Aug 302011

Between the GW Bush special and Cheney’s new book, America has been treated to more raw fertilizer, to be mild, than one might find in the nation’s largest stockyards.  Their lies are co transparent that disproving them is child’s play.  What they have to offer rarely intersects with the actual history that took place, as we can easily demonstrate, but the main stream media is failing to cover it accurately as the following reveals.

30bush…It [TV coverage of 9/11] starts now, Sunday night, with National Geographic’s exclusive, detailed, but not terribly illuminating “George W. Bush: The 9/11 Interview” — promoted by the channel as the only in-depth sit-down the former president is giving this time around. (It was taped months ago.)

Here Bush meticulously recounts his actions, his anger, his thoughts. The Florida classroom with its cheerfully regimented reading drills, the president’s Chief of Staff Andrew Card whispering in Bush’s ear; Air Force One’s frantic leap frog from one military base to the next as events dramatically unfolded in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania; the emotional speech the president delivered atop the World Trade Center’s rubble three days later, via bullhorn.

It’s the president’s opportunity to adjust a slightly askew picture frame. He sat through the classroom reading of the pet goat story because he didn’t want to alarm the children. He was madder than spit that the Secret Service wouldn’t let Air Force One return immediately to Washington. He never wanted to be a wartime president. He thinks that over time, Sept. 11 will eventually return to its former status as just another day. He is as helpful and lucid as an ex-president can be, but he seems to have little else to say. He doesn’t seem ready to go back — not yet, not fully…

Inserted from <Washington Post>

The Post completely ignores the many falsehoods Potomac Pinocchio perpetrates in his quest to rewrite history. To document them, Keith Olbermann discuss lies from both Bush and Cheney on Countdown, first with John Dean…

…and then with Markos Moulitsas.

The only thing they missed is that National Geographic Channel is a joint venture between the National Geographic Society and Newscorp, so Rupert Murdoch’s fingerprints are all over the Bush special.

Lawrence O’Donnell interviews Valerie Plame and Joe Wilson, about Cheney’s lies concerning them in two segments.

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And they continue.

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There can be no doubt, not only that Bush and Cheney are lying, but also that they are criminals.  Yesterday one of our readers (TWM) made the point that, if Colin Powell truly wants to rehabilitate himself, he should go public with all he knows about Bush, Cheney and their regime.  He is absolutely correct.


  14 Responses to “Revolting Republican Revisionists”

  1. It’s hard tl\o believe that a decade has past and the truth of 9/11 and it’s fiasco of subsequent policy and radical departure of adherence to international laws and nominative truth regarding the wars that followed has been accepted by the general public. The very idea that these two home grown terrorists that were the addministration at that time can actually speak about this event publically is an atrocity of American justice. That these people weren’t deported and tried for treason on multiple counts is hideous and repugnant.
    It would be laughable but for the 3,000 who died on that day, the racism that followed, the lies that to this day are being protected by the current administration and the countless 100’s of thousands innocent lives given up in futile imperialistic wars since – all because of these two infantile men with ruthless power, along with several others who managed to manipulate American minds and perpetrate some of the most ruthless schemes to their advantage, as well as to their profit!
    I have no idea at this point who to trust! At one time National Geographic was an honorable source of journalism where you could expect to learn the truth. I don’t know where to go any more for actual truth – following the money of TV broadcasting it is obvious that the box is primarily propagandistic – hopefully some of the newscasters that I admire: Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow for instance, have more factual accounts of news items, but with a short survey of sponsors, one would have to assume the entire “truth” must be tampered with to satisfy the corporate hounds that pay for their programming – Keith may be less influenced ultimately, but I’m beginning to wonder where the real journalism lies (figuratively and literally speaking)!

    • Lee, there are four TV commentators that I have never caught in a lie. Keith, Rachel, Lawrence and Ed.

    • I have always felt that there was more going on that never made it into the public domain. By playing on the tragedy of 9/11 and the loss of 3,000 innocent people, the administration was able to divert the attention the people and work them into a frenzy of retribution.

      I agree with your comments. Well said.

  2. There have been revisionists throughout our history. I read a book called “Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong” By James Loewen. Very informative. Why do they teach certain things in school and not others? Because it sets children up to stay in their place as adults. education is more about conformity than it is about preparing curious minds to think.

    • Blue, when I went to school they taught the national myths, but they also taught me how to think. Anymore, school curricula seem designed to teach what to think.

  3. Have you seen Cheney doing the circuit promoting his new book? He looks like death warmed over.
    I’ll give him this – he looks so unhealthy that he’s just about to produce one shovel-ready job … his own.

  4. OK, this brings out my Texas colloquialisms — this guy is a lying sack of shit.

    Lee (above) is exactly right — 9/11 actually pales in comparison to what the Bush administration wrought on the Middle East, as continued by the Obama administration. Gee, I just can’t understand why these people want to blow us the f&*^ up.

    Tom, excellent reportage. I can’t get Countdown — no cable. So I REALLY appreciate you posting clips on your site.

  5. Some may refer to them as revisionists. I just call them lying war criminals.

  6. When Cheney was asked by the interviewer “Don’t you think this will embarrass the President?” and Cheney says he did not set out to embarrass him or not. Only a person with a brain and conscience could be embarrassed and that does not describe Baby Bush.

    It is truly amazing that Baby Bush ever made it to the position of US President not just once, but twice! Oh what Republican money can buy! And not to see the tragedy in the deaths of 3,000 at the WTC — only concerned with how it will affect his presidency. What a self centred SOB. This is one time I wish the baby had been thrown out with the bath water.

    When you look at Baby Bush and Cheney, and then look at the current roster of Republican wanna be presidents, you really see that the apple does not fall far from the tree. None of them is concerned about the American people! They are only concerned with lining their own pockets and POWER!

    They may be trying to re-write history for their own benefit, but thinking people will know better. It is time that all people stand up for truth! It is time that all people stop being spoon fed and start thinking for themselves! Question, question, QUESTION!

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