Oct 072011

Because I was working at the time, I did not witch this in its entirety, but I caught the overall drift.  I did not agree with everything he said, but I liked how he said it.  I did not like the disrespect some reporters showed him, trying to catch him with gotcha questions, which he fielded as though they were serious and answered well.  He kept Republicans on Front Street over their refusal to address the jobs issue by debating the AJA.  I have a short description and video of the entire conference in six segments.


He deployed hand chops, finger wags, furrowed brows. He was sarcastic, demanding, partisan.

"I’m not going to cave to the competition," President Barack Obama declared midway through Thursday’s news conference.

He was talking about America’s economic rivals abroad. But he could just as well have been referring to his Republican antagonists at home.

Obama, so often partial to a measured, professorial mien, opened his hour-plus news conference by throwing down a marker to the Republicans who have dared to dis his jobs plan.

"Why would you be opposed?" he demanded of those who are against his jobs proposal.

"Any senator out there who’s thinking about voting against this jobs bill when it comes up for a vote needs to explain exactly why."… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Huffington Post>

Here’s the video:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

If you prefer a transcript, click here.

All things considered, Obama did nothing to hurt his cause and helped it through clear communication.


  15 Responses to “Obama assertive at news conference”

  1. He wears assertive well. 🙂

  2. I watched most of it and was impressed by his use of forceful words for a change.

  3. Right on , Mr President!!

  4. *shrug* When in the old days we used to street race, building our own cars, some would take badges say from a GTO and put them on their 6 cylinder Pontiac…we called them “all show no go”

  5. What I saw and heard was

    • clear direct language,
    • eye contact,
    • forceful language,
    • confidence in tone and gestures,
    • calm and measured in his responses.

    There were a couple of times when I thought he might want to throttle the reporter over his question, one particularly near the beginning, but it was probably me projecting my reaction onto Mr Obama.  There was one question about his leadership and his ability to influence which I found particularly annoying because it demonstrated a complete lack of understanding of the dynamics in the government.  A one handed person cannot clap.  There has to be coöperation but he isn’t getting it.

    I liked how he said, if the Republicans have an alternative plan, then great let’s discuss it, but they never have anything to discuss.

    • Good observations, Lynn.  I found several of the questions of the “Do you neat your wife with your right hand or your left?” type, where any direct answer is self-condemning.

  6. Another point I noticed but forgot to mention . . .

    While talking about the surtax, Mr Obama commented that higher income earners like himself had to do their share.  He was quiet about it but, if I recall correctly, he touched his chest at that point.  He wasn’t flaunting his income (I’m sure people know he makes a big chunk of change by their standards) but it was a quiet acknowledgement of his role as an American.  Haven’t seen a Republican acknowledge that they are ticked for themselves, only in the broadest sense — wealth Americans.

    It really is sick when you consider that he has a country to run, a very large country with a board of directors (the Congress) that are almost pure poison.

    , and he is paid less than many corporate CEOs.  They get stock options, he gets the Republicans.

  7. I’m growing back in love with this President when he talks like this.  He’s so bright and worthy of our loyalty when he acts like one of us.  He may have had good reasons for his weakened state earlier.  None of knows what he’s dealing with behind closed doors.  I’m just glad he’s acting more forceful right now.  I imagine it’s partly (or all?) motivated by the upcoming election.  But, whatever the reason, he’s bringing back my old enthusiasm for him.  I appreciate your emphasizing the President’s conference here, Tom, especially since the networks in my area didn’t show his entire conference.

    • I’m not quite that far, because I’ve seen him like this before, and I saw what followed.  I don’t think I will ever have the enthusiasm for him once had, but I still count myself as a supporter.

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