Aug 182011

Gone are the days when the billionaire financiers that created the Tea Party bussed well trained and well disciplined saboteurs from state to state to disrupt Democrats’ town hall meetings.  They have been replaced by individual activists with no outside financing and no schooling exactly what to say, speaking their minds in their own local communities against Republican attempts to destroy the middle class.  In this case, Fred Upton (R-MI) gets his comeuppance.

18UptonHatEarlier this week, Rep. Fred Upton (R-MI) — who was recently appointed to the powerful congressional super committee that will be tasked to design a special debt deal — held a town hall in Kalamazoo, Michigan where he discussed a variety of issues with his constituents.

The town hall, which was captured on YouTube, featured an angry audience that was upset that Upton was not addressing job creation. As Upton began to discuss the role Medicare plays in the nation’s debt, a man shouted, “Where is job creation on your chart?” After that, a woman stood up and asked Upton to “cut from the top,” not from middle class Americans who’ve already beared the brunt of effects from the recession.

The woman drew applause, and audience members began chanting in favor of creating jobs, urging the congressman to make it his priority. Watch it:


… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Think Progress>

Those people deserve huge kudos!


  11 Responses to “Why Republicans Hate Town Hall Meetings”

  1. They hate town hall meetings because they have no answers for the people.

    Did you notice that his handler or lackey was getting nervous. Probably thought it was going to be a mob scene. Tar & feathers, anyone?

  2. Ryan, Quayle and Cravaack are now *charging fees* to people who want to attend their public meetings this month!! Ranging from $10 to $35

  3. Give that woman a medal! And the Repubs are gonna have to run out and get more tin foil hats if they continue to spew this kind of shit to the American people. They’re not all as stupid as they look. 😉

  4. They really look shallow and ineffective when confronted by “real” people! Don’t they! 😈

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