Aug 192011

Yesterday I went to the prison to do volunteer work with prisoners. The guys never cease to inspire me with their dedication and determination to change and turn their lives around.  One man in particular impressed me once again.  He spent three years on death row before his sentence was commuted to natural life over twenty years ago.  Since then, he has dedicated himself to helping other prisoners change so they do not spiral down to an end like his.  The down side is that I have missed my sleep and am thoroughly exhausted. I am not current on replies, and will catch them up when I can.  This will be today’s only article.  Tomorrow, I plan to lay low and recover.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 3:53 (average 5:02).  To do it, click here.

Short Takes:answer?

From The Rachel Maddow Show: Rachel covers Republican racism and other gaffes.

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Good Point.  How can Obama negotiate with Republicans when they refuse to take yes for an answer?

From The Last Word: More on Republican attempts to restore segregation in Wake County, NC.

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

See my article on this yesterday.

From The Ed Show: Ed discusses Rush’s racism.

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Bring on the hoods and sheets.

From Countdown: Keith covers Republican ignorance.

Welcome back to the 19th century!




  11 Responses to “Open Thread–8/19/2011”

  1. America! What a country! ~~ Yakov Smirnoff πŸ™„

  2. 3:54 I almost beat you this time.

    sometimes I wonder if these people are capable of coherent thinking.

  3. Two notes that might just have slipped below the “Big Story” radar:
    [1] Bachmann’s campaign staffer, Peter E. Waldron who is responsible for her campaign’s faith-based efforts, went to Uganda to work with Ugandan “pastor” Martin Ssempa – the one who sponsored the “Kill the Gays” Bill. No surprise that Michele thinks he’s doing a “Tremendous job … and look forward to having him expanding his efforts.”
    [2] And it looks like Warren “Tax-Us-Rich-Folks” Buffett knows what he’s talking about: “23 Polls Say People Support Higher Taxes to Reduce the Deficit”

  4. 3:59 I’m getting close, but not close enough. I am 71 out of 231 (307).

  5. Personally, I’m glad this is coming out of the closet. The lack of respect shown this President is stunning. Rep. Wilson shouting “You Lie” during Obama’s state of the union address; endless other examples of “dog whistle” innuendos which everyone understands are racial slurs couched in acceptable speech.

    In a very ironic juxtaposition, Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villagrosa appeared at a news conference yesterday announcing that LA was firing S&P for downgrading the city’s credit rating. There stands the Latino mayor of LA, backed by people of every color and nationality — in the second largest city in the country. This is what America looks like and what has right-wing Republicans scared to death. It’s over for rich white guys. And not a moment too soon.

  6. TC, would you email me when you get a minute, I need to ask a favor of you,

    Thanks, Sue

  7. The racial gaffes thing by Racquel was hilaious!

    The krotch brothers sticking in their money to break something that is working well – yep that sounds like them.

    Limpballs is comparing Obama to an Oreo – he’s seriously gone down the bend this time. πŸ™„

    I think Mittens and John Huntsman are trying to stay above the fray so that the others can out crazy themselves – they’re doing a pretty good job of it.

    Perfect pic of crazy Christine!

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