Oct 212011

Yesterday I spent the entire day getting my new computer to the point where I can use it.  The biggest single tasks were to copy all my appointments from my old Calendar to my new one and to replace eight drivers that were out of date.  Barring unforeseen circumstances, I’m back in the saddle.  I’m current on replies.  Today I have errands to run, and I’m sure I’ll think of more things to fix.

Jig Zone Puzzles:

Yesterday’s took me 3:37 (average 5:07).  To do it, click here.  Today it took me 4:22 (average 5:21).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From TPM: The Romney Rule

Our rule:  keep Romney unemployed!

From NBC: House Speaker John Boehner cannot event have a round of golf these days without being approached by angry constituents. The Occupy Wall Street movement has gone global and, apparently, mobile as Boehner was followed by some 50 protesters to a Monday golf round at Pelican Hill Golf Club.

Boehner was at the club for a fundraising tournament put on by the Orange County GOP. The protesters held their occupation on Pelican Hill Road, according to the Daily Pilot. Their leader Rick Jacobs said Boehner cannot avoid their myriad demands.

Before we know it, they’ll be picketing Agent Orange at his home away from home: the bar.

From NY Times: Social Security recipients will get a 3.6 percent increase in benefits next year to help keep up with inflation, the first such cost-of-living adjustment in three years, the government announced Wednesday.

The automatic increase will begin with payments that go to nearly 55 million Social Security beneficiaries in January.

For retired workers, the average monthly benefit will increase by $43, to $1,229. That translates into annual income of $14,748, up $516 from this year.

Mine will barely cover the increases in my rent for the last three years, but every little bit helps.




  9 Responses to “Open Thread–10/21/2011”

  1. 4:46

    We’re getting an increase for the first time since 2009 and we’re supposed to be overjoyed. I just got an bill for $2,000 to fix my furnace. Oh goody!  My increase doesn’t even cover a quarter of it.

  2. The King of Flip Flop — long live the king, just not on my nickel, so to speak.  I’m with you, keep him unemployed because if the American voters don’t, they will be!  Although I’m not a fan of negative ads, this one is ok.  Love the sutle music, almost like a funeral dirge.

    Boehner — That’s cute, Agent Orange at Orange County GOP fundraiser!  Goes to show you where his loyalties lie — with the elite, not his constituents.  Maybe one of the pelicans (I assume there are some since it is their hill) will come and scoop him up!  We can only hope!  Poor pelican will have indigestion and heartburn for a month at least.

    Why does Rick Jacobs think that Boehner cannot avoid their myriad demands?  He’s done it up til now.  Leopards seldom change their spots.

    Social Security — I’m glad that there is an increase, but too bad it is 3 years late and not retroactive.  Mind you, if Boehner, Cantor, McConnell at al get in then there won’t be any more social security.  But there will be a civil war I’d wager.

    Cartoon — Love the toon!  Pull the arm and everyone’s a loser!

  3. You don’t see this every day from repubicans … but maybe every week or so,  The repubican candidate running for state senate in New Jersey fell the need to send out some matrimonial advice via Tweet to women in NJ that they should be “A whore in the bedroom.”  And Phil Mitsch (the repubican Tweeter) ain’t taking it back, and insists that “his advice is only ‘sensible’ and ‘great’ and not at all sexist.”

    Oh, yeah … that attitude will surely win over female voters.

  4. Yesterday — 3:43.  Today — 4:13  Looks like a split.  I am 94 out of 294 (320).

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