Aug 172011

Yesterday I had a lot of paperwork to do in addition to preparation for Thursday.  It was hot here, and although it’s only 76° outside now, the temperature at my desk is still 92°, so I am behind in sleep.  I am current with replies.  Tomorrow, I have more paperwork and to do and I’ll be getting a haircut.  I put it off too long and am shaggy.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 3:58 (average 4:46).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Daily Kos: It will cost $15 to ask Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) a question in person during the August congressional recess.

The House Budget Committee chairman isn’t holding any face-to-face open-to-the-public town hall meetings during the recess, but like several of his colleagues he will speak only for residents willing to open their wallets.

If someone can get access to ask him how he can tickle his tonsils from the bottom with his tongue, and record his reply, I’ll happily pay the $15!

From Think Progress: Earlier this year, after Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice David Prosser’s razor-thin reelection victory led to a recount, Prosser hired an attorney named Jim Troupis to represent him in the recount proceedings. Now, less than three months after that recount ended, Troupis is set to argue a campaign finance case brought by various Tea Party groups before Prosser’s court, and Prosser’s former campaign director says that Justice Prosser will hear the case.

The conflict of interest here is so blatant that Prosser is thumbing his nose at judicial ethics.  I suppose we should expect that.  He’s a Republican.

From Huffington Post: Two years ago, a concerted effort by a corporate-funded Tea Party movement to get conservatives out to town hall meetings changed the dynamic in Washington on health care reform and paved the way for the eventual House GOP takeover in the 2010 elections. In two separate work periods this year, ordinary citizens, with absolutely no help or encouragement from an organized progressive movement, have made their voices heard at town hall meetings, in particular by harassing conservative lawmakers about their plans to end Medicare and put forward a balanced budget amendment, as well as their opposition to tax fairness.

Kudos to them.  They are the reason Ryan and his fellow cowards have gone into hiding from their constituents.




  13 Responses to “Open Thread–8/17/2011”

  1. Since little Paulie Ryan is actually an employee of “We, the people …” that must mean he thinks that YOU should be able to charge your Boss $15 whenever he wants to talk to you.
    (And Ryan is supposed to be the brightest economics bulb in the repubican chandelier? No wonder it’s so damn dark now.)

  2. Paul Ryan is a disgrace to the nation and if he thinks anyone will shell out $15 to ask him a question, he’s a bigger asshole than I thought. The arrogance of this douchebag never ceases to amaze me. 🙄

    And you would expect Prosser not to recuse himself in a case where there is a clear case of conflict of interest? Bah, who are you fooling?

    Good for them – participating in the American “let my voice be heard” campaign is good for the country.

    I see that Texas has no succeeded from the union – good riddance. 🙄

  3. 4:00 Ahhhh! Missed you by 2 seconds. I am 71 out of 229 (310).

    I used Chrome to solve the puzzle. It does feel a little more responsive than with Firefox and the pieces snap together quicker.

  4. Here’s something pretty neat – a ‘shooting star’ seen from ABOVE from the International Space Station during the recent Perseids meteor shower

  5. Here’s a disgusting story about Reichwing Christians who beat their adoptive daughter to death. They had no problem with using the ROD and not sparing it.

    These are the same type of people who support the Reichwing Republican Fascist Nazi’s who are running to be the next President and those who show up at town hall meetings carrying guns and threatening Second Amendment Remedies.

    What a bunch of sick F*cks they are.

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