Aug 162011

Republican candidate Rick Perry offers many political vulnerabilities to exploit, should he win the Republican nomination.  His desire to turn America into a Republican supply-side pseudo-Christian theocracy will not sit well with most voters.  Add to that his track record of supporting secession.  A Presidential aspirant, who would consider dropping out of the country, will be most difficult to wrap in the flag.  However, the biggest hazard he will face is his recently documented intent to destroy Social Security and Medicare.


Gov. Rick Perry (R-TX) has made it quite clear that he believes Social Security is an unconstitutionalPonzi scheme.” In his book Fed Up!, Perry writes that Social Security is “by far the best example” of a program “violently tossing aside any respect for our founding principles.” Today, at the Iowa State Fair, Perry responded to a question from Politico’s Ben Smith by saying that he thinks one of the ways to deal with his vehement objections to Social Security is to simply send the program to the states and let them figure out what to do with it…

…Watch it:


Perry has said before that he wants to give states the option of allowing workers to opt out of Social Security. “So the states will let people opt out of Social Security?” asked CNN’s Eliot Spitzer. “They should,” Perry replied. But as ThinkProgress’ Ian Millhiser has pointed out, making Social Security a state program is simply economically impossible

Inserted from <Think Progress>

There is a reason he seemed so noncommittal in that video. Doing what Republicans do best, he is lying. Like House Republicans, he intends to do away with Social Security and Medicare. Rachel Maddow examines the evidence and discusses it and more with Howard Dean.

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The solution for Social Security, which does not add a penny to the deficit, is to increase the income cap.  The solution for Medicare is to stop the upward spiral of health care costs in general, driven by ever increasing insurance industry profit.  The best way to accomplish that is with Medicare for all.

Should Perry get the nomination, the Republican spin machine will go into high gear, trying to prevent America from learning the truth about Perry.  The time to start educating people about this is now.


  10 Responses to “Perry Goes States Rights on Social Security”

  1. Rick Perry … the go-to candidate for Repubicans who thought Dubya was just a tad too cerebral.
    And don’t forget that if Perry had his way and Texas seceded, he would’ve needed a passport for his announcement in South Carolina and his campaigning in Iowa this past week!

    A couple of solid background pieces cutting Perry to shreds:
    Top 10 Things Texas Rick Perry Does NOT Want You To Know About Him
    14 Reasons Why Rick Perry Would Be A Really $hitty President

  2. Here’s my take on our current Republican agenda — turn the U.S. into Mexico. We’ll have one super-class of very rich, powerful people and everyone else will be peons. As Mel Brooks made famous – “It’s good to be king.”

    Using Perry’s logic, we would delegate our highways, armies, income tax to the states. Then we don’t have a country, but 50 separate states. There is a reason it’s called the United States.

    This is the guy that implied Obama doesn’t love America two days ago. Sounds like he loves Texas; America not so much.

    FYI, I lived in Texas for 40 years (I’m embarrassed to report); from age 19 to, you-do-the-math. One of the strongest reason I moved back to Calif. was just this sort of Rep. radicalism. Texas is an echo chamber. The Gov. and both houses of the legislature have been majority Republican since about 2002. Perry isn’t used to having anyone question or challenge him. Welcome to the big leagues.

    • Maybe Perry, like Mel, has designs on a lady in waiting. Our role in his regime would be the pot carried around the human chess game.

      Actually he does want to do away with income tax.

      See my new cartoon.

      My sympathies, but how could a 35 year old woman have lived there forty years. 😉

  3. I think it’s hilarious that Karl Rove is calling Parry (using Colbert’s spelling) and Bachmann extreme.

    We could all die laughing. If those two have their way, we’ll most certainly die before our time.

  4. I live only 100 miles from the Canadian border. TG

  5. I learned not to say never will this fool be elected– when Reagan won— so I do not say Perry- can’t be– but he has so much that tells us exactly what he will do- and where he stands– that we deserve hat will happen–
    I do not forget — many will vote for anybody who claims to be Christian– if he prays nice–

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