Oct 252011

Yesterday I did some major housework that I have been putting off because I have been so busy.  It took most of the day, and I’m pooped.  But I’m current on replies.  Today I have the prep work I planned to do yesterday.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 4:20 (average 5:33).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Chicago Tribune: More than two dozen people in red shirts affiliated with National Nurses United stood outside Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s fifth floor City Hall office this morning chanting, “Arrest the 1 percent.”

The protest came a day after two nurses with the union were arrested in Grant Park for refusing to leave after the park’s 11 p.m. closing time. They were among more than 100 people who were arrested early Sunday morning.

The nurses, who were arrested, had set up an aid station in the park to provide for the demonstrators’ basic healthcare need.  Arresting them was legal but shameful!

From NY Times: Robert S. Ford, the American ambassador to Damascus who has emerged as an outspoken critic of Syria’s crackdown on a seven-month uprising, has left the country after receiving what American officials called threats to his safety.

The departure Saturday was the latest turn in the tumultuous tenure of Mr. Ford, whose visits to restive cities like Hama and attendance of a funeral for a slain activist made him a visible and controversial figure.

Robert Ford is a modern day populist hero, and he had been receiving threats for months.  Something more is going on here, and I’m going to guess (without proof of any kind) that this represents a major diplomatic falling out between the US and Syrian tyrant, Assad.

From Countdown: Keith’s worst persons for 10/24.

Idiots all!




  10 Responses to “Open Thread–10/25/2011”

  1. AMEN, brother! 🙂

  2. Well, God’s problem is that He hasn’t availed Himself of the “How to Speak Republican: A Dictionary of What Words & Phrases REALLY Mean to Right-Wing Zealots Like Us”.  There’s more, but these made me chuckle:

    • Endangered Species: Animals that have it coming
    • Fact: Information that has been posted to a RedState or FreeRepublic comment board.
    • Forest (National): Trees that have it coming
    • Jesus: Charismatic religious leader and son of God; born in Bethlehem in the year 0; beliefs include love, charity, enhanced interrogation, privatized healthcare, elimination of the estate tax, and the right to carry concealed semiautomatic weapons
    • Liberal: A person who should be rounded up and shot (but not really)
    • Mexicans: Brown people who have it coming
    • Mountaintops: Ancient rock formations that have it coming
    • Muslims: Brown people who have it coming
    • News: Fox News
    • Obamacare: A Federally-mandated policy to address the national oversupply of grandparents through euthanasia
    • Poverty: The condition of having inadequate financial or material resources due to not trying hard enough
    • Punishment (Capital): The legally authorized killing by the State of someone who is definitely guilty
    • Regulation: Rules issued by a government agency for no reason
    • Scientist: A person who employs a rigorous system of observation, experiment, measurement, and verification to perpetuate his Godless left-wing agenda
    • Social Security: A redistributionist Ponzi scheme that is sacrosanct
    • Taxes: Levies imposed by the government that raise more revenue the lower they are
    • Welfare: A government program to distribute Cadillacs to unwed mothers
  3. 5:12 Just terrible!

    Bless the nurses!

  4. 4:56  I did not beat the one minute rule.  I am 96 out of 298 (322).

  5. Puzzle — Damn it all Tom, I asked you not to put my rusty old bones on public display!

    If, when arresting so many people including 2 nurses, Emanuel was trying to stop the protest, I believe he only suceeded in unleashing a firestorm of indignation and resolve. Nurses providing first aid services, a humanitarian service to be sure, should not have been arrested, even though a by-law permitted it, and it just goes to show how ill conceived the response has been. The 99% are here to stay!

    Am I remembering correctly, but did not Mr Assad and Mr Gaddafi have a “close” relationship?  Or at least closer since NATO started bombing the crap out of Libya?  If I am correct, then with Gaddafi’s death last week, Assad and his thugs may have decided that Robert Ford had to go as a lesson to the Western Imperialist Infidels.  And that would definitely cool off relations — think Arctic freeze.  If I were Ford right now, I’d want my stateside bed and jammies with a cup of hot cocoa before bed rather than a bodyguard at my door and an uzzi under my pillow.

    Keith Olbermann cracks me up!  A NJ mayor in his Calvin Kleins, the weekend Faux Noise idiots, and Herman Cain who has no idea about how to ammend the Constitution — all vying for the coveted Worst Person in the World award  What a bunch of dweebs!

    Cartoon — Love the toon.  I can just see that lightning bolt hitting a Republican ass and lighting up the sky with it..

    • But I didn’t tell them it was you ❗

      I agree.  Attempts to quell free speech are the the 1%’s undoing.

      You could be right.  I have nothing difinitive.



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