Oct 162011

Yesterday I continued to prepare and went out for perishables.  I’m current on replies.  Today is a holy day in the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb, but the Denver congregation is on sabbatical, aka bye.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 4:21 (average 5:10).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From CBS: With just over a year left in the race for the White House, campaign finance reports released Saturday offered the first major picture into the haves and the have-nots among the Republican presidential candidates.

Two of the top Republican contenders, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and Texas Gov. Rick Perry, have brought in more than $30 million combined. Meanwhile, candidates like former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum and businessman Herman Cain have raised significantly less than that.

Cain is under $2 million.

From Voice of America: Human rights groups are welcoming the U.S. decision to deploy 100 U.S. troops to central Africa to support the regional fight against a guerrilla group known for atrocities against civilians.

One of those groups, Human Rights Watch, has been urging the Obama administration to increase efforts to protect people from the Ugandan Lord’s Resistance Army. 

I have no problem with 100 advisors in a non-combatant role, and this time, Obama notified Congress, as the law requires.

From St. Petersburg Times: Seven weeks after a hurricane wrecked plans for the original ceremony, the dedication of Washington’s new Martin Luther King Jr. National Memorial is scheduled to take place today amid sunny skies, pleasant temperatures and a throng of dignitaries from across the nation. President Barack Obama is slated to deliver the keynote address at 11 a.m., following three hours of pomp and celebration at the site of the $120 million granite memorial.

I’m glad to see this and even contributed to it, but no monument will ever be sufficient for such a giant among men.




  11 Responses to “Open Thread–10/16/2011”

  1. .Even Hitler likes the 9-9-9 Godfather’s pizza deal.  5:25 😈

  2. Leave it up to Limbaugh to, yet again, be on the WRONG side of any issue.  He came out bashing Pres. Obama for “targeting Christians” while supporting the Lord’s Resistant Army.  The atrocities of the LRA are mind-boggling … then again, so are Rushbo’s, so I guess it’s a good match-up.  The man is an IDIOT!

  3. 4:49  The window was not open quite far enough.  I am 91 out of 289 (315).

  4. The door is wide open on the next one!

  5. Financial Standings — Amazing amounts of money involved in a race — too much if you ask me!  When a candidate fails to achieve the objective, what happens to any money that is left in the war chest?  Romney is Mr Flip-Flop, Perry a gun toting yahoo, Bachmann an air head, and Cain a sheister with his 999.  The Rest are also rans of little consequence.  And there is the religion factor.  What is it that my father said?  Oh yeh, never talk religion or politics at a party.  I think I’ll change that to never talk religion AND politics unless you want to draw out the crazies.

    Ugandan Lord’s Resistance Army — 100 in a non-combatant role.  Will they be able to fire if fired upon or strictly in self defense?  I seem to recall Canadian peace keeping troops in Rwanda who were not allowed to fire even when fired upon.  Sure caused a stink here.  The LRA though has to go.  Nothing more than a power hungry group of thugs.

    Martin Luther King Jr Memorial — Good that it ia happening now amid sunny skies and fair temperatures.  I saw an article where Stevie Wonder, who is scheduled to participate in the ceremony, was taken up in a cherry picker so that he could ‘see’ the statue.  He has donated $10,000 per year to allow the visually impaired a chance to see the monument as he did.  Apparently he said that if that was enough, he’d have to increase the amount.

    Cartoon — One goose-step is as bad as the other.  With the Republican masses blindly goose-stepping to the rhetoric beat of Scarey Perry, Clocked Cain, Air Head Bachmann or Mittens (boxing gloves) Romney, God help America!


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