Sep 272011

Yesterday I spent paying bills, doing paperwork, cooking, cleaning and enjoying the cool weather.  I’m current on replies.  Today I have some major house work to do and preparation for volunteer work on Wednesday.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 3:18 (average 4:57).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From USA Today: After weeks of political brinkmanship in Congress, the threat of a partial government shutdown appeared to ease Monday with the disclosure that money to aid victims of natural disasters may last through the end of the budget year after all.

The revised estimate suggested there would be no interruption in assistance in areas battered by disasters such as Hurricane Irene and last summer’s tornados in Joplin, Mo., and also that lawmakers could act quickly on gridlocked legislation that is needed to keep the government running normally when the new budget year begins on Saturday.

The Senate passed the bill based on the revised estimate, and Teabaggers are crying in their Kool-Aid all over the country.

From Right Wing Watch: Judicial Watch founder Larry Klayman took to Renew America [Wing-nuts delinked] to demand Americans “take matters into our own hands and wage a Second American Revolution” against President Barack Obama, who he calls “our mullah in chief.” The conservative activist focuses on the bid to recognize Palestinian statehood in the United Nations to attack Obama and the “self-hating ultra-leftist Jews Obama surrounds himself with.”…

Here we have yet another example of Republican calls to violence, bigotry, racism and hate.

From me: Suzanne Bonamici is the first OR-1 special election Democratic candidate to air an ad.

I think Brad Avakian is more progressive, but would have no trouble supporting Susan, should she win the primary.




  10 Responses to “Open Thread–9/27/2011”

  1. 4:13

    Another government shut-down hanging over our heads? Yeah, tea-baggers> That’ll do a lot of good!

  2. 3:15  Close one!  I am 85 out of 270 (315).

  3. 4:16  ’bout forgot  Larry Klayman.  They need to put him on “nut watch”, too! Twisted

  4. Finally some aid for those people in natural disaster zones.  I think the straw that broke the camel’s back was Cantor whining about funds for his district for the earthquake there.

  5. Government Shutdown — Well, it seems that the 2 year olds can play nicely in the sand box even if for only a few seconds!  As Reid said, that takes care of things for this week but there are more fights ahead.  There should never be any kind of brinkmanship when so many people’s lives are affected by forces beyond their control.  So TomCat, as you said, the Teabaggers will be crying in their Kool Aid, but not for long.  And of course, since it has yet to go to the House but with no request for additional funds, I bet Cantor is going to be livid and look for anything he can.  I wonder if he wants some cheese to go with his whine?

    Judicial Watch/Larry Klaymann — What rock did this wing-nut come out from under?  I read his rant a couple of times and I don’t think he is sane — he seems to be all over the place.  And none of it has anything to do with reality, except maybe his own which is nowhere I want to go.  Is he really a Republican, or just a wing-nut with a lot of loose screws?

    Suzanne Bonamici — She talks a good talk but she doesn’t have the presence of Elizabeth Warren.  But then they are not running in the same race.  She sounds like a lawyer doing consumer advocacy work.


    This is your own personal rah rah team to help motivate voters because if they don’t get out and vote Democrat in 2012, the following 4 years will be pure hell.  Civil liberties will be eroded to the max and there will officially be 2 classes — the rich and the poor.  Maybe let them have one Republican in the House and one in the Senate.  A single hand cannot clap.  Oooo, I like the thoughts of that — one little Republican emasculated by his own impotence.

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