Even though I live on the opposite coast, concern for my many online friends in the east has impelled me to keep a close eye on Irene. I could not have done so with any depth of understanding without the excellent information provided by the National Weather Service. Of course, that information is far more critical to those in the path of the storm. Since the service they provide is so valuable, it should come as no surprise that Republican Ministry of Propaganda, aka Fox, proposes doing away with the agency.
Say that louder because the hurricane winds are making a lot of noise. Fox News, of course [Faux Noise delinked].
While Americans ought to prepare for the coming storm, federal dollars need not subsidize their preparations. Although it might sound outrageous, the truth is that the National Hurricane Center and its parent agency, the National Weather Service, are relics from America’s past that have actually outlived their usefulness.
The National Weather Service (NWS) was founded in 1870. Originally, the NWS was not a public information agency. It was a national security agency and placed under the Department of War. The Service’s national security function has long since disappeared, but as agencies often do, however, it stuck around and managed to increase its budget.
… [emphasis added]
Inserted from <AMERICAblog>
I couldn’t keep from asking myself, why would anyone want to do away with something with a proven track record for making Americans more safe. Only one answer makes sense. Every penny government spends on saving American lives, is a penny Republicans can’t give to a billionaire.
13 Responses to “Fox Whacky about Weather Service”
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And where pray tell would the airlines etc get the reliable weather news they need when planning flights? Where would farmers get the information they need to plan planting, Wiarton Willy? or harvesting? Where would the Republican wives get the information they need when planning the best hair appointment and spa day? I suppose they could lick their fingers and stick them in the air to get an idea on wind and direction. Better not do that near the building housing the Congress — the hot air will throw them off and they’ll think it’s summer when it is really winter.
OMG, get that sheep off the carpet! It’s looking at Baby Bush and that’s enough to make the sheep puke.
Lynn, Faux Noise sheeple never puke, no matter how vile their infoganda. They listen, follow orders and shit all over America.
The fre market will see the need and start up a business that will compete with other start up business’ and those that create jobs will get an enslaved workforce of $9 an hour scientists (storm chasers will have to use their own cars and planes) and congress will then subsidize the one they have the most stock in. You know they got to keep that portfolio fat. And what would make you think these past 13 years that the Federal government gives a shit one way or the other what happens to them who have no home or place after say a wildfire, mudslide, tornado or other disaster, it’s only a disaster to the individual not the government.
Good point Mark. They want to sacrifice quality for profit.
privatize it! privatize everything – if we can’t afford it – we don’t need it – don’t make the government pay for it – we’ve got private armies all around the world conducting private missions – we’ve got private industry being over-regulated by government costing trillions of dollars – we’ve got private politicians who have the support of industry and lay out policy for “privatization” – you’d think everybody would love it! problem is – ask for privacy in the bedroom, privacy in the doctor’s office.
Lee, they only want small government for criminal corporations. They want HUGE government for their thought police.
It is almost like a soap opera– the insanity spewed forth by Faux news– mind boggling-
Amen to that, Phyllis.
That’s the the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard from the Repubs and they’ve said some pretty asinine things. I’m not going to say what Linda said, because she said it best.
Do you mean Lynn?
Who else but Faux would recommend dismantling the National Weather Service in the midst of a Hurricane? This makes it clear that among the things that Faux needs to add to their “To Do List” (e.g., Truthiness, Honesty, Fairness, Balance …) we can move to the Top of that List
SINAN (SoINeedAName) — kinda like Rick Perry denying climate change while his state burns up in the drought?
Let’s go back to 1900 is what they are saying.