Oct 242011

Yesterday, worn out from laundry, I spent the day meditating on the wonders of the Ellipsoid Orb and was blessed.  I’m current on replies.  Today I’ll be doing prep for volunteer work later in the week.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 3:27 (average 4:32).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Religious Ecstasy:


Short Takes:

From The Daily Star: Iowa: Republicans Rick Perry and Michele Bachmann took veiled swipes at surging presidential rival Herman Cain Saturday as six of the party’s White House hopefuls courted social conservatives at an Iowa forum.

Appearing separately before about 1,000 conservative activists, the Republican candidates all pledged to protect the unborn, defend traditional marriage, limit government and bring an end to the presidency of Democrat Barack Obama.

If a Republican wins in 2012, ending Obama’s presidency will be the only promise kept.

From Washington Post: Afghan President Hamid Karzai has said if the United States and Pakistan ever went to war, his country would back Islamabad, drawing a sharp rebuke Sunday from Afghan lawmakers who claimed the country’s top officials were adopting hypocritical positions.

Obama needs to realize that Karzai not a friend and not worth the life of a single troop.

From UPI: Former South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford has taken a job as a paid contributor on Fox News, the network has confirmed.

Do you suppose he’ll do a nature series on the beauty of the Appalachian Trail? 😉




  19 Responses to “Open Thread–10/24/2011”

  1. 3:35

    Bring ALL our troops home!

    I like that. A nature series on the Appalachian trail. Perfect!

  2. I loved the cartoon!  And don’t you think that THIS is a more fitting and accurate portrait of you?

  3. 4:46  In the cartoon, why didn’t someone let that poor lady know she had an unmentionable “paper product” stuck to her hat before they snapped the picture?

  4. Why, I still have my “Have You Seen Me” milk carton featuring Gov. Mark Sanford (R [like there was any doubt] – SC) when he was “missing” on that Appalachian Trail …

  5. If a Republican wins in 2012, they will do what is politically expedient for the situation, be damned the promises.  With all their harping about the moral ‘high road’ (personally, their moral ‘high road’ is the low road since it respects no one nor no thing) it is contradicted by their actions.  If professed morals and actions are at odds, then you have lies.  Blessed be the liars of this world for they shall reap what they sew!

    Karzai, well what a dweeb!  He has stood in the way for a long time.  He begs for help but then ties the hands of those that come to his aid.  He plays games with ‘allies’ as well as the many factions within the country.  He has used the allies to cement his position as leader but is very quick to denounce some of their actions.  It seems that in most areas of the Middle East, Central Asia and Africa,  tribalism is alive and well and still trying to exist in the 21st century.  Until these countries see past their tribalism into the common (which isn’t so common) good, there will always be fighting, inequality, poverty and death.

    Mark Sanford — Well surprise, surprise!  (damn I’m hearing Gomer Pyle’s voice!) a de-throned Republican working for Faux Noise.  Isn’t that cute.  What a come down for him!  Appalachian Trail — Is that the trail in Argentina with all the mountain top mining?

    Good cartoon!  If it isn’t easy to tell the difference,just look at the woman’s T-shirt on the right.  The teapot is a dead give away.

    • Everything they do will relate to transferring wealth upward and establishing a permanent Republican regime.


      That’s the trail!!

      So are the teabag and the hat.

  6. 3:09  That’s more like it!  I am 96 out of 297 (323).


  7. When republicans say “limit government”, they mean limit government regulation of business, not limit government intrusion into our private lives, like ” protect the unborn, [and] defend traditional marriage”.

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