Murdoch Caught in More Lies

 Posted by at 12:03 am  Politics
Aug 172011

While the telephone hacking case in the UK is not directly germane to the US, we may rationally suspect that what Murdoch has done there has been reflected in his so called news media here, namely the New York Post, the Wall Street Journal, and of course, the Republican Ministry of propaganda, aka Fox.  New revelations in the US confirm that Murdoch and son’s testimony before parliament was completely dishonest.

17goodmanRupert Murdoch, James Murdoch and their former editor Andy Coulson all face embarrassing new allegations of dishonesty and cover-up after the publication of an explosive letter written by the News of the World’s disgraced royal correspondent, Clive Goodman.

In the letter, which was written four years ago but published only on Tuesday, Goodman claims that phone hacking was "widely discussed" at editorial meetings at the paper until Coulson himself banned further references to it; that Coulson offered to let him keep his job if he agreed not to implicate the paper in hacking when he came to court; and that his own hacking was carried out with "the full knowledge and support" of other senior journalists, whom he named.

The claims are acutely troubling for the prime minister, David Cameron, who hired Coulson as his media adviser on the basis that he knew nothing about phone hacking. And they confront Rupert and James Murdoch with the humiliating prospect of being recalled to parliament to justify the evidence which they gave last month on the aftermath of Goodman’s allegations. In a separate letter, one of the Murdochs’ own law firms claim that parts of that evidence were variously "hard to credit", "self-serving" and "inaccurate and misleading".

Goodman’s claims also raise serious questions about Rupert Murdoch’s close friend and adviser, Les Hinton, who was sent a copy of the letter but failed to pass it to police and who then led a cast of senior Murdoch personnel in telling parliament that they believed Coulson knew nothing about the interception of the voicemail of public figures and that Goodman was the only journalist involved… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Common Dreams>

Note that Les Hinton is the man that Murdoch chose to head Dow Jones and the Wall Street Journal, which he did, until he resigned on July 15, in the wake of this scandal.

MSNBC News reported this story.

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I certainly hope that DOJ and the FBI are investigating this thoroughly, because Republicans in Congress will block any meaningful investigation of their propaganda machine.


  10 Responses to “Murdoch Caught in More Lies”

  1. Murdoch’s downfall is well overdue. For too long this man has been manipulating elected governments to forward his own unelected agenda.

  2. Both he and his news agencies are tools of the GOP. Nothing will be done save a slap on the wrist.

  3. I hope that justice is done here for both Murdoch and his son and including the other parties involved. If for nothing else, hacking that little girl’s cell phone giving her parents hope that she was alive. That was below the curb sliminess and they should pay for it. Do I think they did it, not for a minute. Murdoch and his cohorts are as slimy as they come. And I do hope that the DOJ and FBI are paying attention so he and his friends can reap the full measure of the law here too. 😑

  4. Unfortunately, due to the GOP, the Murdochs are completely above the law in the USA.

  5. Slimy pond scum , dressed up – is still slimy pond scum—-

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