Funnies From Lawrence

 Posted by at 12:45 am  Politics
Oct 222011


Going into the weekend, a taste of humor always hits the spot, especially when Republicans are the butt of the jokes.  Here’s a collection of funnies from Lawrence O’Donnell.  Enjoy.

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  4 Responses to “Funnies From Lawrence”

  1. Stephen Colbert’s description of the dictators as a nocturnal burrowing species was my laugh out loud moment.

    It aptly describes a lot of our politicians here in the USA.

  2. I agree with Patty, but I also had a good LOL watching the GOP debate.  And those guys think they are presidential material?!  Scarey, very scarey!  Not one of them knows how to listen — their eogs are the size of New York!  Yikes!!  Actually, that reminds me of a line from a drinking game from years ago — the perfect description of the 8 GOP hopefuls — Eight egotistical egoists eagerly echoing egostical ecstasies.

    • Watching a Republican debate is complicated.  One needs a barf bag handy with a pocket, a shoe qnd a 30 gallon trash can handy to catch the overflow.

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