Wu Resigns: Election Set

 Posted by at 12:22 am  Politics
Aug 052011

David Wu, despite his recent improprieties, has been an excellent Representative.  With very few exceptions, he has consistently voted the way I wanted him to vote.  I am sorry that he had personal issues that made his behavior an unacceptable political liability.  Now that he has resigned officially, the stage is set for a primary in November and a special election in January to replace him in Oregon’s 1st district.

5WuWASHINGTON β€” U.S. Rep. David Wu, D-Ore., formally resigned from Congress Wednesday with a phone call to Gov. John Kitzhaber, capping a day of mounting speculation over when he would finally leave…

…Wu’s departure allows  Kitzhaber to start the timeline for a special election to replace him. The plan, according to spokesman Tim Raphael, is to call for a special primary election to coincide with an already scheduled election Nov. 8, as a way to save money. That would be followed by a special general election on Jan. 31.

"The governor is looking for an opportunity now to give the voters in the 1st Congressional District the most input possible in picking their replacement," Raphael said…

…His departure promises a no-holds battle for his replacement, and candidates from both parties are lining up. Tualatin businessman Rob Cornilles, the Republican who lost to Wu in 2010, has scheduled a news conference today to announce he’s going to run again. On the Democratic side, state Sen. Suzanne Bonamici, of Beaverton, also is expected to announce today that she’s in the race.

Already announced candidates include state Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian and state Rep. Brad Witt, of Clatskanie, both Democrats… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <The Oregonian>

On first instinct, I like Avakian, but I will need to so more investigation before making an endorsement.


  7 Responses to “Wu Resigns: Election Set”

  1. Alas some of the most intelligent of pols have used only half their brains – since the other half is tucked away in the zipper, only to appear at inappropriate mo’s! I never could understand why indiscretions put these guys in such jeopardy! What’s the big deal! Unless there’s hypocrisy involved – I haven’t followed Wu’s sex life that much to know whether he’s a hypocrite or not! In this political atmosphere what pol would admit to anything – unless he was smart and said he’s into everything in the first place! How can you even find a pol with a clean closet to run for office – and if it seems clean – you have to know he/she moved the skeletons to a storage warehouse!

  2. At this point in my life– having seen a lot of foolish males think with the wrong head– I tend to believe , unless it is criminal , so what ? How are they doing the job they are paid to do ?
    Unless they do it in the streets and scare the horses , what they do with their own equipment is first : None of my concern : And second ; boring as hell —

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