Aug 032011

Yesterday I reported on how the Koch Brothers are trying to scam voters.  Today their front group, AFP, actually admitted to sending the bogus ballots.  They have an excuse, of course, but if you believe it, I have a lovely bridge to sell you.  This is nothing short of Republicans criminally attempting to cheat voters out of their votes. it was revealed that conservative group Americans for Prosperity was sending Democratic voters in the Wisconsin recall elections absentee ballots with incorrect submission deadlines. While the recalls elections against Republican state senators are on Aug. 9, the mailings told Democratic voters in those six districts they could return their absentee ballots as late as Aug. 11.

Now, Americans for Prosperity claims this was simply a typo:

Matt Seaholm, state director of AFP, told No Quarter that the incorrect date was a typo and the letter was only sent to AFP members. However, two of the individuals filing complaints against AFP claim they aren’t members of the organization and are, in fact, identified as being "card-carrying Democrats"

Here is AFP’s explanation [Murdoch delinked] for how Democrats ended up receiving the mailing:

"No (mailing) list is perfect," Seaholm said.

Americans for Prosperity sure makes a lot of mistakes…

Inserted from <Daily Kos>


Thomas Roberts explains this Koch sucking and more Teabuggery.

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Republican tactics demonstrate that the place no value on integrity and have no honor.  They are unfit for public office and must be voted


  21 Responses to “Koch Group Admits to Sending Bogus Ballots”

  1. wow, talk about 19th-century shenanigans. You’d think they’d grow up at some point, but no.

  2. these aren’t 19th century tactics – they learned how valuable these shenanigans were after bush “the twig” stole office! This is what we’re facing – and I for one, am still in a snit from the “debt ceiling” shenanigans! this isn’t the country I was born in – it’s a suicidal – 3rd world nation – that frankly I want no part of! I have no choice – I’ll stop the evil where and how I can – aside from that – I would love to move to a different part of the world! I think it’s more painful to see your country gradually morph into a nation I personally can’t tolerate! I thought the Nixon years, or the McCarthy era were our worst nightmares – I was very wrong those were tame- it would certainly help if we got rid of mythics in the world – deism is dangerous stuff – destroys all involved and those of us who try to keep away!!! I bring that up, because it’s closer to 19th century crap! I’m not spending another 100 hrs to work for an election again – Obama is giving the twig and Carter a run for their money as being the worst pres yet!

  3. Two points:
    [1] In the interest of accuracy/fairness, AFP sent out absentee ballot APPLICATIONS – NOT the ballot itself.
    “The mailer is not an absentee ballot. Rather, it is an AFP form letter that looks like a normal absentee ballot application.”

    [2] As noted yesterday, a formal Complaint has been filed with the Wisconsin Government Accountability Board. While not as strongly worded as I’d like (and I doubt that it’s the last word), but at least the Wisconsin GAB acted quickly and sent out this notice:

    Beware of Unofficial Absentee Ballot Applications
    MADISON, WI – The Government Accountability Board has received several reports in recent weeks of unofficial absentee ballot applications potentially causing confusion among voters.

    Kevin Kennedy, Wisconsin’s chief election officer, said that while it is legal for groups and political parties to produce and distribute absentee ballot applications, voters who wish to vote absentee need not rely on them. “If you need or want to vote absentee, contact your municipal clerk directly and request a ballot,” Kennedy said.

    The G.A.B. has recently seen unofficial absentee ballot applications forms that contain errors, such as incorrect addresses and dates, Kennedy said. “There has been some confusion – intentional or unintentional – between the recall elections …

  4. They can’t win the fair way so they cheat – it’s been that way since I’ve been voting. But this is really low. Typo my ass!

  5. The same thing occurred in the same state just last month – election info distributed by mail with incorrect ballot dates. It was another rightwing group that time.

    And earlier this year in NJ – same thing.

    They just keep juggling under different conserva-groups to make the “oops! typo” excuse

  6. Republicans always claim to be for law and order and also to be the party of God. Yet they cater to the worst elements of our society, those who lie, cheat, steal, and even kill. The Koch brothers personnify the worst aspects of the modern GOP.

  7. El Toro PooPoo !!

  8. Lets not pretend this is something new. LBJ stuffed the ballot boxes in Texas. JFK was handing out cash for those who would vote for him. The list goes on and back to the Jefferson election. I heard of no improprieties in the Washington election, but I’ll bet there was.

  9. I can believe that it was a typo. I don’t believe that a proofreader would not catch it, however!

  10. The Kochs thing everybody is stupid and can be fooled that easily.

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