Oct 042011

Residents of Dallas County, Texas need to take heed of a quirk in their voting machines, because they are sure to confuse voters.  Dallas County Democrats sued and won in the Appeals Court, but Republican dominated County appealed to the Supreme Court.  In my cartoon in yesterday’s Open Thread, I said to hide the Constitution, because the Court is sitting again, so I don’t have to tell you how the decision turned out.

4ivotingThe Supreme Court has thrown out a ruling on the use of a certain electronic voting machine in Texas.

The high court without comment declared moot an appeal of a ruling against Dallas County, Texas. That county was sued by the Texas Democratic Party over the use of iVotronic machines.

They allow people to vote straight-party tickets, but if the voter subsequently touches any of the candidates in that party on the screen, their vote for that person is rescinded

…Before machines, Dallas County used paper ballots. If a voter selected a straight ticket, and that party’s candidate, his or her vote for that candidate would count… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <AP>

In short, the machines, treat voting a ticket and then selecting individuals the exact opposite of the way these votes were counted using paper ballots.  This gives Republicans a distinct advantage.  Because their voters need to be told what to think, they already have networks in place to do so.  You can be sure that pastors in the pulpits of every supply-side pseudo-Christian church will be repeating instructions over and over again.  In addition, the Republican party will do everything they can to keep the information from poor and minority voters,  Dallas County Democrats must pick up that slack.

In addition, moving from paper to electronic machines is a step backwards.  Remember 2004.


  8 Responses to “SCOTUS allows Dallas to confuse voters”

  1. -Many-many — years ago – my dad was active in politics ,  home city stuff—–learned a lot about how things really work back then–the idea of machines to vote with was a brand new idea—-I recall my dad– who had observed  and counted many a ballet- saying “bad idea”  — ‘machines can be rigged easier than people-‘-   He was right– now bear in mind Dad was born in 1900 was a WWI Vet— saw a lot–

    Young people are in love with technology—part of the problem– when my 7 yr old grandchild can sit down and get into just about any ‘puter she wants—and can by pass every password or combination to get into where she should not– what in hell makes people so damm confident  ‘puter voting is safe and can’t be tampered with?






































    • I love my technology, and computer errors seldom happen. What we call computer errors are computers doing exactly what humans programmed them to do.  When it comes to voting, I prefer paper.

  2. The Fourth Reich is winning its war on democracy. The corporate Congress, corporate Supreme Court and Corporate media are not on the side of the people.

  3. They did away with straight party voting in Illinois years ago to help republicans.     These jokers will stop at nothing.

  4. If computers are going to be used for voting, then all the states should be using the same type of machine and the same programme.  There should absolutely be no confusion as to what to do.  There are seniors and first timers;  there are educated and non educated; English speaking and non English speaking voters — all need to be able to easily use the machines.  If the machines are not easy to use, without any little ‘quirks’ in them, then the vote is in great danger of being wrong.  Not only that, but if it isn’t easy to cast a vote, then people just won’t get out to vote.

    Oh I get it now, that’s been the plan all along!  The seniors will find it too difficult to get out (even if it isn’t); the poor and uneducated or under educated will end up nullifying their votes, but that’s ok because they’re likely Democrats; and the non English speaking will be so afraid of the new immigration laws that are springing up, they, who would likely vote Democrat because of these Republican immigration laws, will stay home.  Republicans win every election and the people of the US, the 98%, are screwed again, and they didn’t even have fun.

    Now I know what SCOTUS stands for — Screwed Continually Obviously the Usual Standard.  Republican lackeys that should be independent!

    Man, am I glad I live in Canada with our little paper ballots; scrutineers from all the political parties at each polling station; polling clerks and ballot counters that are not government clerks as such.

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