Aug 272011

Like Diogenes of Sinope’s famous search for an honest man, today we face a similar dilemma.  Our search for a sane Republican candidate for President has been equally fruitless.  And, just when we thought one might be sane, Jon Huntsman has turned out to be just a pretender.  Like the rest, he would balance the budget on the backs of the poor and middle classes, making us pay more, so the super rich and criminal corporations can pay less.

27HuntsmanHatAs our friend Jed Lewinson pointed out over at the Daily Kos, GOP candidate and so-called "moderate" Jon Huntsman called for some "shared sacrifice" from the rich on the PBS Newshour this Thursday, but of course that "sacrifice" should not come in the form of a tax increase. I agree completely with this assessment of that statement by Huntsman during the interview:

Excuse me, but isn’t punting on that question pretty much the definition of hesitating? And how can you be taken seriously if you simultaneously rule out tax increases?

Sure, Huntsman talks a good game, and he’s great at delivering "adult in the room" soundbites, but when comes down to it, on the most important issues, he’s every bit as big a baby as every other Republican in the field.

During this interview he also promoted means testing Social Security which would turn it into a welfare program, which of course is just one step in getting rid of it altogether… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Crooks and Liars>

Here’s the video.

Now, in the polls only 1% of Republicans support Huntsman.  That must be the 1% who have figured out he’s not different from the rest.  Republicans do NOT represent YOU!


  4 Responses to “Just When We Thought One Might Be Sane”

  1. I wonder if any of them can give a straight yes or no answer to a question.

  2. they are ALL occupiers of OUR offices and buildings manipulating OUR laws, freedoms, liberties so they can GIVE OUR monies ( TAX DOLLARS) to their criminal corporate/bankster robber bosses! Their “people corporations”. Therefore, the ONLY answer is to TAX STRIKE and to ABOLISH IRS! They want to have slaves like always, same old, same old! They do NOT rep the American lifetime tax payers!

    • Welcome, Kimberly. πŸ™‚

      I agree with your assessment, but not your solution. Rather that refuse to pay taxes, we need to elect people who will spend our tax dollars on America’s needs, not on welfare for billionaires.

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