Republicans live to speak to audiences that have been prescreened for loyalty, where anyone who might disagree is removed, sometimes forcibly. They love hijacking Democratic meetings with Teabaggers, carefully taught what to think, say and do. and then bussed in, at billionaire expense, to disrupt the meeting. But what does a Republican leader say when informed that spontaneous protesters will attend his speech? This is not an exact quote, but it is a reliable interpretation: Bwaaack-buk-buk-buk-buk!
House Majority Leader Eric Cantor canceled a speech on income inequality at the University of Pennsylvania Friday morning, after his office was told that the school opened the speech to the public and it was targeted by protesters — including Occupy Philadelphia.
The Virginia Republican’s speech was pre-empted by protests from liberal groups and unions, who were set to start demonstrating well before the scheduled 4:30 p.m. start time of Cantor’s address.
Cantor’s office was told that only the university community would be invited to attend the event, but Capitol Police informed the majority leader’s office Thursday night that the first 300 people in line would be allowed in. The Daily Pennsylvanian, the campus paper, reported that protesters were allowed to move from the street onto Penn’s campus hours before the speech was slated to begin. The college paper reported that protesters were planning to be there as early as 9 a.m… [emphasis added]
Inserted from <Politico>
Now, if Cantor planned an honest presentation on the causes of and need to address income inequality, as advertised, he should have nothing to fear from the protesters. They have the same concerns and would listen to any serious proposal. Could it be that Cantor knew they would not tolerate a meaningless dog and pony show? Here’s what was to be in the speech.
…Cantor’s speech quite literally has no policy proposals in it at all. In fact, the closest he comes to presenting an actual idea is a plea not to say mean things about rich people or ask them to pay their fair share in taxes:
There are politicians and others who want to demonize people that have earned success in certain sectors of our society. They claim that these people have now made enough, and haven’t paid their fair share. But, pitting Americans against one another tends to deflate the aspirational spirit of our people and fade the American dream. I believe that the most successful among us are positioned to use their talents to help grow our economy and give everyone a hand up the ladder and the dignity of a job. We should encourage them to extend their creativity and generosity to helping build the community infrastructure that provides a hand up and a fair shot to those less fortunate. […]
Instead of talking about a fair share or spending time trying to push those at the top down, elected leaders in Washington should be trying to ensure that everyone has a fair shot and the opportunity to earn success up the ladder. The goal shouldn’t be for everyone to meet in the middle of the ladder. We should want all people to be moving up and no one to be pulled down. How do we do that? It cannot simply be about wealth redistribution. You don’t just take from the guy at the top to give to the guy at the bottom and expect our problems to be solved.
Cantor also mentions that lawmakers should embrace “a Steve Jobs Plan [Cantor delinked],” under which “those who are successful not only create good jobs and services that make our lives better, they also give back and help everyone move just a little bit further up the ladder and everybody wins.” But that’s it. No actual ideas of any kind. Cantor’s entire speech is a story about his grandmother and a plea to not raise taxes on the wealthy… [emphasis original]
Inserted from <Think Progress>
No wonder!! Because he had to offer but platitudes and lies, the coward clucked.
14 Responses to “The Coward Clucked”
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Another RepublicanT afraid of the truth!
Why is it when they want to cut funding for social programs they use the phrase “shared sacrifice”? Just when do the rich start “sharing the sacrifice” we are continually asked to make?
If Republicans have their way, never.
Since Cantor’s only proposal was “Not to say mean things about rich people” – then I suppose this would be very upsetting to little Eric:
Pissing off little Eric? Now THAT would be a good thing!
Funny cartoon! I wish Cantor wasn’t so powerful, but I actually think he’s in more control than his cohort Boehner is. How long will the people remember this fearful retreat?
Cantor controls Boehner. Just think: Debt ceiling debate. As for how long people will remember? I plan to keep reminding them as often and as long as possible. 🙂
Boehner has never been in control. I am constantly amazed at his lily livered sitting back and letting Cantor take the spotlight. Guess Boner is too busy drinking and weeping. Cantor is one of those nasty little thing that floats around in the toilet before it is flushed.
Fabulous cartoon. I love the depiction of Cantor and Boehner — whether intentional or not, it fits!
” . . . But, pitting Americans against one another tends to deflate the aspirational spirit of our people and fade the American dream. . . . “
Eric dear, the ones I see pitting American against American is you and the Republican/Teabag twits you associate with. The only fading of the American dream I see is coming from those at the other end of the economic spectrum who have lost hope because of your constant harping for the millionaires and billionaires.
“. . . Instead of talking about a fair share or spending time trying to push those at the top down, elected leaders in Washington should be trying to ensure that everyone has a fair shot and the opportunity to earn success up the ladder. . . .”
Eric dear, what do you mean by ‘everyone’? just your million dollar income friends, or quite literally, every American, no matter the income? Me thinks you meant the former! a bowl of raspberries to you!
This is your poor Auntie talking, you’re just a scared little chicken shit that is afraid to scratch around in the dirt (unless it is dirt about someone else) and do an honest days work. Please do us a favour, go check out the fox pen!
What can I say, but Amen!!
A scared , cowardly little a$$wipe– as is apparent in every word out of his lying mouth–
quote from Maria ; Cantor controls Boehner. Just think: Debt ceiling debate. As for how long people will remember? I plan to keep reminding them as often and as long as possible.
Phyllis, I regret to inform you that you are being sued by the SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to A$$wipes). 😉
Shorter Eric Cantor: Summary courtesy of Monty Python’s “The Brave Sir Robin Song”
MINSTREL (singing): When [freedom] reared its ugly head, He bravely turned his tail and fled
Shortest: Bwaaack-buk-buk-buk-buk!