Republican On Trial

 Posted by at 12:01 am  Politics
Oct 262011

To swell the numbers of their supporters, the Republican Party have opened their arms to virtually every flavor of hate group and wing-nut.  They have provided an aura of social acceptance for such people that has emboldened them to the nation’s hurt and produced a stream of right wing domestic terrorists.  One of them is on trial.

26huffAfter a week-long trial, a federal jury in Georgia is deliberating the strange case of birther OathKeeper Darren Huff, who allegedly attempted to take over a Tennessee courthouse and conduct citizens arrests on local judges and officers.

“My government has called me a potential domestic terrorist,” Huff said on the stand on Friday as he fought back tears.

“This is the most humiliating thing I have ever been through,” Huff said when he took the stand.

“I have never made a statement about taking over the courthouse, the city, the state, nothing,” he said, the AP reports. “I never said anything about taking anything over.”

“It’s hard to get employment when you’re under federal indictment,” Huff also said. “I refuse to be intimidated. All I can do is still have a voice.”

The case dates back to April 2010 when Huff, carrying a Colt .45 and an AK-47, made his way to a Tennessee courthouse to conduct citizens’ arrests on officials. Huff was responding to a call for help from supporters of Walter Francis Fitzpatrick, a leader of the birther and Patriot group American Grand Jury, who was arrested for trying to perform a citizen’s arrest on a Grand Jury foreman. Fitzpatrick was angry that court officials didn’t let him pursue a Grand Jury trial against “illegal alien, infiltrator and impostor” President Obama, and other “domestic enemies.”

Huff was stopped by State Troopers on his way to the courthouse, and said he would not resort to violence unless provoked, but he was ready to die for his rights and what he believed in. The State Troopers let him through, but he was arrested soon after… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <TPM>

Frankly, I’m not angry at Huff.  His behavior indicates that he’s at least seven cans short of a six pack.  I hope that he gets the help he needs to habilitate himself.  I am, however disgusted with the political party that is so morally bankrupt, that they lionize deranged individuals like Huff, until they hurt or kill someone.  They they say, “Who us?”.


  11 Responses to “Republican On Trial”

  1. Haaaaaaaa!!! The entire Republican Party is seven cans short of a sx-pack! They breed extremism, and must be stamped out completely!

  2. Seven cans short… great!!

  3. Throw the book at him!

  4. What’s the doofus crying about?  He IS a domestic terrorist!  Book ’em Dan-O!

  5. The Republicans already have the lunatic fringe who are at least 6 fries short of a Happy Meal!  This guy looks like he belongs to Psychos R Us.  And the Republicans are courting these idiots?  That’s a marriage made in hell!

    This birther garbage . . . why don’t they just get on with solving real problems instead of making them up!  I understand that the president must be born and bred in the US which Mr Obama has provided documentation to prove, but Mr Obama has been the President for 3 years and doing a decent job, especially when you consider the circus in Congress that he has to deal with.

  6. Everyone, he was convicted today, but has not been sentenced.  The maximum is five years.  Here in Oregon he’d get a 7.5 year minimum, because it was a gun crime.

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