Oct 062011

Yesterday I went bug hunting.  While sleuthing the mystery of the missing smileys, I decided to look at other themes as well.  I stripped the blog down to a bare bones installation and reinstalled plugins one at a time.  I opted not to reinstall wp-social blogroll, because reloading its info every time any page is refreshed was cumbersome.  I opted not to reinstall sendlove.to, because nobody was using it.  I tried to reinstall the old smiley toolbar, but it still does not work with our graphical comment editor.  I tested several different themes, but none met my needs like Suffusion, so I reinstalled and reconfigured that.   After all that, smileys still did not work, so I dug deeper and found that one of the smiley toolbars, that I had tested had tested, corrupted the smiley source graphics on the server.  I replaced them and smileys are back.  🙂 I missed sleep.  I got nothing else done.  I’m current on replies.  Today I gave three days of tasks to do.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 4:39 (average 5:04).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Wired: Steven Paul Jobs, co-founder, chairman and former chief executive of Apple Inc., passed away Wednesday.

A visionary inventor and entrepreneur, it would be impossible to overstate Steve Jobs’ impact on technology and how we use it. Apple’s mercurial, mysterious leader did more than reshape his entire industry: he completely changed how we interact with technology. He made gadgets easy to use, gorgeous to behold and essential to own. He made things we absolutely wanted, long before we even knew we wanted them. Jobs’ utter dedication to how people think, touch, feel and interact with machines dictated even the smallest detail of the computers Apple built and the software it wrote.

He did help change the face of computing.  Condolences to those who loved him.

From Reuters: Labor unions including nurses, and transit workers were set to join the growing anti-Wall Street movement march on Wednesday through New York’s financial district, and some college students walked out of classes in solidarity.

Sadly. I have heard reports of violence, but nothing definitive as yet.

From Washington Post: A House committee vote Wednesday set in motion the final act of the long drama of approving free trade agreements with South Korea, Colombia and Panama.

The Ways and Means Committee votes for the three agreements set the stage for full House approval next week and Senate votes in the near future.

See today’s cartoon.




  16 Responses to “Open Thread–10/6/2011”

  1. Godspeed.

  2. 5:25, my worst time ever.

    I think these Free Trade bills will be disastrous.

  3. I’m a smiley lover from way back – I applaud your dedication!:)  I love your cartoon too!

  4. Steve Jobs — A man of technological vision too early taken. The body may be gone but the soul lives on as does his influence in the world.  Rest in Peace Steve Jobs.

    OWS — The only violence Reuters reported so far was around the arrest of the 700 last weekend.  I really hope the rumours you heard TC are wrong because violence will only cheapen the cause.

    From Reuters — U.S. Representative Louise Slaughter, a New York Democrat, endorsed the movement.

    “The gap between the haves and have nots continues to widen in the wake of the 2008 recession, precipitated by the banking industry. Yet we are told we cannot afford to raise taxes on millionaires and billionaires,” she said in a statement. “I’m so proud to see the Occupy Wall Street movement standing up to this rampant corporate greed.”  . . . Retired teacher Frank Mello said he joined the movement to “demonstrate that we are stronger when we are united and Wall Street is as powerful as we allow them to be.”

    And where are the rest of the House, particularly Democrats?  We already know that the Republicans are the lap dogs of the banksters so we won’t hear from them other than to bark to try to intimidate protesters.

    Free Trade — I have always felt that free trade should be fair.  When NAFTA was being discussed, I always felt that Canada was coming out on the short end of the stick (as opposed to the other end of a balanced stick) based on what I was seeing in the press.  It didn’t seem fair at the time but I wasn’t as aware then as I am becoming now.  Thanks TC for helping me become more aware and giving us all this platform to express ourselves.

    • Actually, Jobs was the marketing guy.  The techie was Wozniak.  Rest in peace.

      See today’s lead item.

      The Democrats in the Congressional Progressive Caucus have endorsed them.  The rest are afraid of being embarrassed if the demonstrators turn violent and lose their credibility.

      I think the US did too.  The winners were corporations who got top exploit Mexican labor.  YVW.

  5. 4:53  This was not an easy puzzle.  The average time was up to 5:28 when I did it.  I am 90 out of 279 (323).

    The only people benefiting from the free trade agreements are the international corporations…and they are not even people.

  6. My smileys are hiding…or do I need to go to the Using Smileys page?

  7. 5:21  (Big orange smiley)

  8. Thank you for my smilies back- so sorry they were such a pita.

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