Poll Results–10/16/2011

 Posted by at 12:01 am  Blog News
Oct 162011

Here are the results of the Primary moving poll.


And here are your comments.

From AnnH on October 2, 2011 at 3:15 pm


I am in the 4% voting "Yes" only because I’m over allowing the uber-right in Iowa and South Carolina decide who the Republican candidate is going to be — remember 2000 S. Carolina, which, thanks to Carl Rove’s dirty trick, anointed G.W. as the official candidate –we’re not over it yet.


From Liisa G. on September 30, 2011 at 11:47 am


I think it’s just to promote the state for tourism.

The majority of you voted that moving up primaries is a bad idea.

I voted with the majority because, whenever a state moves it up to gain advantage, the states that were earlier just move too to recover their advantage.  The only net effect is to make campaign season longer.  Longer campaigns cost more money, giving lobbyists and special interests more influence.  Longer campaigns also shorten the time when politicians can get something done rather than obstruct to gain advantage, but Republicans have made that a constant tactic in recent years.

I would like to see party conventions held in early August, with states split into three equal (by electoral votes) groups for primaries in early May, June and July.  States would rotate months so no state would have an unfair advantage as some do now.

Our new poll is on which Republican you think will win their nomination.  Enjoy.


  2 Responses to “Poll Results–10/16/2011”

  1. The campaigning is too long as it is right now.

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