Oct 212011

Last night the Senate voted on bringing part of Obama’s jobs bill to the floor for debate.  Republicans filibustered  to obstruct the bill, requiring 60 votes to move it ahead, not the simple majority that used to be the norm, before Republicans determined to block virtually everything, sabotaging the nation, and blaming Democrats for political gain.  America needs those jobs and services!

gop-noDespite a campaign-style push this week by President Barack Obama, the Senate on Thursday scuttled pared-back jobs legislation aimed at helping state and local governments avoid layoffs of teachers and firefighters.

Obama’s three-day bus tour through North Carolina and Virginia — states crucial to his re-election race next year — didn’t change any minds among Senate Republicans, who filibustered Obama’s latest jobs measure to death just as they killed his broader $447 billion jobs plan last week.

The xx-xx [sic] vote came in relation to a motion to simply take up the bill. Some Democrats who voted with the president, like Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Jon Tester of Montana, however, said they couldn’t support the underlying Obama plan unless it’s changed.

Thursday’s $35 billion measure combined $30 billion for state and local governments to hire teachers and other school workers with $5 billion to help pay the salaries of police officers, firefighters and other first responders. The White House says the measure would “support” almost 400,000 education jobs for one year. Republicans call that a temporary “sugar high” for the economy… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Washington Post>

Evidently the Post wrote this article, before the vote was final and forgot to add the vote count above.  It was 50-50.  Since Republicans goose stepped as one, that means that two disloyal DINOs goose stepped with them.  When I learn who they are, you will know too.  Ed Schultz discusses the vote with columnist Ezra Klein.

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Note that the increase only 1/2 of 1% on income over $1 million.  For every extra $million, the surtax would have been only $5,000, a tiny pittance at that level.

There is one bottom line here.  Republicans think the 1% need that pittance more than the 99% need teachers, police officers, firefighters, and the services they provide.  Does that tell you who Republicans represent?


  20 Responses to “Republicans Say NO to Teachers, Police and Firefighters”

  1. Democrats/Independents voting “Nay”: Senators Lieberman (I-CT), Nelson (D-NE) & Pryor (D-AR)


  2. All I Democrats/Independents voting “Nay”: Senators Lieberman (I-CT), Nelson (D-NE) & Pryor (D-AR)  …..  All I can say in the face of this expected  debacle– Ugly  and mean , gets even uglier and meaner-

  3. Welcome back, Tom!

    All because of a surtax on millionaires.

  4. It is time all of us permanently start saying NO to Republicans!!!!!

  5. Well welcome back Tom – I missed PP! This is only fodder for the #OWS movement (at least it ought to be!) – being totally challenged when it comes to tech – I attempted to share an article somewhat related, on Reich’s ideas that might be considered:EconoMonitor : EconoMonitor » The Meagerness of the Republican Debates, the Smallness of the President’s Solutions, and the Need for a Progressive Alternative – I’ve been trying to articulate these myself  for the past 3 yrs.! What I do like about this particular obstruction is the number of jobs that will be lost in the FD/PD areas that can tend toward GOP in mindset – I hope this might effect a change in their attitudes! Perhaps they’ll even join in the protests – since all the while they are a part of the 99’ers!

  6. Hoping someone will read this and take seriously my suggestion.
    It is VERY disheartening to learn that the Republicans have ONCE AGAIN blocked this important legislation.
    It is apparent that they will reject ANYTHING that has ANY kind of TAX attached to it, regardless of the importance of the legislation and the common sense involved.

    (Credit NPR)
    I have been a fan of Public Broadcasting for many years, and note that they are once again in the middle of their “FUND DRIVE”, asking the public to pledge support and reminding us that they are NOT getting support from government tax dollars.

    As this first phase of Obama’s Jobs Bill was calculated to cost .5% of income over $1 Million, and as we understand that even the wealthy support the bill (although the Republicans in Congress, with their pledge to Grover Norquist, will not), suppose DIRECT CONTACT is made to those individuals making in excess of $1 Million ASKING them to CONTRIBUTE that .5% (or more) to make jobs (put teachers and first responders back to work, etc.)

    The ‘SEMANTICS’ of a “CONTRIBUTION” (versus a “TAX”) just might make it possible to bypass this ridiculous obstructionist Congress, and actually get something done!


    Bonita Chambers

    • Welcome Bonita.  🙂

      I think you posted this from your phone and it automatically appended your telephone number to your comment.  I removed it as a courtesy to you, and suggest leaving your personal telephone number in a place where haters can find it is a bad idea.  If you left it intentionally, and want it there, you can edit your comment and put it back.

      Your idea has one problem.  It’s impossible to ascertain in advance how much revenue a voluntary contribution request will bring in.  Republicans demand that all new spending be offset, so as not to increase the deficit, and will require that something else be cut.

  7. Looked like it was Nelson D NE and Pryor D-AR who stupidly jumped ship.  I don’t know why the Dems don’t strip Nelson of his party rights etc.  He certainly isn’t acting like a Democrat.  Under the US system, can the Democrats try to replace him in his constituency?  I know thw people can do a recall.  But in preparation for the election, assuming Nelson’s term is up, can the Dems run a different candidate in the constituency, efectively forcing Nelson to run as an independent or over to the Republican side, which is effectively where he is anyway?

    And Lieberman I – CT — what more do you expect from the little turncoat?

    What is the first word, and usually the only word, a two year old kid learns?  NO!  Yup, just goes to show you that Republicans are nothing more than 2 year olds who don’t know how to play nice in the sandbox!

    Wait until the non Wall St crooks invade their homes.  Who are the 1% going to call then?

    • Lynn, any recall would have to come from his his own constituents, but the caucus could strip his leadership assignments on committees.

  8. Uh, how many billionaire teachers, firefighters, or police officers do YOU know?

    Of COURSE they were going to torpedo it.


  9. Question to all repubicans:  Why do you guys get a hard-on about spending our tax dollars to fund the building of infrastructure in Libya to rape their oil fields so BP, Shell, etc. can get rich – but vote “NO!” on building infrastructure back home in the good old U.S. of A. to help American citizens get a job?

    If you can stomach it, watch repubican Sen. Lindsey Graham & Mark Kirk proposing to spend your tax dollars in Libya to help American oil corporations get richer, but fuhgeddabout helping actual Americans: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QGEWeytJHsw

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