Sep 112011

The last thing I needed on the hottest day of the year was a power failure that knocked out my little AC and fans for over four hours during the heat of the day.  Needless to say, I’m wilted and non-functioning.  Back in a day, I hope.  Thanks.


  4 Responses to “Another Day Off–9/12/2011”

  1. Is it time to enlist Rick Perry to initiate a Prayer Vigil for cooler weather in Portland?  No – wait a minute … what am I thinking.  Given his total lack of success in bringing rain to drought-stricken Texas with his Tent Revival prayer meeting, it’d probably be better to ask Perry to pray for more HEAT – that way you’d have a decent chance for some cool weather.

    • Nameless, Perry did pray for Oregon’s cool rain to come to Texas.  But he prayed to Republican Supply-side Jesus, not the real Jesus.  Since Republican Supply-side Jesus is so much like Perry, he took Oregon’s cool rain and kept it.

  2. black_and_white.gif - (5K)

    Have a relaxing day TomCat!

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