Oct 042011

Yesterday I slept late, because I got to bed late.  I puttered most of the day, answered my email backlog, tested several smiley toolbars without finding one compatible with our graphic comment editing plugin, designed a smiley instruction page, and looked for cartoon graphics.  Then a good  friend, who has suffered some personal difficulties called, we talked for a long time, and that I missed my sleep doesn’t matter.  I’m current with replies. Tomorrow is paperwork day.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 3:14 (average 4:24).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Using Smileys:

I created a new page of instructions for using WordPress smileys today.  Look at the top of the left sidebar, right-click the link and open the page in a new tab.  It lists the different smileys and the keyboard shortcuts to insert them into a comment.  It is also a picture that you can download and print.

Short Takes:

From Boston Globe: Elizabeth Warren holds a commanding lead over her rivals for next year’s Democratic US Senate nomination and would be in a dead heat with Republican Scott Brown in the 2012 general election, according to a poll released last night.

Warren, a Harvard Law School professor who recently left the Obama administration, would get 36 percent of the vote among Democratic primary voters while none of her five opponents would get more than 5 percent, according to the UMass Lowell-Boston Herald Poll.

The poll of 1,000 registered voters reached randomly by landline and cell phone said Brown would lead Warren 41 percent to 38 percent, which is within the margin of error of plus or minus 3.8 percentage points.

She’s doing well, considering that she just entered the race, but not well enough for us to become complacent.

From Reuters: From the traditional "swing" states of Florida and Ohio to a typically Republican-leaning state like Arizona, Democrat Obama’s political supporters are opening offices, engaging voters and rallying volunteers to create a nationwide network, even in areas unfriendly to their candidate’s cause.

The strategy is similar to Obama’s successful 2008 campaign, but it is still unorthodox.

To win the White House, traditional presidential campaigns focus their attention on a handful of states that typically swing between Republican and Democratic candidates, working to earn at least 270 of the states’ 538 "electoral votes" that determine the ultimate winner.

I prefer the 50 state strategy that he is using.  Voters in non-swing states will not become engaged, if they believe their votes do not matter enough to warrant attention.  Turnout is critical for matters down the ballot other than the Presidential race.

From News Hounds: Fox Nation never wastes an opportunity to showcase what they feel are blacks behaving badly as it appeals to their racist readers who still hold to Jim Crow family values which feature the belief that blacks can’t control themselves. Good Christian Republican whites who transgress are not seen on Fox Nation which, I guess, believes that said transgressions are just good Christian man needs. One of the lede "culture" threads on today’s Fox Nation is a link [Murdoch delinked] to a TMZ article about a sex tape done by the deceased black rapper Tupac. Who cares? Tupac isn’t a political figure like Steve Stevlic, head of the Chicago Tea Party whom right wing radio host Mark Levin referred to as "terrific." Information has surfaced about last Steve Stevlic’s arrest, last year, for soliciting a prostitute. The charges were dropped after Stevlic agreed to go to a rehab program for "johns." As a result of the report, broken by Gawker, family values guy Stevlic didn’t show up at a big Illinois Tea Party conference which he helped organize.

On Faux Noise, peccadillos of a black rapper outweigh scandals of Republican hypocrites every time.




  8 Responses to “Open Thread–10/4/2011”

  1. 4:33 What do you mean, “Not so far out of reach”?  I didn’t even beat the average.  I am 89 out of 277 (321).

  2. SmileysHELP!!! see them but can’t use them.  Don’t know what I’m doing wrong.  Can you please walk this ‘old blonde broad’ through it.  TY TomCat.

    Elizabeth Warren — OK, that’s 61% in the primary.  What about the other 39% of the vote?   Are they spoiled ballots because the voters can’t read and/or make the wrong mark?  Or is this of ‘eligible voters’ as opposed to ‘voters’?

    “. . . would be in a dead heat with Republican Scott Brown . . .” yeh!  Scott Brown’s political career is dead!  I know, don’t get complacent.  There is a lot of hard stumping to be done and yet unknown Republican tactics to diffuse before the fat lady can sing, but I’m ready to sing. 

    Warren!  Warren!  Warren!  Warren!    Warren!   

    2012 Campaign — Go traditional concentrating on the swing states, or go unorthodox and go to all 50 states probably on a weighted basis as far as the dollars go?  I think I’d go the unorthodox route for several reasons.

    • if the jobs plan is to be a key piece which I believe it should be and will be, then the 50 state plan is prudent since people are hurting all over the country;
    • the Republicans have been obstructing Obama for the past 3 years and the people, even those who may not have voted for him previously, need to hear first hand what he is about as opposed to the Republican rhetoric that they have been fed to date so that they can make up their own minds rather than being sheeple (this is assuming they want to think and participate in their democracy);
    • the unorthodox might (and that is a big MIGHT) keep the Republicans off balance a bit and force them to go in a non traditional way making it easier to slip up (??).

    From Reuters:

    And the message the president has delivered has helped to energize his base with fiery rhetoric critical of Republicans — red meat for his supporters in any state.

    “His jobs speech felt very much like the old Obama, the guy we all fell in love with in 2008, and I’ve heard that from a lot of other Democrats,” Chadderdon said.

    Obama!  Obama!  Obama!  Obama!  Obama! 

    Faux Noise — So irrelevant!  But to be monitored for their lies.  Razzle, dazzle to a frazzle!  so no one knows what is going on.

    Cartoon — Gotta love the truth in it!

    • It’s not you, Lynn.  One of my attempts to install a smiley toolbar evidently deleted the smiley definitions.  I’ll fix ASAP.

      Other people support other candidates.  Several are running in the primary.Good reasoning!



  3. 5:36 (boat got stuck under the bridge)   Gaaaa!  I’m getting tired of those neocons being called “Johns” when they get caught.  Not all people called “John” have to pay for it.  (mad devil emoticon)

  4. 3:21

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