Oct 222011

Yesterday I never did get any errands run, because I spent most of the day tinkering and tying up loose ends on the computer.  Windows Update installed  IE9 on my computer.  I still prefer Firefox, but, when I need to copy and paste a table,  IE9 preserves the formatting, but Firefox does not.  I ran several scans with maintenance utilities  I use, and I installed the software for my printer.  I’m current with replies.  Today I have errands to run and one computer task that could be daunting.  I will uninstall Norton and replace it with Ad-Aware.  The last time I uninstalled Norton, I had to hand edit the registry to remove the last traces that interfere with other AV software.  It took hours.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 4:25 (average 4:59).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Huffington Post: On more than one occasion, the president has cut personal checks to struggling Americans who’ve written to the White House, according to an excerpt from a new book by Washington Post reporter Eli Saslow about the ten letters the president reads every day.

"It’s not something I should advertise, but it has happened," the president told Saslow.

Republican presidents would do the same thing, except only for needy millionaires behind on their yacht payments, and instead of sending their own money, they would raise taxes on the poor to pay for it.

From CBS: President Obama announced Friday that the United States will withdraw nearly all troops from Iraq by the end of the year, effectively bringing the long and polarizing war in Iraq to an end.

"After nearly 9 years, America’s war in Iraq will be over," said Mr. Obama.

At last!  Afghanistan next!

From Boston Globe: Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann is losing her New Hampshire staff.

As many as five staffers formally left Bachmann’s campaign this week, two people with direct knowledge of the situation said Friday. They requested anonymity because they were not authorized to disclose internal workings of the campaign.

Bachmann spokeswoman Alice Stewart disputed reports of a staff shakeup, saying: "We have a great team in New Hampshire. We haven’t been notified that anyone’s left the campaign."

I’m going to go out on a limb here.  Batshit B is lying. 😯




  7 Responses to “Open Thread–10/22/2011”

  1. There’s simply only one tool to use when uninstalling – and it’s a freebie – Revo Uninstaller.  And always select the “Advanced” setting so it cleans out the registry, even though it may take quite awhile to run.  Below is the link from CNET that you can read about it, and it has a link to download it.  (The link will NOT automatically start the download – it’s just Editor and User reviews/ratings.  You have to select the internal link to start the download.)


  2. 4:27

    Afghanistan next! Bring them all home!

  3. Puzzle — 5:23 1st time, 4:36 second time.  OK, I’m getting closer, but still no cigar.

    Cartoon — AMEN!  Great cartoon.  You should send it to every politician, but especially to every Republican, DINO and Blue Dog and tell them to think about the message — for that lot you might have to explain it to them.

    President Obama“. . . And then you start thinking about the fact that for every one person that wrote describing their story, there might be another hundred thousand going through the same thing. So there are times when I’m reading the letters and I feel pained that I can’t do more, faster, to make a difference in their lives.”  And this is who the Republicans say should be a one term president?

    This reminds me of a Chilean or Argentinian golfer who received a plea from a woman that her child was gravely ill and would die without an operation that would cost about $10,000.  The golfer, moved by the story, sent her a cheque.  Upon hearing about this, his friends chided him and said it was a scam.  He replied, “You mean there is no sick child?”  No they said, the woman used you to get money.  “Oh, I’m so thankful that there is no dying child.” he replied.

    I can see why Mr Obama would keep this quiet for several reasons: the Republicans will twist and distort this out of all meaning trying to make political points; this is the act of citizen Obama, not President Obama; it coulld open the flood gates of requests taking valuable energy away from the job.

    You’re right TomCat, Republicans would only help the 1%, those behind on their yacht payments, and instead of sending their own money, they would raise taxes on the poor to pay for it.

    Batshit Bertha — So it’s only New Hampshire?!  Damn, the way it came out on the news that I heard was that all staff everywhere walked out en masse.  Well, I guess I’ll have to hold my enthusiasm for the Republican primary when she goes down in flames publicly, and not quietly.

    Iraq — AMEN!  Next stop, Afghanistan.  I saw an article in the Hufrfington Post about Michelle Obama and Jill Biden partnering to make a difference to returning vets and another by Van Jones.  With all that is going on in the US, veterans especially will need some help to re-integrate into US life as a civilian.

  4. 4:09  I’m 95 out of 295 (322).

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