Aug 012011

Yesterday I tried to follow the quagmire, while doing some housework, getting some rest, and fighting off the heat.  I overslept, so these articles are a bit late today.  I’m up do date with comments.  Today will be quite busy with collecting the data needed to prepare tomorrow’s monthly report for July.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 4:07 (average 5:16).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From The Daily Mail: Donald Trump has said that he may now run for president after all despite ruling himself out of the race just a couple of months ago.

‘The Donald’ said he will reconsider becoming a candidate if the economy ‘continues to be bad’ and ‘if the Republicans pick the wrong candidate’.


From International Business Times: AT&T announced on Friday that it will throttle heavy users on its unlimited data plan starting October 1.

"We’re taking steps to manage exploding demand for mobile data," said the company in a statement.  The ultimate solution to the network capacity crunch, however, is "nothing short of completing the T-Mobile merger," stated AT&T.

What a load of bull.  They are throttling heavy users out of greed.  Completing the merger, which I oppose, will not increase the available bandwidth one iota, as T-Mobile’s current bandwidth is barely sufficient for their current customers.

From Reuters: The White House has one important tool in its arsenal to influence congressional talks over further deficit reduction measures in the coming months: the expiry of Bush-era tax cuts at the end of 2012.

After President Barack Obama presented the outlines of a deficit-cutting deal on Sunday, White House officials stressed that he would veto any attempt to extend the tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans beyond next year unless other measures to reform the U.S. tax code were agreed.

Obama was telling the truth as I sat in the audience in October, 2010 and he made the same promise then, but he gave in to GOP blackmail.  I can’t help but wonder what Republicans will take hostage in 2012.




  12 Responses to “Open Thread–8/1/2011”

  1. 6:04 😐

  2. Hostage in 2012…super fees on privatized Social Security and Medicare–no one on the left will have the stones to stand up for them who are dying anyway. The insurance industry is feeling left out now that the banks are going to be made comfortable again. We should stop all this nonsense of retirement anyway and once you hit 65 your social security is three drugs that euthanize you, but your family at least won’t be charged for them because you paid your entire working life for them. Hell maybe your family will pay for them because dispensing them would cut into the profit of the new kleptocracy.

  3. 5:03

    This country needs The Donald as much as we need the Koch-suckers.

  4. Personally, I’d welcome The Donald as a third-party candidate. He’d disproportionately draw votes from repubicans – and it’s going to be a damn tough job to keep Romney or Perry from being our next president (shudder)

    I thought we could all use a little pick-me up, but it’s slim-pickings out there. I had to look long and hard to find any even half-way good political news today:

    The Air Force … has withdrawn materials used in a training session that relied upon passages from the New and Old Testament and a quote from an ex-Nazi SS officer to teach missile officers about the morals and ethics of launching nuclear weapons.

    • Nameless, I fear that a third party candidate on the right would inspire one on the left as well.

      Removing the SS will infuriate Republicans.

  5. 5:15 Well done TomCat and Patty. Today I’m #3. At least I beat the average…barely! I am 70 out of 213 (329).

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