and especially jobs with decent benefits — spiraling inequality, cash-strapped American families’ debt-loads, and the pernicious influence of money in politics that led us to this point.

This is an excellent observation.

From NY Daily News: Rick Perry knows the GOP debates have been a disaster for his campaign.

The Texas governor told Fox News on Tuesday night that it was "a mistake" to participate in the televised jousting sessions with his White House rivals.

"These debates are set up for nothing more than to tear down the candidates," Perry said during an appearance on The O’Reilly Factor. "It pretty hard to be able to sit and lay out your ideas and your concepts with a one minute response.

Pure garbage!  Perry is covering up that he’s no more qualified to debate than he is to lead this nation.  Compared to the Democratic debates in 2008, these Republican debates have been baby-league softball.

From MoveOn.org: Why Bill Maher support Occupy Wall Street.

As usual, off the wall and dead on.




  14 Responses to “Open Thread–10/27/2011”

  1. Rick Perry’s (snark) debating skills (heh heh) are all the more reason I would like to see him get in a debate with Obama.  (I don’t think he can think that fast)

  2. Bill Maher nailed it again, and I’m emailing that cartoon to all my friends in hopes it will go VIRAL!

  3. Love Bill Maher’s piece!

    I’m not laughing at the cartoon. It’s so sad.

  4. In some good news, here’s a view of the volunteers to get Elizabeth Warren elected to the Senate … and this was only those that showed up at just the Framingham, MA meeting!  (I bet the repubicans are having second thoughts about their obstinate blockage of her confirmation, because that’s going to come back and bite them right in the a$$.)

    From the BlueMassGroup blog, here’s the rest of her schedule for volunteers:

    Springfield, Wednesday, October 26th, 7:00 PM
    Brockton, Wednesday, November 2nd, 7:00 PM
    Pittsfield, Thursday, November 3rd, 7:00 PM
    Yarmouth, Saturday, November 5th, Time TBD
    Lowell, Sunday, November 6th, Time TBD
    Worcester, Saturday, November 12th, Time TBD
    Boston, Sunday, November 13th, Time TBD

    (Sorry, TC – the copy/paste of the dates looks like they all came w/ links.  That’ll keep you busy for a bit, I bet.)

    • Thanks Nameless.  No problem.  Fortunately I saw it and let it out of comment jail, before I left for prison.

      The only extra work is that I blank the targets to open the links in new windows (or tabs).

  5. Cartoon — This should listed as an editorial comment, not a cartoon as cartoons are at least satirical and funny.  This piece, which is great by the way, is neither satirical nor funny.  Shame on a government that upholds the Bush tax cuts.  Double shame on a party such as the Republican Party which seeks to increase the disparity and divert funds from the most needed programmes to the least deserving recipients.

    OWS — From one of Care 2’s ‘troll’ contributors on 26/10/11 “OWS is DOA without organization and planning, boots on or not.”  Now I certainly took issue with the comment and part of my answer was to draw attention to the growing global movement and another part said “So you are quick to criticise. What are you doing to move things forward, or are you part of the 1%?”

    I am really pleased to see this article today because it proves in quantifiable terms, the beginning of the success of the OWS movement.  No movement can succeed unless it first changes the daily “speak” and starts people thinking.  And that includes the media.  Even Faux Noise is contributing by their attention to ridiculing the movement and the people involved.  It serves to keep the volume up on discussion and keep it in the forefront.  I don’t think Faux Noise has figured that out yet!

    From Alternet — “. . .In just one month, the protesters have shifted the national dialogue from a relentless focus on the deficit to a discussion of the real issues facing Main Street: the lack of jobs — and especially jobs with decent benefits — spiraling inequality, cash-strapped American families’ debt-loads, and the pernicious influence of money in politics that led us to this point. . . .”

    I think it is fair to quote John Paul Jones here “I [We] have not yet begun to fight!”

    Scarey Perry — Well, so the gun toting macho man is afraid of a little talk.  His problem, he doesn’t know enough about anything to discuss or debate it.  In debating, you have to have an idea of the possible arguements against you.  He can’t even keep his own views straight let alone possible retorts.  Perry is all flash and no substance, and he is a whiner.  Hate to see how he deals with the international community.  He’d probably hide in the bathroom until it was safe to come out.

    Why Bill Maher supports Occupy Wall Street — Very funny and spot on.  With so many Republicans referring to the protesters as lazy people, hippies, counter culture etc, how do they explain the 87 year old woman in Maher’s presentation; how do they explain the elderly gentleman using a walker that was there; how do they explain the diversity of ages, colours, educational backgrounds, working people and not working people?  Just blows the mind doesn’t it to see so many people standing up to take a stand!

    • I agree.  But let me tell you… coming up with something satirical or funny every day is damn HARD.


      Internationally, he would get another Cheney to handle it.

      Lazy people do not demonstrate!

  6. 4:32  I’m 96 out of 300 (320).

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