Infrastructure Next in Senate

 Posted by at 12:40 am  Politics
Oct 252011

First Republicans filibustered and blocked the AJA.  Next Republicans said NO to teachers, police and firefighters.  Next, Democrats in the Senate will try to put Americans to work on America’s decaying infrastructure.  Now it time for me to demonstrate my brilliance and command of rocket science.  I predict that Republicans will filibuster and block that too.

25infrastructureNext up for the Democratic Senate on President Obama’s jobs agenda: roads, rails and airports.

The office of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., announced today that next week the chamber "will likely" take up the infrastructure part of Obama’s $447 billion American Jobs Act, as it seeks to force Republican votes on every aspect of the proposal.

Last week, Senate Republicans — and two Democrats — voted to block a part of the Obama jobs plan to help local governments pay for teachers, police officers, and firefighters.

The week before, Republicans — and two Democrats — voted against consideration of the entire $447 billion jobs proposal, saying the plan costs too much and would do little to reduce the 9.1% jobs rate.

Obama said he decided to break up the bill "into smaller pieces so that we don’t confuse anybody, and let them vote on each piece one at a time."… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <USA Today>

To be honest that prediction did not require genius, after all.  The Republican Party do not care about jobs for Americans.  They care about two thing’s only.

  1. Transferring wealth from the 99% to the 1%.
  2. Establishing a permanent one-party Republican regime.

Every Republican in office is one Republican too many!


  14 Responses to “Infrastructure Next in Senate”

  1. Those damn obstructionist Republicans will only learn when voters deservedly rise up and hand their ass to them in the next election. EVERY REACTIONARY REPUBLICAN MUST GO—EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM!!!!

  2. The problem is, when have repubicans EVER passed up a second chance at being willfully stupid and hateful?

    And I’m curious, what exactly is that a picture of?Β  It doesn’t look real to me.

  3. “Obama said he decided to break up the bill “into smaller pieces so that we don’t confuse anybody”

    I doubt they were confused. They just don’t give a *&^% about people who work for a living.

  4. I predict that you are right TomCat!

  5. Damm Repig Bullshit is enough to gag a maggot

  6. Who are these 2 Dem(damn)ocrats ?

    Define the KKK…..Β  Moderate Republicans

  7. You know, the US is looking more and more like a third world country, particularly in its government.Β  With the obstructionist Repulicans and a few DINOs nothing will pass the Senate or the House.Β  I’d wager that if the Congress building were on fire, the Republicans would not pass a vote to call the fire brigade.Β  This will be their undoing.

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