Bachmann Bull

 Posted by at 12:02 am  Politics
Aug 212011

In a slow news day we can always count on Michelle Bachmann to entertain us.  That she is a leader in the quest for the nomination speaks volumes about how weak the Republican field is.  Here’s yet another whopper for your enjoyment.

Bachmann_CakeAs noted earlier this week, Michele Bachmann may not be a doctor, but she certainly has an advanced degree in bullshit. Here she is on the campaign trail, trying to appease her teabagger base with some personal, revisionist history:

“We change the economy by changing the tax code. How many of you love the IRS? No! It’s time to change it. I went to work in that system because the first rule of war is ‘know your enemy.’ So I went to the inside to learn how they work because I wanted to beat them.”

But according to the biography [Batsh*t delinked] on her Congressional website:

Before holding elected office, Bachmann worked on hundreds of civil and criminal cases as a federal tax litigation attorney. Through her experience as a tax attorney, Bachmann came to understand firsthand the need to simplify the current tax code and reduce taxes on families and small businesses.

Inserted from <Daily Kos>

You’d think she would have learned by now that she can’t open her mouth without a fact checker showing up her outrageous lies.


  18 Responses to “Bachmann Bull”

  1. The fact this woman is an experienced IRS agent should scare people a little, shouldn’t it? 👿

  2. I can’t remember who first said it in history but to quote someone “That woman is an idiot!”

  3. The only thing positive I can say about Bachmann is that she’s damn entertaining … and not in a good way.

  4. What is really most scary ; she doesnt seem to know the difference between an outright lie and her fantasy–

  5. Maybe she has a PH.D. That’s paranoid-hysterical disassociation.

  6. Perry seems to have effectively neutralized her and that makes me nervous. He’s as slick as a blind used car salesman. He may be able to sell, but he can’t drive.

  7. If every time Bachmann, Perry or Romney said something stupid, I gave Barack Obama 20 bucks for his campaign I’d be broke by Halloween. Which would be appropriate as every day is “trick or treat” with the Republicans.

  8. Instead of Bachmann going after the small fish (working families, small businesses, etc.) why wasn’t she going over the fat cats instead – they are far more likely to cheat on their taxes.

    • Because she IS a fat cat. She inherited a family farm from her parents, her husband runs a psychology clinic that treats gays by promising that “through the Lord, you can be rid of your homosexuality”, which received $200,000 of our money, and she’s been in Congress long enough to have cashed in. Rachael Maddow had an interesting theory last week, that there are certain Republican candidates that just seem to be “building their brand” in order to become Fox News personalities, so they can cash in. Nice of her supporters to provide the seed money for her.

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