Tom Has a BIG Mouth! ;-)

 Posted by at 12:48 am  Blog News
Oct 232011


Tom is an old-timer here at Politics Plus, and has been active in the comments, on and off, since our early days on Blogger.  Truthfully, I don’t always agree with him on issues, but I do respect his views, and maintain that agreeing with me has never been a prerequisite for acceptance here or for counting me as a friend.  You can find Tom at Stay Awhile.  Congrats Tom!!  25,000 is a milestone.


  7 Responses to “Tom Has a BIG Mouth! ;-)”

  1. Congrats Tom.  Sorry to hear that you’re having to put up with pollution on your site.  May just drop in to say hi from time to time.

  2. Congrats!  (TC – It’d be interesting to post a graph – or even just the dates – of the intervals between granting each “Big Mouth Award” to see how your site’s traffic – or at least the yappings on the site – has increased.)

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