Oct 232011

Yesterday I changed AV software from Norton, which came with the computer, to Ad-Aware Pro, which I have used for the last few years without a problem.  Thanks to Revo Uninstaller, a free utility Nameless recommended in a comment, Norton uninstalled cleanly for the first time ever!  Getting that bloated resource hog off my machine  increased the speed big time.  Dayyum this thing is fast!!  Then, I went out to run my errands and caught up on sleep, when I returned.  I’m current on replies, but I’m doing laundry.  Hate laundry!! :-(  Today is a holy day in the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb.  I will be meditating on the worship of my Broncos with the Dolphins in Miami.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 3:35 (average 4:32).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Reuters: Iraq will continue talks with Washington on how U.S. trainers can work with Iraqi forces after a complete withdrawal of American troops at the end of the year, Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki said on Saturday.

U.S. President Barack Obama announced on Friday that all U.S. troops would leave Iraq as scheduled by the end of this year after the two governments failed to reach an agreement over giving American soldiers legal immunity.

In my opinion, legal immunity was never the real issue.  Clinton wanted the US to keep the huge military bases Bush built with taxpayer money.  Maliki wanted them himself.  Now that he has the bases, he still wants the troops.  If Maliki wants US taxpayers to pay for US troops as trainers, let his government hire independent contractors and pay for them himself, or pay the US contractor rates, plus a large bones for the troops themselves, to use our troops on a volunteer basis only.

From Alternet: Banks are slated to rake in $16 billion in overdraft fee revenue this year, according to Bloomberg Businessweek. That’s down 16 percent from their 2009 peak, in part because last summer the Federal Reserve began requiring banks to get customers’ permission to enroll in overdraft protection, instead of enrolling them automatically, according to USA Today.

The mind boggles!  Is it any wonder that they fear the FCPB?

From Huffington Post: MSNBC announced Wednesday that it is making a major change to its lineup.

Starting Monday, "The Ed Show" will be moved to the prime 8 PM slot. Lawrence O’Donnell’s "The Last Word" will be moved to 10 PM, where it began before it was shifted to 8 PM following Keith Olbermann’s departure from the network.

Rachel Maddow, the network’s highest-rated host, will stay where she is at 9 PM.

All three are favorites of mine!




  7 Responses to “Open Thread–10/23/2011”

  1. Not to beat a dead horse (and I have NO financial connection to it), but I have found the  FREE Revo Uninstaller to be a Godsend in getting rid of programs, including the always-tough registry elements.  So to make it easier, here is what I wrote yesterday:

    There’s simply only one tool to use when uninstalling – and it’s a freebie – Revo Uninstaller.  And always select the “Advanced” setting so it cleans out the registry, even though it may take quite awhile to run.  Below is the link from CNET that you can read about it, and it has a link to download it.  (The link will NOT automatically start the download – it’s just Editor and User reviews/ratings.  You have to select the internal link to start the download.)


  2. Today marks a very gloomy anniversary – it was 20 years ago on 10/23/91 that Clarence Thomas was confirmed to the SCOTUS.  Think Progress has a pretty good background piece marking mourning the date:


  3. Iraq — To want to keep US troops is just proof of how weak and divided the Iraqi government is.  I also suspect part of the problem is the threat of Iran, after all, the 2 countries were at war  in the 1990’s.  Of course they have their differences one of which is religion, one is Sunni and the other Shi’a, which is a flash point for stirring up emotions!  The reason for Iran to invade Iraq is drawn on economic lines — oil and other resources.  Baby Bush took the US to war in Iraq under the erroneous pretext of WMD which proved to be a false pretext.  I also suspect that he, as a Republican warmongerer, was supporting his military industrial complex buddies in acquiring greater profits, and damn the expense of over 4,000 American lives.  Because of that stupidity over 9 years, the Iraqi’s seem to think that the US must stay and help.  It is time that the Iraqi’s unified and looked after their own business.  Like TomCat, I believe that the Iraqi’s should pay for a private contractor to train their forces.  There was time enough before this, but the Iraqi’s were too wound up in their other issues to give the training already provided the import that it deserved.

    Overdrafts — In Canada, a bank might extend a small temporary overdraft if a long time client is a few dollars short, and believe me, the client will pay a minimum of a $5 service charge.  However, for on going overdraft protection, the client must provide up-to-date employment and banking information, and sign for the credit check and the disclosure of fees and interest rates applicable.  Overdraft interest rates run anywhere from about 9% per annum (usually a credit union) to 18% per annum (big banks).  Although with the addition of fees, it feels like the rates are huge.  Usery starts at 68% which is one reason why payday loans are under such scrutiny.  There is no such thing as automatically enrolling a client in OD protection.  The client/consumer must have the right to say ‘yes, I want this at this rate’ so that they know what they are getting. 

    I too like O’Donnell, The Ed Show, Maddow and Olbermann.  I wish I could get them here but alas, no cable.  I’m too cheap to pay for cable when there is nothing worth watching other than these guys.

    Cartoon — Great toon!  Elephants are such majestic creatures.  Too bad the Republicans didn’t follow suit!


  4. Exactly!

    Here the median overdraft charge is $35 per item.

    LOL!  You get some of them here. 🙂


  5. 3:42  Not quite fast enough.  I am 95 out of 296 (321).


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