Obama Goes to Cantor Country

 Posted by at 12:10 am  Politics
Sep 102011

Obama took his jobs plan on the road, and for his first stop, he chose the district of one of the Republican Party’s most hypocritical obstructionists, Eric Cantor (R-VA).  Cantor was one of the prime leaders in holding America hostage during the debt ceiling crisis they manufactured. That made Cantor’s district an ideal place to start.


The White House launched a full-court press Friday to rally public support behind President Barack Obama’s new jobs plan, dispatching the president to the backyard of one of his most obstructive Republican nemeses and flooding reporters with emails praising the plan from mayors, governors, lawmakers and union and business leaders across the country

…Fresh from urging Congress to "pass the bill" — a phrase he uttered 17 times in a 33-minute speech Thursday night — Obama pressed the crowd for help at a spirited college rally, saying he wanted them to call, email, tweet, fax, Facebook or "send a carrier pigeon" to members of Congress, urging them to back his $447 billion package.

"I want you to tell your congressperson, the time for gridlock and games is over," he told an enthusiastic crowd of 8,900 at the University of Richmond. "The time for action is now. The time to create jobs is now."

The University of Richmond sits squarely in the congressional district of one of his chief GOP sparring partners: House Majority Leader Eric Cantor. The Virginia Republican — who held his own jobs event later Friday in his district — struck a conciliatory tone Friday.

A few hours after Obama spoke, Cantor appeared at Titan America, a heavy building materials company in Richmond, and vowed cooperation — but also urged the president not to urge Congress to simply pass one big bill… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <McClatchy DC>

Considering that I could hear Republicans sneering derisively during the congressional address, Cantor would not have sounded conciliatory, if he were not afraid.  What Obama has done is presented Republicans a package they have no reason to oppose except one.  They refuse to pass anything that runs counter to the greed of the millionaires, billionaires, and corporate criminals that own the Republican Party.  When they oppose it, and they will, they will be exposing themselves before American voters.

Here’s a brief video outtake.

Next week he’ll be in Ohio, giving Boehner a reason to run up his bar tab.


  14 Responses to “Obama Goes to Cantor Country”

  1. “Will there be a joint news conference?”  WATCH  Cantor  go after Obama & the Secret Service will take him out! The ROAR of the crowd will be deafening at this debate round of the WWF (RAW?)…then the President will head to Boehners district for another match!  BE THERE!  BE THERE!  BE THERE!  Southern style, no holds barred!  PASS THE BILL!!!!

  2. Pass the DAMM BILL!

  3. Pass the Bill!  (And quit your damn whining, Eric.  How a sniveling brat like you got elected I’ll never know.  God, you are annoying.)

  4. pass the freakin bill already

  5. Yikes, the GOP exposing themselves to the American Public?  That’s a disturbing optic.  In seriousness, an accurate slogan for the GOP and it’s priorities is Party first.  That might not seem all that important when it comes to policies that are comparatively abstract.  But nothing is a more bread and butter issue than job creation when unemployment is at a crises level.  Try telling people who want to work that they should just wait until the crumbs trickle down from the sky.

  6. Why oh why would Cantor run for his district when I’m sure there were monied interests in Washington waiting for him?  Could it be that he isn’t entirely the dumb little worm that I thought he was.  I think this little worm was afraid of Obama’s effect on the people of his constituency.  I said in an earlier post about the Jobs speech that I saw some smoke in Mr Obama; I think Cantor found the flames.  And I’ll bet when he hits Boehner’s constituency, there will be the same type of reaction.  I can smell it now, Republican chuck roast on the barbeque!  I think I’ll become a vegetarian.

  7. Pass the Bill Cantor, you are either for America or against America.  There is NO in between.

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